Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 93 - 93

Chapter 93 - 93: Just Ridiculous!

Chapter 93: Just Ridiculous!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio josei

Level 6 genetic warrior, 51%. Level 7 ability user, 3%.

Wang Ye opened his interface and looked at the changes after his life level evolved.

As expected, this time, his path of advancement as an ability user was smooth. After the breakthrough, it was no longer 0%.

In other words, the energy of the awakening fruit was not exhausted during the breakthrough. There had been some left.

The increase in his fitness as a genetic warrior was the result of the evolution of his life level and the natural perfection of his genes.

His physical fitness now exceeded 20000, which crossed the threshold of an intermediate Evolver.

[Do you want to spend 1000 potential points to raise the level of the Advanced Star Evolution Technique?]


In the space of consciousness, Wang Ye practiced the Advanced Star Evolution Technique and got increasingly proficient.

Time passed at godspeed in his consciousness, and his level increased very quickly.

[Advanced Star Evolution Technique, beginner —> practiced.]

Cosmic energy penetrated his body.

His body and psyche which had just finished evolving welcomed a second spurt of growth.

Level 6 genetic warrior, 66%. Level 7 ability user, 18%.

His next target was to become a level 7 genetic warrior.

With that, Wang Ye took out the advanced evolution fruit he had prepared earlier and absorbed it.

Massive amounts of energy flowed through his body, and his body rapidly improved. The effect would last for many days.

Once he absorbed all of it, it would not be a problem for him to break through to level 7.

Following this, Wang Ye entered Moon Web.

Three illusory mirrors that were flickering with light appeared in front of him.

All of them were now open to him! From left to right were the cultivation technique area, the training area, and the combat area.

Wang Ye didn’t enter immediately.

His gaze stopped on the three mirrors.

Moon Web was like three flights of stairs, allowing human Evolvers to climb step by step and increase their strength to defeat those invincible monsters, even cosmic monsters.

What would happen without Moon Web?

Humans might be reduced to food for monsters or demonic humans.

“The hope of mankind, huh…” Wang Ye fell into deep thought.

It was difficult to come to an accurate conclusion now. He knew too little.

No matter what, at least for now, Moon Web was humanity’s only hope.


Wang Ye entered the combat area.

In an instant, he found himself in an empty hall.

The white metal floor, the blue rippling walls, and the pillar of light in the middle were dazzling and eye-catching. Light particles were moving up and down, looking very technological.

“Crystal balls.” Wang Ye quickly noticed two crystal balls on the left and right of the light pillar.

He placed his hand on the red crystal ball on the left. Information instantly flowed into his mind, and he gained an immediate understanding of how to use the combat area.

Just like the training area, this was also a virtual world.

The difference was that the training area was to help with the cultivation of cultivation techniques, while the combat area was to improve one’s actual combat ability.

One could enter the monster world through the teleportation ladder where various monsters would be randomly generated.

The first floor held ten level 7 monsters and one level 8 monster.

As long as one could kill all 11 monsters without dying, one could enter the second floor, where there would be ten level 8 monsters and one level 9 monster.

The rules for entering the third floor were the same.

There was no punishment for death. The purpose of the combat area was to hone the Evolvers’ combat strength.

The third floor had ten level 9 monsters and one super monster. If one could kill all of them in one go, one could then enter the fourth floor and be ranked.

“The ranking is there.” Wang Ye walked to the crystal ball on the right and placed his hand on it.

In an instant, a screen appeared in front of him, and the rankings were displayed.

[1] I am the Death God

[2] Undying Phoenix Power

[3] Andre Loves Hard Liquor

[4] World’s Boxing Champion

[5] King Arthur

[6] Barbara the Great Beauty

[7] Gilbert

[8] Snow Snow Snow

[9] Samurai Hidden Black

[10] Your Brother Xia is the Strongest in the World

[18] Being Big Makes Up for All Ugliness

[19] The Old Sophomore

19 Evolvers!

Wang Ye looked at their names one by one.

The nicknames of the nine perfection-rank Evolvers could be considered normal, but starting from the shameless tenth place, the style gradually went astray.

All the people on the rankings were Evolvers who had at least entered the fourth floor.

One did not necessarily have to be a perfection-rank Evolver. As long as one was strong enough to kill the third floor’s ten level 9 monsters and one super monster all at once, one would be on the rankings.

“There are many strong people, all hidden talents.”

Those who could kill super monsters while only advanced Evolvers were all very strong.

Captain Xia, who was ranked first among those people, was even more talented.

Others might not know, but he knew that Captain Xia had just advanced to level 9.

Most of the advanced Evolvers ranked 11th to 19th had already reached their limit as advanced Evolvers.

“Out of the nine perfection-rank Evolvers, the highest ranking from Huxia is Xueling, who is ranked eighth. Moreover, she only rose one rank because God He died in battle.” Wang Ye sighed.

How much pressure did she have to endure?

At this time, she needed a strong shoulder to rest on the most!

“The difference is too great.” Wang Ye’s hand left the crystal ball.

Back during Huaxia’s peak, there was the high and mighty Yao who suppressed the Death God, who was called the thousand-year second place.

There was also God He, who had been through hundreds of battles, supported by the elemental-type ability user, Xue Ling.

Even an organization as strong as Demonic Awakening had been fearful.

In the Supreme Council of the Blue Planet Alliance, Huaxia had been very important.

Now, they would likely have to sit through a storm.

However, he believed that it would not be long before Huaxia returned to its peak!



