Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 181 - 181

Chapter 181 - 181: A Year of Preparations

Chapter 181: A Year of Preparations

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Were creatures killed by beings he controlled with his Spirit Spell counted as his?

Wang Ye quickly understood.

Although it was the Australian Tree Demon who did the deed, it was controlled by his willpower and ability.

He had obtained 45000 potential points for killing the Cosmic Giant Ape which was five levels higher!

This was good.

Wang Ye was very satisfied.

The potential points had come at the right time.

Moreover, it saved him the effort to find monsters in the ocean.

He could cultivate while controlling the Australian Tree Demon to hunt. At the same time, he could let the latter improve through its talent as a carnivore.

A great harvest.

“Do we still have the meat of the Giant Turtle, Ocean Crocodile, and Orochimaru?” Wang Ye asked.

“Yeah, they’ve been frozen.” Lin Yuewei glanced at the Australian Tree Demon and then looked at Wang Ye. “However, they have died for some time. Although their meat has been frozen, it might not taste that good…”

Why would they need it to taste good? He wasn’t looking for a girlfriend.

Wang Ye retorted in his heart.

“It’s alright. They’re all in the Capital Base City, right?” Wang Ye said.

“Yes.” Lin Yuewei looked at the Australian Tree Demon with her crescent-shaped eyes. “Isn’t it very difficult for plant life forms to break through to the cosmic level?”

“No, as long as we give it enough behemoth meat…” Wang Ye laughed. “It’ll be able to break through in about a year!”

They returned to the Capital Base City.

After sending the Australian Tree Demon to have a full meal, Wang Ye began to make the final preparations.

If he wanted to be a blacksmith, he had to be muscly enough.

The improvement of his strength was very important.

The first and second steps of the plan were currently more than 60% complete.

However, the third step which would occur after he entered the Moon Base was unknown. No one knew what would happen.

He guessed that there would be cosmic-level human warriors there.

After Xueling was taken away by the red light, she had been shackled and her ability had been sealed.

However, in the future, there will surely be no lack of experts that will break through to the cosmic level and trigger the red light mechanism.

If no cosmic-level humans held the fort, it was hard to guarantee that no accidents would occur in the Moon Base.

This was a huge threat to him now.

“Within a year, I have to break through to level 6 and become an advanced New

Star Lifeform. I must have combat strength that can crush the Sea King Merman!”

Wang Ye set a goal for himself.



The Blue Planet began to recover.

Without the threat of cosmic monsters, base cities were built like bamboo shoots after rain.

Having lost their leader, the demonic humans were long since done for.

The monsters in the wild still occupied the ocean, but the land had returned to the human camp.

Including the continent of Africa, Australia, and the originally uninhabited places, small base cities were established.

Huaxia was undoubtedly the strongest. They had the best biological technology, pharmaceutical research, and a large number of cosmic monster resources.

The three great Evolver organizations began to exert their strength and form a complete cultivation system for Evolvers.

Basic evolution techniques were popularized.

Countless ordinary people who had passed the age of cultivation began to strengthen their bodies.

Of course, evolution still had its risks, but that was gradually under control.

The wisdom of humans was endless, and their potential for development was immense.

Huaxia stood at the top of the world!

Large amounts of the Blue Blood Potion, Devil Potion, Great Snake Potion, and other body-strengthening potions were being developed, greatly increasing the probability of perfection genetic warriors breaking through.

The shackles and accumulation of the past few years ushered in a huge advancement.

Within half a year, two perfection genetic warriors had broken through!

Within a year, a total of five perfection genetic warriors were produced!

This didn’t include the New Star ability users.

Even though the number of ability users was much smaller than that of genetic warriors, they had the one-of-its-kind perfection awakening fruit, and each fruit could basically produce a New Star ability user.

As such, within a year, six New Star ability users had appeared!

Huaxia was growing rapidly after accumulating so many resources.

In addition, Song Shirui, Lin Yuewei, and Lin Hao had broken through early on. Now, Huaxia had a total of 15 perfection Evolvers. Their strength had improved drastically.

In comparison, the White Eagle Federation only produced two perfection Evolvers in the year, the Unicorn Alliance and the Giant Bear Empire each produced one, and the Lone Ranger faction produced two. Even in total, it was only half of Huaxia.

Huaxia’s strength gave it absolute dominance!

Wang Ye’s existence made the other Evolvers wary to act rashly.

Although the major forums were still debating who was stronger between

Wang Ye and Death God Nante, overall, Wang Ye was now the undisputed No. 1 on Blue Planet.

In the independent cultivation room, another round of cultivation ended.

Endless cosmic energy flowed through his body, and Wang Ye opened his interface.

Perfection level 6 genetic warrior, 55%. Level 6 New Star ability user, 81%.

“My body is about to be saturated with cosmic energy.”

Wang Ye could feel the difference in cultivation efficiency.

His path as a genetic warrior was limited by his human body’s conditions, and he was currently approaching the limit of the second threshold.

In contrast, his path as an ability user was unimpeded.

“My talent as an ability user might be stronger.” Wang Ye had to admit.

After activating his star core talent and possessing the jade carving light ball No.6, his talent as an ability user surpassed his talent as a perfection genetic warrior.

It didn’t affect him much though.

As long as he increased the stage of the New Star Evolution Technique, he would be able to cross the second threshold.

Light flashed.

[Killed a level 6 behemoth.]

[Potential points, 996,000 – 1,002,000.]

His potential points had broken through a million!

Within a year, the accumulation of potential points was astonishing.

The Australian Tree Demon’s hunting range was huge. After its strength increased, its branches grew crazily and its roots became stronger. It captured super monsters in the deep sea.

