Arcana Mob

Chapter 59 Ch 59

Chapter 59 Ch 59 : Aurum's Adventure (Last)

[ You have harshly wounded the boss. The second phase would start now.]

If it was in the game, there certainly would be a notification like this.

Aurum, in his brave mode, was currently surrounded by a group of monsters as that thing had finally felt that Aurum was a huge threat to him.

Nonetheless, even when being surrounded, Aurum didn't feel like he was cornered.

The brave mode was basically Aurum strength plus the Arcane Card strength multiplied by a few times.

With his increased strength from the brave mode, Aurum was easily killing monsters right and left while also accumulating a lot of Mana to Rank Up.

Still, he didn't grow complacent as he also knew he needed to finish things quickly before the brave mode ended.

'Bastard, get out of my way!'

That thing's agile movements were being hampered gradually due to the increasing number of wounds being inflicted on its body.


His sarcastic voice and laughter had long disappeared.

The boss had been dodging Marie's attack left and right before, but now, it was quite obviously running out of breath.

'Just a little bit more!'

Taking advantage of that thing being a bit restless, Aurum silently used Marie's technique to summon a clone and caught that thing off guard from behind.


When Aurum gave the signal, Mana began to surge through his body.

That thing also noticed there was something going on here, but Aurum's close was tightly holding him back.

"What are you tryin…..?"

Before he could finish, Aurum completed his technique, and an army of light arrows rained down on that thing's position.




For the first time ever, the boss spat out a sharp cry of pain.

Even when it was hit by Marie's attack before, it could still stand tall despite its tattered body. But now, that thing twisted its body around, and one of his arms fell off.

To make it even worse for him, his monster army was also obliterated by Aurum's attack, leaving only a few black blobs that were more resistant to attacks.


That thing's enraged, murderous eyes were now firmly fixed on Aurum.

"Kill.. I'll kill you!!"

Seeing this, Aurum couldn't help but admire the tenacity of that thing.

'Even with such a heavy wound, it can still exhibit that much strength!'

Unfortunately for it, its fate had been sealed since Aurum used his brave mode.

Waving his hand a few times, multiple bolts of light appeared surrounding Aurum.

'Light bolts!'

Just like what he did before, Aurum threw the light bolts at that thing. And even more, now it was fully targeted at that thing, not a wide area attack like the previous one.


The light bolts flew to their target in the blink of an eye.

Under such heavy attacks, that thing realized that it was difficult to dodge, so it used its own blade to deflect the light bolts.


The light bolts were just too much and too fast. And even if that thing was able to deflect some of them, he still could not survive the attack fully harmless.

And at the same time….

Aurum used this chance to close the distance to "that thing", and use a short-distance light bolt to stab that thing in the stomach.


"That thing"'s eyes widened considerably.


However, that thing was not an easy opponent. He ignored the damages that his body had received and still managed to grab Aurum's wrist even in the midst of all this. It was not that hard to see that thing's desire to not go down without a fight from its crazed eyes.

"Even if I go down, I will bring you with me!"

Just as that thing raised its swords above its head to stab at Aurum….

Aurum simply smirked. At the same time, a clone that had long been hiding appeared, and a huge light bolt was launched in the direction of that thing's face.


That thing crashed into the hard ground.

And at this time, a bright light came to envelop the whole Dungeon, with a voice that could be heard:

The Trial of The Brave has been cleared. Please claim your reward.

. . . . . . . .

At the same time, when Aurum was having a hard time in the Dungeon. Unknown to him, Luna actually invites Cade to her home.

Well, it's not like Luna was going to introduce Cade as her fiancee.

Still, if Aurum knew about this, Cade was sure that he would have heartbreak, especially if he knew that Eva was also going to be there with him.

Cade, as a man only needed one minute to get ready, quickly grabbed a taxi and headed off to the meeting point. A few people were already there, waiting for his arrival.

They were all Luna's father's employees tasked to pick up Cade here.

The man who looked like the group leader waved his hand at Cade.

"Heyyy! Over here."

It was a bearded man with a fairly big physique in a tuxedo. He smiled softly and walked closer while speaking to Cade.

"Are you Mister Cade?"

"That's correct."

"Well, it's a relief that you found the right place so quickly. I guess this is fate, so how about we greet each other before we get started?"

The bearded man briefly introduced the members of his team.josei

The eight of them, including himself, were all a team under Luna's father, the weakest among them were rank (IV), and the man himself had a mid-rank (V) Arcane Card.

'Not bad.. even though, from my viewpoint, they are rather weak, they are still a pretty solid line-up from a Human standpoint. However, I don't think the reason they are here is this simple.'

Grigory's voice appeared out of nowhere, warning Cade. He usually doesn't appear if there is nothing that could attract his attention.

For Grigory to say something like this, there must be something waiting for Cade after this.

Yet Cade looked pretty calm.

' I know.'

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