Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 218 - 218

Chapter 218 - 218: Supreme Human Academy’s Assessment

Chapter 218: Supreme Human Academy’s Assessment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiapu Planet, assessment point.

The assessment was hosted by the seven supreme factions in the human virtual cosmic.

Other than the Supreme Human Academy, the Cosmic No.i Academy was also here.

The two were in a competitive relationship. The former only recruited humans, while the latter recruited humans and their affiliated races.

In the beginning, the Supreme Human Academy had an absolute advantage.

However, 10,000 cosmic epochs ago, the Cosmic N0.1 Academy began to rise.

Now, not only were they equal, but the latter even had the potential to surpass the former.

The assessment point was densely packed as quite a number of humans came to take the assessment.

Most of the humans were at the New Star level, followed by the cosmic level, and there were also quite a few Dark Energy levels.

Some of them were like Wang Ye, who wanted to become a cosmic citizen.

Some others were like Xin Ran who wanted to realize their dreams.

Most of them wanted to use the Supreme Human Academy as a springboard to change their fate by studying!

Unfortunately, it was extremely difficult.

Even the department with the highest admission rate took in less than one in ten million. The lowest admission rate was not even one in ten billion.

The average admission rate of the Supreme Human Academy was less than one in a hundred million.

“The Cosmic Department’s admission rate is one in 30 million and the Military

Strategy Department’s admission rate is only one in 1.5 billion.” Wang Ye sighed.

Back then, he hadn’t thought too much about it and had chosen the Military Strategy Department in a daze.

There were too many cosmic humans!

Taking Xiapu Planet for example, there used to be hundreds of billions of natives.

Now, there were only a few billion natives left in captivity in a remote corner while the Chimeng family had moved in tens of billions of people from various territories.

In the Milky Way alone, there were over 100,000 5-star life planets like Xiapu Planet, as well as over 10 million 4-star life planets.

The entire Taishi Starfield had a diameter of no million light years and had millions of galaxies like the Milky Way.

Therefore, even if the admission rate of the Supreme Human Academy was less than one in a hundred million, the number of students was still astronomical.

“Good luck, you can do it!” Xin Ran held Wang Ye’s hand tightly, encouragement in her eyes.

Was she serious?

Wang Ye smiled bitterly.


The door closed.

In an instant, it was pitch black.

With a slight vibration, the room turned into grids, like a three-dimensional space in the cosmic.

An indescribable power descended, bringing everyone into the human virtual cosmic.

“How mysterious.” Wang Ye felt as if he had entered another dimension.

He looked at his hands and clenched them. It felt exactly the same as reality.

The Azure Mountain Virtual Cosmic was already very mystical, but the human virtual cosmic was even more so!

He could not even tell if this was reality or illusion. It was as if he had entered another dimension, a parallel cosmic.

“Military Strategy Department, Taishi Star Field, Assessment Room 1168854.”

[First assessment: Basic knowledge.]

A huge screen appeared in front of him. There was a countdown on it.

Questions appeared one after another, and he could answer them with his consciousness.

“1. How many races are there in the cosmic?”


” 2. The cosmic has eight great races. What are they?”

“The sky race, dark race, human race, demon race, devil race, cosmic beast race, divine tree race, and evil eye race.”

“3. What is the ranking of humanity’s overall strength among the eight great races?”


Wang Ye answered smoothly.

Next to the countdown, the score kept increasing.

These were the basics of the basics and each of them was only one point.

After this, there would be more difficult two-point questions, three-point questions, and finally ten-point questions.

The questions included all aspects of the cosmic and required a huge amount of knowledge to answer.

The 500 one-point questions were quickly answered.


165 points.” Wang Ye looked at the score.

It was not bad. He was quite satisfied.

After a short break, Wang Ye continued answering the questions.

For the 250 two-point questions, the difficulty had increased quite a bit.

He got 128 points out of the same total score of 500 points.

“293 points.” Wang Ye felt that he had outdone himself.

He did not study much basic knowledge because the questions were too many. He only spent some time watching videos.

Unfortunately, there were no multiple-choice questions. Otherwise, if he chose all C’s, he would be able to get a lot of correct answers.

100 three-point questions. The difficulty increased.

Wang Ye only got 27 points.

4-point questions, 5-point questions…

Wang Ye scratched his head in the virtual cosmic and thought hard.

After reaching 300 points, it was like climbing a steep hill. It was very difficult.

After the last ten ten-point questions were answered, his final score was 399 points.

“This score is not very good for someone with OCD.” Wang Ye let out a long sigh of relief.

It was much more than his estimated 250 points.

He naturally couldn’t compare to a top student like Xin Ran, but as a slacker, he had already tried his best.

[Rank: 32548748]

Wang Ye glanced at it.

The Supreme Human Academy was too impolite. What was the point of creating a real-time ranking?

One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand…

Eh, wasn’t he still mediocre? He was ranked more than 30 million.

If there were a billion examinees in the entire assessment hall, he would be in the top 4%.

The interface did not change but the countdown continued.

It seemed that he had to wait for everyone to finish the assessment before he started the next one.

Wang Ye didn’t have much to do either. He flipped through the previous questions and looked at the correct answers to broaden his horizons.

After a long time.

“Beep.” The countdown ended.

The first assessment officially ended.

Wang Ye looked at the real-time ranking. He had gone from 30 million to 90 million.

