Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 383 Path Recommendations

Chapter 383 Path Recommendations

Chapter 383 Path Recommendations

Months slipped away like grains of sand in an hourglass…

Maya Featherstar, a top student from Class 1, achieved remarkable success in her studies. Her natural talent, partnered with her relentless pursuit of knowledge, propelled her to the pinnacle of her class…

Perhaps, if it wasn't for Vale's monstrous performance over the past few months, she would always be the topic of the academy's publication for the third-year batch.

'This guy… He's really having the time of his life.' Maya commented as she read the newspaper while having her tea.

According to the news, Vale Chambers' relationship with Lisa Grayback deepened with each passing day. Maya wasn't sure, but Vale must've liked the cute commoner.

The newspaper was even written by his classmate, Emily Gainet, so the news was quite reliable. Emily had even noted how the two were always together, and it was observed keenly by their fellow classmates and Professors.

They radiated an undeniable intimacy that left others curious and intrigued.

Maya, annoyed by the content of the newspaper, crumpled it up and threw it away.

Meanwhile, hidden in the shadows, Chad Bulmung embarked on a covert quest.

Driven by an unyielding determination, he sought to complete the ritual of the Ghost King Body. He was treading a treacherous path fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he knew that this was his only chance to achieve better results and not lose out with his friends that are quickly improving.

Chad's solitary journey showcased his ambition and unwavering resolve as he delved into the darkness, hungering for power beyond the norm.

As for Aubrey Hall, she had also started training, honing her Spirit Strands. Only a few knew about her dedicated practice as she worked tirelessly to master her skills.

As seasons changed, several months flew by, bringing the students into the final month of their third year.

This crucial period marked the long-awaited recommendations from their respected professors concerning their future paths in the Dark Arts. Anticipation hung heavy in the air as they prepared to receive the guidance they needed.

Although all the students probably have a Dark Arts Branch in their mind that they'd want to join, they still like to hear the opinions of their Professors. After all, their recommendation would be based on their performance over the past three years. josei

The Professors wouldn't just tell them what Branch they were fitted to but also explain why they reached that conclusion.


Inside the confines of Class 2, an air of anticipation filled the room as the students anxiously awaited their fate. Professor Stella Harrison, the one entrusted with the task of delivering the long-awaited recommendations, stood before them.

"As you all know, our Dark Arts Path consists of five branches: the Rituals Branch, the Dark Alchemy Branch, the Dark Magic Branch, the Essential Corruption Branch, and the Necromancy Branch." Professor Harrison began, her voice carrying a hint of authority.

"Remember, the recommendation I'll provide today is not solely my decision but a collective agreement among the professors. While there are other factors at play, they need not be disclosed."

Understanding the gravity of the moment, the students responded in unison, their voices tinged with excitement and curiosity.

"We understand, Professor."

Professor Harrison nodded at this and continued, her gaze scanning the room before she announced the first name.

"Dalton Stranway, the unanimous recommendation from the professors is the Dark Magic Branch. Your academic performance is above average, your Power Strands are low, you rank within the top 8 in Spirit Strands, and your Life Strands are normal. Additionally, you have reached the peak stage of the Elementary Realm in Darkness Manipulation Spell. Lastly, according to the records you've reported, you still have four empty Spell Lights. If these records are accurate, the Dark Magic Branch is indeed the suitable path for you."

The revelation left the class stunned, as they were well aware of Dalton's inclination towards the Rituals Branch. Their gaze shifted towards him, a mixture of surprise and complexity in their eyes.

Sensing the class's reaction, Professor Harrison addressed their concerns. "Based on Dalton's previous activities involving Magic Circles, Spirit Communication, and Incantation Practices, it is advisable to reconsider the Rituals Branch."

Dalton could only nod in response, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts.

He was not ready to give up on his initial intention, but he would certainly take the Professor's words into careful consideration. After all, there were still a few weeks left before they had to finalize their selection of which Dark Arts Branch to pursue in their fourth year.

Next on the list was Leonore Roland, and the room held its breath as Professor Stella Harrison prepared to reveal her recommendation for the aspiring student.

"Leonore Roland, after careful consideration, the professors have unanimously agreed to recommend you to the Rituals Branch." Professor Harrison announced, her voice carrying a note of certainty.

"Your academic performance showcases commendable dedication, while your Power Strands are within the average range. In terms of Spirit Strands, you rank among the top 5 in the class, and your Life Strands exhibit promising potential. Furthermore, you have displayed remarkable progress in the Intermediate Realm of Spirit Communication."

The class listened intently, their eyes fixed on Leonore, who sat with a mixture of anticipation and hope.

Professor Harrison continued, providing additional insights. "Your involvement in various activities related to Magic Circles, Incantation Practices, and the study of ancient rituals has demonstrated your affinity for the Rituals Branch. Your meticulous attention to detail and your ability to connect with the mystical forces make this Branch an ideal fit for you."

As the weight of the Professor's words settled upon Leonore's shoulders, a sense of fulfillment and purpose washed over her. The Rituals Branch, a path she had long yearned for, now stood within reach.

Soon, Emily Gainet was recommended to the Essential Corruption Branch. It was then followed by Blair Etton and Warren Lawstein being recommended to the Necromancy Branch.

Professor Harrison, knowing that Warren is one of the top students, added.

"Remember, Warren, the final choice rests with you. Take this recommendation as a guiding light, but ultimately, it is your passion and determination that will shape your future."

Then, it was Lisa's turn.

She wanted to enter the Dark Alchemy Branch for Lesley's sake, so she could only hope that the professors would also think that it would be a good choice for her.

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