With Lin Hao’s help, they had swept through the largest areas in the past year, Peace Ocean and Asi Ocean, killing countless super monsters.

400? 500? 600?

Wang Ye lost count.

Compared to the super monsters on land, the super monsters in the ocean were more numerous and stronger.

“It’s finally about to break through.” Wang Ye’s heart moved as he sensed the Australian Tree Demon’s transformation.

It was very difficult for plant life forms to evolve.

Even with the Australian Tree Demon’s talent as a carnivore, it showed no signs of evolving even after devouring about 500 super monsters in a year, including the corpses of several cosmic monsters.

It was only now that it showed some signs.

“I’ve long been waiting.” Wang Ye flew out of the independent cultivation room.

Peace Ocean.

A luxuriant tree was flying at an astonishing speed. On it were the top three Huaxia experts.

The strongest person in Huaxia, Wang Ye.

Perfection level 5 genetic warrior, Lin Hao.

Level 4 New Star ability user, Lin Yuewei.

“Whoosh!” The Australian Tree Demon was like a pillar that pierced through the sky, fiercely stabbing into the ocean, and splashing water into the sky.

It was firm and unyielding as its branches went straight down.

Lightning energy suddenly appeared and attacked the Australian Tree Demon, but it was blocked by another electromagnetic force.

“I’ll beat you up this time!” Lin Hao was extremely brave and attacked the Conger Eel Demon that appeared, erupting with stage 3 combat energy. Wang Ye had trained the yellow whirlwind to be quite powerful this year.

Holding the Electric Snake Staff made of Orochimaru’s demon core, Lin Yuewei’s lightning attacks were not inferior. The Gravity Spell bound the other party while the Compression Spell was condensed before exploding. Her combat strength had increased tremendously!

But the strongest was still Wang Ye.

His two blades were unsheathed, and golden light shone brightly as they headed straight for the Sea King Merman.

Faster speed and stronger power!

Even though there was no improvement in other aspects, the elevation of his basic energy allowed Wang Ye to have stronger firepower and absolute strength.

His majestic ability was compressed, and the Strengthening and Explosive Spells were instantly unleashed!


Cosmic-level Sea King Merman? josei

He could still crush it!

In just a few moments, the Sea King Merman fled.

This inferior human was too strong!

It was currently no match at all.

Fortunately, it knew that it was not the inferior human’s target this time.

The other party’s target was the Conger Eel Demon!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Xiao Wei and her brother had the upper hand against the Conger Eel Demon.

Wang Ye watched from the side.

He was about to leave. Huaxia needed a new pillar.

Xiao Wei, who was skilled in both tactics and martial arts, and Lin Hao, who was as talented as Yao, were the best choices.

Although Lin Hao was a little unreliable, with Xiao Wei as his sister, it shouldn’t be a problem.

In the future, the two would be like Yao and Xueling, working together to protect Huaxia.

Compared to the beginning of the apocalypse, Huaxia was no longer the same.

There were no pauses. There would only be more perfection Evolvers.

Even if he failed, Huaxia would definitely be able to break out of this unsolvable situation in the future!

“Chi!” The Australian Tree Demon attacked.

It whipped the severely injured Conger Eel Demon, wrapped it up, and simply devoured it alive!

Although the Conger Eel Demon’s body was not as strong as that of a behemoth, it was already the best food for a breakthrough.

The cosmic-level Sea King Merman might be better, but it was a spare. Wang Ye didn’t want to mess with it unless he had no other choice.

It was enough!

A steady stream of energy surged within the Australian Tree Demon’s body as the Conger Eel Demon’s life force was quickly extinguished.

Light flashed before his eyes.

[Killed level 9 Conger Eel Demon.]

[Potential points, 1002000—>1029000.]

Wang Ye opened his interface.

[Do you want to spend 300,000 potential points to upgrade the New Star Evolution Technique?]


He entered the space of consciousness and deeply comprehended the New Star Evolution Technique.

A thousand times more time passed…

His comprehension became deeper and deeper, and he quickly grasped the truth behind the New Star Evolution Technique.


Stage 5 New Star Evolution Technique!

A huge amount of energy poured in, and his cells and cosmic energy merged perfectly. His strength base was instantly increased!

At the same time, his psyche shook, and his majestic ability expanded, opening up a new world.

An all-round breakthrough!

[Level 6 New Star ability user -> Level 7 New Star ability user.]

[Intermediate New Star Lifeform -»Advanced New Star Lifeform.]

His life level had increased!


An extremely important upgrade!

Wang Ye integrated into the world. His senses became stronger and he could obtain even more cosmic energy.

His body as a perfection genetic warrior became extremely thirsty, and its upper limit was greatly increased.

The ability capacity in his psyche had increased greatly, and the energy in his star core had become purer!

[Perfection level 6 genetic warrior -> Perfection level 7 genetic warrior.]

Double breakthrough!

His battle prowess instantly rose by a level.

Not long after, the Australian Tree Demon’s absorption also reached a peak. The shackles of the life boundary were broken and it completed its transformation in an instant!

After a year of accumulation, it finally succeeded in one fell swoop after absorbing the Conger Eel Demon.


Cosmic-level demon!

The tree core transformed and became sparkling and translucent. The trunk, branches, and roots of the Australian Tree Demon all welcomed a breakthrough.

Its ability had increased greatly!

The consciousness that was originally suppressed by Wang Ye had an opportunity after breaking through. Like a monkey that was suppressed by a mountain, it gradually began to try to break free.

Did it want to run?

Stop dreaming!

Wang Ye’s eyes turned cold.

Stage 4 Compression Spell!

Stage 4 Spirit Spell!

140,000 potential points were quickly consumed.

He had long predicted this possibility.

He would sever the Australian Tree Demon’s last hope of breaking free!

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