It was fine though, he felt no pressure at all.

“Swoosh!” The scene in front of him changed.

Wang Ye’s heart skipped a beat.

The space that had been like an assessment hall earlier had suddenly become a battlefield of intense killing.

In the video, humans, demons, and devils were in a chaotic battle. Human warriors charged forward one after another, and corpses littered the ground.

The image and sound were extremely infectious!

The screen in front of him changed.

“Second assessment: Tactical knowledge.”

It was also 2000 points, but the composition of the score was different from the basic knowledge assessment.

1000 points were related to the knowledge structure of the military camp, military strategies, battlefield, tactics, and so on. This was also the easiest part for every student who took the Military Strategy Department’s assessment.

Compared to the basic knowledge that was the size of the cosmic, even though these 1000 points were not much, they were relatively easy to obtain. The amount of knowledge would only be as much as a cosmic nation.

Of course, it was still boundless for Wang Ye.

That being said, having studied for three cosmic days, his gains were still not small.

415 points.” Wang Ye finished answering the questions.

The score on the screen made him very satisfied.

He had gotten a third of the total score.

“Total score: 814. Not bad. Keep up the good work.”

Wang Ye was very relaxed.

When the countdown ended, his ranking rose from 90 million to 70 million.

He was a slacker, but those ranked behind him were the slackers among slackers.

“The second half of the tactical knowledge assessment is a real experience.”

The screen in front of Wang Ye gradually disappeared. Then, as if a whirlpool had sucked him in, he was instantly transported to the battlefield he had just seen, becoming a normal cosmic-level soldier.

A very weak soldier.

Compared to his current strength, there was a huge difference.

However, the environment he was in was extremely real. It was like the real battlefield, the real military camp.

“One-tenth of the time flow.” Wang Ye had already read the general introduction.

Here, he would spend at most ten cosmic days in virtual time.

War was real and could break out at any time.

There was no script.

Everything was unknown, including the strength of the enemy and the strength of his comrades.

It was just like a VR version of an RPG game, where he played as one of the soldiers.

“Life in the military camp.” Wang Ye grimaced as he felt the intense pain in his body.

The soldier that he had become was already injured. He was injured in the battles that followed, but he was still fighting.

There was no standard for scoring.

It wasn’t like he could get full marks just by surviving 10 cosmic days.

Instead, it was based on the individual’s “quality” as a soldier.

It included whether he could get used to life in the military camp, whether he could get used to fighting, whether he was qualified to be a soldier, how he performed when facing devils and demons, how he was when he had the advantage, how he was in a stalemate, how he was when he was at a disadvantage, as well as all other kinds of true reactions.

Here, every action was observed, and every reaction was recorded. There was no need for perfection. Being true to oneself was the only way to get a high score.

“Let’s recuperate first.” Wang Ye didn’t plan on following the army to the battle the next day.

According to this soldier’s habits, he should continue to fight with injuries.

However, since he was going to do it the real way, Wang Ye might as well be himself.josei

After reporting to the sergeant and checking his injuries, the centurion was finally allowed to recuperate.

Wang Ye recuperated in the military camp, cultivating his evolution technique and polishing his combat skills.

Although this might not be of any help and would not help his strength much, just as the video said, it was fine as long as he was himself.

In five cosmic days, they experienced three consecutive battles.

Their troops were defeated and retreated.

Wang Ye dragged his injured body to participate in the final battle on the planet where the enemy soldiers came invading.

This was the first time he had experienced such a cruel battle. Cosmic-level soldiers were positioned at the front line, like cannon fodder. The endless stream of demon warriors drowned him.

There was no way to escape.

It was on a completely different level from the beast tides on Blue Planet.

The soldiers in front died and the soldiers at the back replaced them. The battles that concerned the planet’s survival were fought violently until the end.

Let alone cosmic-level warriors, even Dark Energy-level warriors died in large numbers.

A true cosmic-level war!


Waking up from the boundless battlefield, he felt as if it had all been a dream.

Was this the real military camp and the real battlefield?

Tieshan was a liar! Who said it was easy to survive in the military camp?

Of course, it was not a problem when one had the advantage. However, once one encountered a battle where both parties were evenly matched, or even in adversity…

What awaited was death!

He didn’t run though. Under such an atmosphere, he fought till the end.

How many demon warriors had he killed?

Wang Ye didn’t know. He didn’t even know how he died.

He might have died from exhaustion, from bleeding out, or he might have been killed by a Dark Energy-level demon expert…

It was too cruel and too real.

His previous decision was correct. Before they had enough strength, they shouldn’t go to the military camp.

The best policy was to achieve the goal steadily.

Wang Ye raised his head.

[Score: 478]

The score on the screen shocked him. He had thought that it would be very low, but unexpectedly, he got nearly half of the points.

This was unexpected.

He thought about it carefully. It should have something to do with his performance. Although he was not strong enough in the final battle and died early, he had never been a deserter or a coward. He still contributed his strength as cannon fodder.

“Second assessment, tactical knowledge: 893.”

[Total score: 1292]

[Rank: 8572809]

8.5 million!

It was the first time he had entered the top ten million.

Wang Ye’s eyes lit up.

Although the second assessment had not completely ended and his ranking would probably move down, a total score of 1292 for both categories had already far exceeded his expectations.

The next assessment would be individual combat ability, which he was best at!

Perhaps he could have some hope?

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