East Camp, Evolution Camp headquarters.

The chief called for a weekly meeting, and the commanders of the four camps took their seats.

The five higher-ups of the Evolution Camp were responsible for all the decisions of the Evolution Camp.

“Any suggestions regarding Stone Ocean’s extermination?” The Chief’s gaze swept across the people present with a stern expression.

“My camp’s Windstorm Rescue Team has found traces of Stone Ocean demonic humans near Lu River. They suspect that Stone Ocean’s encampment is nearby, so I think we should continue searching,” The East Camp’s commander said in a deep voice.

“The West Camp has already discovered that, and evil demon Aice even showed up.” The South Camp’s commander shook his head. “It’s useless. Lu River spans across two provinces. The area is too large. Not only will a search be a waste of time, but it might also be a waste of effort.”

“We can’t wait for Stone Ocean’s demonic humans to show up before we act, right? This would make us too passive, and the losses will be huge.” The East Camp’s commander had a solemn expression. “Previously, Demonic Awakening raided Encampment No.8 outside the Northern Base City and slaughtered hundreds of Evolvers. Such a tragedy can’t happen again.”

” We can’t treat them all the same. Stone Ocean’s goal is different from Demonic Awakening’s. Moreover, the battle between God He and Demonic Awakening also has a considerable deterrent effect on the other demon dweller organizations.” The South Camp’s commander retorted.

Everyone had their opinions, but no one could convince the other.

“Since we can’t reach a consensus, then we’ll continue to act according to the original plan. The ace rescue teams of each camp will act independently and share information.” The Chief concluded.

“The next item on the agenda is the special approval for the West Camp’s Beyond Rescue Team,” The Chief said. “Do you have any objections to the departure of Xia Wuguang, replaced by Wang Ye who will enter the Beyond Rescue Team ahead of time?”

No objections. This is an internal matter of the West Camp,” The North Camp’s commander said.

The chief nodded and looked at the West Camp’s commander. “Wang Ye is indeed very outstanding. He has repeatedly made outstanding contributions. This time, he even caught a mole. His strategy is outstanding. However, he had just come out of the training camp less than two months ago. Won’t his strength be insufficient?”

The East Camp’s commander chirped in, “Old Xu, why force such a good seedling to grow so quickly? If anything happens to him, you’ll be heartbroken.”

“No, he’s strong enough.” The West Camp’s commander smiled. “You guys might not know this, but during the battle at Lu River, Wang Ye fought against four demonic humans from Stone Ocean alone, killing three level 7 blood demons and severely injuring the evil demon Aice. At that time, he was only a level 6 genetic warrior.”

The other three camps were envious.

This was another Xia Wuguang!

Did the West Camp play “Good Luck Comes” on a loop every day?

Otherwise, how could they have so many talents?!

Old Xu, listen to my advice and wait for a little while more,” The South Camp’s commander said seriously. “Huaxia needs talents. Such a good seedling must be cherished and nurtured. Take it slow. If he is attacked by the demonic humans… Bah, bah, bah, do you understand what I mean?”

“I understand.” The West Camp’s commander nodded. “However, we still have to follow his personal wishes, especially since he has already advanced to become an advanced Evolver. According to the rules of the Evolution Camp, I have no right to stop him from joining the ace rescue team.”

This time, not only were the three commanders stunned, but even the chief was stunned.

After a while, they finally came back to their senses.

“Did you say that Wang Ye is an advanced Evolver now?” The chief’s eyes were filled with shock as he hurriedly said. “Didn’t he just graduate two months ago? Today is February 26th, right?”

“That’s right. When I first received the news, I was also shocked.” The West Camp’s commander smiled at the three commanders whose faces were filled with envy. “I’ve already confirmed it. It’s true.”

Complete silence.

The other three commanders looked at each other in disbelief.

Back then, when Xia Wuguang became an intermediate Evolver in one month and an advanced Evolver in three months, thus breaking the record of the Evolution Camp, it was already shocking enough.

Now, there was an even more monstrous Wang Ye. He also became an intermediate Evolver in a month, but he was now an advanced Evolver in two months!

He was one month faster than Xia Wuguang!

This was simply ridiculous!

What kind of treasured land was the West Camp on?!

Evolver’s apartment.

Level 6 genetic warrior, 81%.

Wang Ye ended his cultivation on Moon Web.

He didn’t train his combat strength in the combat area since there was no need for that. What he lacked the least was actual combat experience.

Most importantly, with his current strength, he could not get into the rankings at all.

After successfully evolving yesterday, he reported to Chief Instructor Sun.

He had to do a routine test today.

After passing, his information recorded in the Huaxia Evolver Center would be updated and he would officially join the ace rescue team. He would then be able to enter the national treasury.

As for joining the Blue Planet Alliance, the efficiency was not that high, nor was it important.

Becoming an ace rescuer was much more important!

He could finally get a big house, located in any of the city centers!

He could even choose an off-road vehicle that was worth more than ten million!

Although he did not lack this bit of money now, being a freeloader just felt good.

Ace rescuers also had some special benefits, such as permanent free maintenance of combat suits, national funding, special channels in the Evolver market, 20% discounts on purchases, and many more.

To put it simply, an ace rescuer’s status could be described as a high-ranking official.

Just very comfortable!

Oh right, he almost forgot that he was now the captain of the elite rescue team


“Mm, I’ll go hang out in front of Xiao Wu later and hear how he calls me

Captain. It’s definitely not as pleasant to the ear as Xiao Hanhan’s..”

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