Arcana Mob

Chapter 65 Ch 65

Chapter 65 Ch 65 : Dungeon Boss

" Aren't you a bit too cruel?"

" Cruel? This is a necessary part of surviving."

Entering the Third floor, Elizabeth couldn't help but look back at the scene where Cade mercilessly threw the two other people to death.

No matter what, she was still a woman, and she was easily shaken by this. Unlike Cade, who was now a follower of Grigory-Sama's teaching.

Let's not say Ninety-nine percent and one percent. Those guys were obviously planning something shady, and Cade would definitely not give any mercy to anyone who planned to harm himself.josei

In the end, seeing Cade like this, Elizabeth could not say anything and just silently followed behind him as the two walked through the third floor.

"Let's hurry. We don't have time."

The two ran through the cave. Monsters were around every corner, but with Elizabeth here, it was easy to take care of them.

After running for about ten minutes taking care of ghouls, zombies, and ghosts, they finally arrived in front of a giant stone door.

" A giant stone door? Is it the Boss room?"

Elizabeth marveled, but Cade had no intention of answering her.

Because right now, his focus was completely on something else.

At first glance, the stone door seemed to be immovable, but strange symbols were written on the wall.

These symbols were an ancient language that only existed in Dungeons. And with the level of their modern technology, they still couldn't understand the meaning of these Dungeons runes.

But sometimes, there's no need to understand something to solve the problem.

Cade took out my smartwatch and began looking through the notes.

' Let's see the mountain Dungeon of Elizabeth…'

It can't be seen, can't be felt,

can't be heard, and can't be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills,

and empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

ends life and kills laughter.

What is it?

If everything were to follow the natural progression, after seeing these runes, the protagonist would return to Orion University, finding a lot of hints before returning with the answer in his hand.

However, Cade didn't have time to do so.

He scrolled down through the notes that he had quickly made after he realized he was transmigrated into a game that he had played before and found his answer.


Cade muttered the answer, and the stone wall reacted. The symbols on the wall glowed with blue light, then disappeared into particles of light.

Immediately afterward, a rumbling sound filled the space as the huge door was opened.

"Wait, you can read the ancient runes?"

Elizabeth was looking at Cade like he was not from this world.

How did he know that? Not only the knowledge about Arcane Card evolution. Now he is also well-versed in Ancient runes?

Unfortunately, her question would still need to be postponed a bit, as Cade also didn't know how to answer her.

"I'll tell you if I have the time later. For now, let's clear the Dungeon and get some sleep."

" ….. "

Entering the boss room, they were greeted with a huge, dark, and silent room.

In the middle of the room lay a throne made of stone. Sitting on this throne was a Lich, staring down at Cade and Elizabeth.

He was completely covered in a black cloak. His eyes oozed with boredom, as though he had only just woken up from his sleep.

However, the moment he saw Cade, the lich's eyes burned red. He met Cade's eyes and made a small smile.

" What is this? An intruder?"

A chilling sound resounded. Elizabeth's face was frozen in nervousness.

A monster capable of speaking human language signified that it was far from ordinary.

Even in reality, monsters of rank (VI) and above had intelligence on par with humans. Though of course, talking was still limited to humanoid monsters.

Cade though, was a bit better because he had known this from the game.

Yet the feeling that he got from this lich, for some reason, his hunch told him to run away as soon as possible.

But at this time, just when Cade took out his Arcane Card and was ready to summon his Spectre Dullahan, something happened.

' Kid, please swap with me for a moment.'

Grigory's voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Normally, Cade would refuse as he had learned his lesson the last time. Grigory's power needed to be paid, and it was not something that he could afford right now.

However, it was very rare to see Grigory this serious. And cade eventually decided to put his trust.

The Lich pulled out his scythe, and an unknown burst of aura surged within Cade.

' This, what other secrets is he hiding from me?'

Elizabeth was shocked. But the one who was more shocked was the lich.

" Who are you? You are not the one we are waiting for…No, this familiar scent.. what is it?"

" Haha.. long time no see. Elder Lich.. It is sad to see you ended up in a state like this."

Against anyone like Grigory, there should be no one who could stay sane after feeling his tremendous aura.

Yet the Lich, or what Grigory had just called Elder Lich, seemed to be pretty much unaffected.

" Elder Lich, what are you talking about? No.. rather… The prophecy told me about the chosen one.. Why..?"

The prophecy about the chosen one.

The Lich emphasized his last words.

Startled, Cade stared at Grigory. But Grigory just stood there with a sad smile that was rarely seen on his face.

" Old friend, I don't know how you ended up like this. But for someone like you to believe in superstition… *Sigh* As an old friend, the best I could do is to remove you from this suffering."

Grigory's words seem sad, and there's a trace of loneliness on it. But for some reason, Elder Lich's eyes suddenly turned red after he heard Grigory's words.

"A Superstition, you say?"

The Lich stared at Cade whose body now was controlled by Grigory, full of rage. A dark aura waved around his body that made his cloak swing around like mad.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for being merciless. A guy likes you… What would you understand!??"

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