Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 361 Isolate

Chapter 361 Isolate

Vale grasped the broken artifact, feeling a surge of energy entering his body.

Nevertheless, he didn't feel alarmed. He could tell that the energy was harmless.

"This is indeed an Immortal Item…" Vale muttered. It wasn't because he had an appraisal ability but because his system could recognize what he was trying to extract.

[ Immortal Fragment has been discovered. Would you like to extract it? ]

Of course, Vale didn't Extract the item…

Instead, he observed it carefully.

Though damaged, its essence still emanates a faint glow, hinting at the immense power it once held.

The artifact, or the Broken Immortal Item, was crafted from an ancient material that seems to be a fusion of metal and ethereal essence. Its surface was adorned with intricate engravings and symbols, weathered by time and wear. The markings, although faded, suggest a rich history and deep significance.

Again, he couldn't understand what was written on it. He probably needs to take another Ancient Language class to learn this.

Anyway, the Broken Immortal Item takes the form of a handheld object similar to a scepter or a ceremonial staff.

It was empty at its pinnacle, where a pristine gemstone might have once resided. It probably held a precious stone or crystal and might even be a source of higher Divinity Points.

The fractured nature of the artifact was evident, with visible cracks running through its structure. Yet, despite its damaged state, there was an undeniable air of resilience and latent power that surrounded it.

"What does it do?" Vale asked.

After all, he wasn't an expert in this. Using his Phantasm State, he could tell the broken staff had an orb of blue light inside. This could mean a lot of things, but it should be a power related to nature… which was quite weird since this is the Dark Soul Tower.

He expected this Immortal Item to be related to Darkness or something Evil.josei

The mysterious entity smiled at his question as it then started fading away. Nevertheless, before it completely disappeared, it still answered Vale's question.

"Cursed Growth… and… You can only take a single book on the shelf, so choose carefully."

"What?" Vale repeated as he looked at the disappearing figure of the entity. He thought that the entity would explain what Cursed Growth was… However, he was instead told to take one book in the shelves.

Their meeting was so short, and he couldn't even tell whether he should really follow their instruction and return here once he got stronger.

After all, he doesn't think that a complete Immortal Item could give him a significant boost in his strength. At most, he was looking forward to Extract a genuine Immortal Item.

'Alright… Let's not return here. I'll just get into trouble once I free him.' Vale thought to himself as he looked at the shelves.

He couldn't read a single book, so he simply used his Spirit Vision and found a random book that was emitting a strong Aura. Well, it must be something good, so he picked it up.

As he held it in his hands, he felt a faint but powerful surge of Ancient energy from within its pages. The book seemed to vibrate with a mysterious aura, as if it was happy being taken from its shelf.

"Interesting…" Vale muttered as he placed the Broken Immortal Item down and opened the book.

It revealed pages filled with intricate symbols and glyphs in the same Ancient Language he couldn't decipher. Yet, as he gazed upon the text, he felt an inexplicable connection, as if the book itself was trying to communicate with him.I think you should take a look at

'It's a pity… I can't understand you…' Vale closed the book and looked around.

His Phantasm State was already reaching its limit, so he wanted to go out as quickly as possible. He didn't feel comfortable, especially if the entity was still watching him.

Luckily, he found an exit leading to another floor. He wanted to leave this place even if he went to the higher floor.

As Vale prepared to escape this strange floor, the Mysterious Existence's voice echoed through the chamber.

"Remember, Vale, our fate is intertwined. The day will come when our paths converge once more."

With those enigmatic words lingering in the air, Vale passed through the door, which was actually an exit to the Tower!

Just like that, he arrived outside the Dark Soul Tower, carrying the broken Immortal Item and the Ancient Book!


As Vale stepped out of the Dark Soul Tower, the professors who were gathered outside couldn't help but be taken aback by his sudden appearance.

Their expressions shifted from anticipation to worry as they noticed the exhaustion on Vale's face and sensed something amiss.

Professor Gale Evans, with a concerned tone, approached Vale first. "Vale, my dear, what happened inside the Tower? We were worried about your safety. Please, tell us what transpired."

Vale, who felt really tired today, suddenly had some energy in him as he stepped back from the seductive Professor.


Vale was certainly surprised by their presence here!

'Were they waiting for me?' He thought.

Professor Mark, furrowing his brow, chimed in. "Indeed, Vale. We sensed a disturbance in the energy within the Tower. We were preparing to send some experts when you emerged. Are you alright? Did you encounter something inside?"

Vale wryly smiled at this question. After a moment of thought, he decided to tell them the truth…

In any case, he didn't want to free whatever that entity was.

He nodded at the Professor and began recounting his encounter with the enigmatic entity within the Tower. Of course, he excluded something they shouldn't know, like how it recognized that he defied death before.

The professors listened intently, their worry deepening with each word.

Professor Cyrus, his voice filled with trepidation, spoke next. "Vale, the Mysterious Existence is a powerful force that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Its true nature and intentions remain unknown. It's a good thing that you didn't make a promise with it."

Professor Stella nodded. "This Mysterious Existence has a way of affecting those who come into contact with it. We must ensure your well-being and monitor any changes or signs of its influence…"

The captain of the Fourth Squad, who had been observing the conversation, stepped forward with a stern expression. "Vale, as the captain of the Fourth Squad, it is my duty to protect the Academy from any potential threats. The emergence of the Mysterious Existence is a matter of great concern. We have to isolate and observe you for a while until we confirm you're not possessed."

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