Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 438 Petrified

Chapter 438 Petrified

"As expected… They probably used an Ancient Formation Technique to create that. I can't find any traces of it." Headmaster Jean answered with a sigh.

"Can we do something about it? I don't think I have to tell you this, but that's cheating, Headmaster." Vale added.

"Unfortunately, Professor Evans isn't here, so we can't find any evidence about this Formation Art. The fifth-year students used their Dark Spells in the same stage yesterday, so we can tell that they can freely activate and reactivate this Formation Arts. It will be difficult to prove unless we find the nodes they used."

"Oh… You're not a Formation Art Expert, Headmaster? That's interesting…" Vale replied as he found this information quite valuable. "Ahem, if that's the case, what are we going to do about it?" He continued…

"I'm afraid that they might try to cause trouble and prohibit you from participating in the Tower Ascension if you make a scene. They wanted the Third Princess to reach the highest floor, and you've shown too much threat to her plan." Headmaster Jean gravely said.

"What? They were thinking of that?!" Vale exclaimed in shock.

"That's what my Shadow Soldiers heard… However, Odessa doesn't seem to be part of their plan, so I'm still thinking of consulting this matter with her." Jean said…

Vale raised his brows after hearing this as he couldn't help but glance at the Royal Mage.

"Be careful, Headmaster… She might be part of this as well."

"I know… Just try finding the nodes on the stage. I can't investigate it since there were too many people watching."

Vale could only nod at this, but it might be part of their plan to try and prohibit him from participating in the Tower Ascension.

After all, if he finds the Formation Nodes and they try removing them, he might be accused of destroying the Barrier Formation Art that protects the audience from stray Spells of the contestants.

If they could use the Formation Arts so stealthily, they should be capable of disguising these Formation Arts as well.

Vale sighed as he realized that his duels had suddenly become complicated.

'If they really wanted to accuse me of something to get disqualified, then this would be difficult… Tsk…'

Vale couldn't help but look at the Third Princess with a cold gaze.


"Mhmm?" Ceres noticed a piercing gaze cast on her, so she quickly shifted her attention to the source… She noticed the elite student of the Vermont Academy staring at her, and she couldn't help but feel disrespected.

As the Third Princess of the country, she certainly didn't like being stared at like that.

However, she was about to fight in the duel, so she had to focus…

Her eyes fixed on her opponent, Anya Hao, from the rival Dorelts Academy of Mystic Arts.

She was actually quite surprised that her opponent was not Serena, who won third place in the Spectacles of Talent. Serena left a deep impression on her, and indeed, even the others were surprised by Anya's participation.

Nevertheless, they all know not to underestimate someone from the Mystic Arts Academy.

The air was filled with excitement as the battle was about to commence.

"You may now begin!" The referee shouted to signal the start of the duel.I think you should take a look at

Taking a deep breath, Ceres summoned the power of the Radiance Spell, casting a brilliant beam of light towards Anya.

She didn't waste her time!

The intense energy surged forward, seeking to blind and overwhelm Anya.

However, the latter swiftly countered with a huge Mystic Hand! This illusory hand deflected the radiant attack.

Ceres was undeterred by her failure to end the battle quickly as she swiftly followed up with the Magic Immunity Spell, enveloping herself in a shimmering barrier that rendered her impervious to Anya's Mystic Spells.

Aside from the Exorcism Spell and Healing Spell, the Holy Arts was quite famous for this Magic Immunity Spell.

For the next 30 seconds, Ceres was shielded from Spells, allowing her to launch a relentless assault.

Ceres felt more confident with this active Spell as she unleashed the Holy Smite Spell, channeling holy energy into a concentrated blast.

The Spell erupted towards Anya, aimed at disorienting her and disrupting her ability to cast spells.

Anya, sensing the danger, swiftly employed the Revitalize Spell, empowering herself and weakening the effects of Ceres' attack.

'So a Holy Smite is only this weak since I'm not evil…' Anya thought to herself as she looked at the third princess carefully.

"I'm not yet done… Come at me…" Ceres shouted as she noticed that Anya seemed to be taking her time to analyze her attacks.

Since a direct assault might not be enough, Ceres decided to use her strategic advantage. With a swift incantation, she activated the Spell Reflection, creating a protective shield that would bounce back Anya's spells.

This Spell Reflection wasn't part of the Academy's exclusive spells. As a matter of fact, it wasn't being taught in the Academy. It was a Neutral Spell, but it could use any type of Arcane Energy, like Holy Energy, to activate. In a way, as long as she uses her Holy Energy to activate it, it could be considered a Holy Art and doesn't break any rules.

The battlefield seemed to shift as Ceres anticipated Anya's next move.

Anya, unaware of Ceres' defensive maneuver, prepared to unleash her most potent Spell, the Petrification. It was one of her Academy-Exclusive Spell!


Without hesitation, she released the Spell as she planned to change her strategy depending on how Ceres would respond. After all, she could only cast this Petrification Spell thrice a day, so she had to consider whether she had to save her other chances and use them for her next duels.josei


However, as she cast the Spell, her attack rebounded after hitting Ceres' body!

Anya didn't have the time to react, turning her into stone!

The audience was silent as the battle that was seemingly reaching the climax ended abruptly.

"Oh... So the Holy Arts can actually reflect Spells?" Vale muttered in interest.

The battle came to a dramatic close as Anya remained frozen in petrified form.

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