Arcana Mob

Chapter 55 Ch 55

Chapter 55 Ch 55 : Aurum's Adventure (4)

A few days later….

'There's a breeze inside this dungeon?'

Aurum raised his head.

After a few days of exploring, they finally reached the huge Colosseum. But for some reason, Aurum couldn't help but notice there's something strange here.

As soon as stepping inside, he sensed an ominous wind blowing in from the Colosseum.

He felt a chill run down his back. And at the same time, Aurum could somehow guess the identity of this mysterious wind.

'There shouldn't be a wind in a place like this, unless..'

This was a ripple caused by the huge concentration of mana from the boss.

But if this was to be the case, the boss of this Dungeon should be ranked (V) or higher, and it was far beyond what Aurum could handle right now.

Considering that this Dungeon was not far from the Royal Capital and also one that had not been conquered before, this must be an anomaly. But…

'The boss of such a dungeon….'

With such a boss, the reward must also not be small.

It was a lie if Aurum said he was not tempted to confirm the creature with his own two eyes now. And, if there was a chance….

Even though he was shuddering from the bone-chilling aura that managed to make his hair stand on end, Aurum couldn't help but smile.

Was this what they said about the adventurous life?

A life full of danger, but at the same time also a life with no boring days.

It was then.


A hand was placed on Aurum's shoulder.

"Eiii, Aurum.. I think we should go back. The boss.. it is far too strong for us."

Marie said directly to Aurum. Her eyes looked worried as she could also feel the gushing mana from the Colusseum.

The Colosseum was huge. The two were standing right in front of the door to the big Colusseum, but even so, they could already feel the terror that was spreading from the boss.

But Marie's words were obviously useless to Aurum who was already charmed by the beauty of the Dungeon.

" It's okay, Marie. I will just take a look. And if things got dangerous, I would immediately back off. For now, just wait for me here. I will return as fast as possible."

" Hey, wait!!!"

Marie tried to get ahold of Aurum's hand, but it was too late.

Before she knew it, Aurum had already opened the big door and entered, leaving her dumbfoundedly outside.

'Geez.. I know he really wanted to see what the boss looks like out of curiosity, but…'

Marie said, full of dissatisfaction. But clearly, her eyes were full of worries.

' Promise me to return safely, Aurum.'

. . . . . . .

Inside the Colosseum…

" I'm sorry Marie, but I just couldn't go back now."

Aurum scratched the side of his head as he had just entered the Colosseum and left Marie outside.

'Well, none of these guys would really matter if I just take a peek and leave, right?….'

So, he had no other choice but to continue going forward.


The deeper he went in, the greater the ripples of mana from the boss became.

Kriekkk-! Boom!

The door to the boss room finally opened.

The Colosseum's inside though was far from what Aurum had expected;. The interior was completely shrouded in darkness.

It was so dark that Aurum found it hard to see one inch in front of him. All he could see clearly was the ground beneath his feet.

The floor was covered in stone tiles.

As soon as he set foot on this floor….


Countless torches lining up the walls lit up all at once and illuminated the interior.

If it was in the game, the Boss music would have begun playing right now. But even without the Boss Music, the atmosphere was already eery enough.

'Calm down Aurum.. you can do it...'

Aurum continued to maintain his vigilance. He scanned his vicinity and cautiously stepped forward.

A few steps later, when Aurum felt he was halfway through the dark, fire-illuminated place, the door issued a loud bang and closed shut behind him.josei


Aurum glanced back. There was a trace of panic on his face.

'….It's okay.. there must be another way out.'

He didn't know why but he kind of got this really strong gut feeling that this place, it had something that really mattered to him, and he could not miss it.

His gut feelings on matters such as this one were on the money, most of the time.

It was then.

From the utter darkness, which had no fire illuminating it, a 'figure' walked out and stood right before him, blocking his path forward.

The 'thing' stopped its walk and turned around to face him.


Aurum swallowed his dry saliva.

His instinct screamed and told him to quickly get away.

This thing was not one that he could defeat right now. And one small mistake and he could find his life flying.

It was not in the game, so there was no name indicator of the enemy.

But if Cade was here, he would definitely know that this thing's name should be shrouded in red.

The way it was kitted out from head to toe in metal armor was similar to a knight in the medieval era. But it is jet black armor gave a fiendish feeling that seemed to appear out of the fantasy world.

Whatever the case may be, One thing is for sure, this thing was not human. That pair of red lights oozed out from where one's eyes should be. They felt so cold and uncaring, utterly mechanical and lifeless.

' Run.. I need to run..'

No longer wanting to be here, Aurum's first response was to leave this place.

Now he regretted why he came here. With his current strength, this would only be suicide.

But sometimes, what you get isn't always what you want.

​​Perhaps reading Aurum's mind, that thing made a rush towards him.

Tap, tap, tap, tap!

The speed it produced was so fast that he found it hard to believe it was wearing a suit of armor.

It closed the distance in the blink of an eye and leaped up into the air. Once flying, the thing raised his sword and aimed it toward Aurum's neck

'Too fast!!!!!'

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