Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 458 Vale's Tower Ascension ( 2 )

Chapter 458 Vale's Tower Ascension ( 2 )

The first Mystical Item that caught Vale's attention was a small, intricately crafted amulet.

It was the Amulet of Swift Steps…

As he held it in his hands, he could feel a faint surge of energy emanating from within. This amulet had the power to enhance his speed and agility, allowing him to move swiftly and gracefully in a short period of time. He could only use it three times a day and had to store it in a cold temperature once a week to ensure that its quality would not weaken.

'Not that bad…'

This time, Vale decided not to keep this item inside his shadow and wore it.

With the Amulet of Swift Steps adorning his neck, Vale knew his speed had become even more exaggerated. Nevertheless, he didn't mind it at all.

'I hope there's a mirror around…' Vale randomly thought as he patted the amulet on his chest.

Anyway, he took his time to check the other items as he might need them on the higher floors.

The second item, the Crystal of Elemental Shield, was quite an enchanting item. It was a shimmering crystal, transparent yet radiating an ethereal glow. Aside from it being usable only twice a day, it was also an item that could not be repaired if damaged. It was quite fragile for a defensive item.

It possessed the ability to create a protective barrier, granting Vale enhanced defense against various forms of elemental attacks. It was unfortunate that it could only protect him from Elemental Attacks, but it was a good addition to his defenses.

With the Crystal of Elemental Shield in his coat's inner pocket, Vale felt a newfound sense of security.

The third Mystical Item was an orb that pulsated with a weak blue light.

The Orb of Arcane Insight was a powerful tool that would unlock the depths of arcane spells and mysticisms.

By harnessing the Orb's energy, Vale would gain heightened intuition and a deeper understanding of the ancient spells and enchantments he would encounter. It would also enable him to decipher cryptic inscriptions, unravel complex puzzles, and tap into hidden sources of mystical power. With this invaluable tool at his disposal, Vale knew that he would be able to navigate any traps or trapping formations with ease.

Unfortunately, the Orb has limited energy. As soon as it was consumed, he would have no way of replenishing it. At the very least, it doesn't have any negative effects on its users.

Upon feeling a sense of satisfaction with the mystical items he had obtained, Vale continued his ascent to the fourth floor of the Ascension Tower.

However, what awaited him on this floor turned out to be quite unexpected.

"What kind of test is this?" Vale muttered.

Unlike the challenges that tested his speed, strength, and arcane abilities, the fourth floor presented him with a different kind of trial — a test of knowledge.

As Vale entered the fourth floor, he was greeted by the sight of a broken Ritual Magic Circle sprawled across the floor.

He spread out his Magic Zone only to discover that no other living beings were inside…

It became apparent to him that in order to progress to the fifth floor, he would need to complete this ritual or the magic circle.josei

He surveyed the scattered materials strewn about the room, noticing candles, oil, incense, and various other objects that held the potential to aid him in completing the magic circle.

Whether they are all needed, he wasn't aware of it yet.

Fortunately, Vale had always been diligent in his studies, particularly in the realm of magic circles. In his second year, he had achieved a decent grade in Magic Circle Fundamentals.

In the following year, he had even ranked second in the Advanced Magic Circle Class, surpassed only by the exceptional Lisa Grayback. Moreover, the current year's Ancient Magic Circle Class had proven to be relatively easy for him as well.

Armed with this knowledge and experience, Vale felt prepared to tackle the challenge before him.

"Let's see..." Vale muttered to himself as he knelt down to analyze the intricate details of the broken magic circle.

His eyes carefully scanned each line, curve, and symbol etched into the floor. He noted the position of the half circle made of silver powder, as well as the placement of the candles, oil, incense, and other objects that surrounded it.

Vale's mind raced as he recalled the principles and theories he had learned throughout his magical education… but he couldn't solve it.

Vale scratched his head as he decided to just use the Orb of Arcane Insight that he obtained a while ago. Anyway, this item was meant to be used.

As soon as he poured his energy into it, the Orb pulsated with bright blue light, and his eyes also started to glow.

Then, he began to piece together the puzzle, mentally filling in the missing lines and symbols, envisioning how the magic circle was meant to be completed.

He assessed the purpose and intent behind each element of the ritual, considering how they would combine to create the desired effect.

'Mhmm… This Orb is too good…' Vale thought to himself as he continued analyzing the Magic Circle.

The Orb, together with his analytical mind and deep understanding of magic circles, allowed him to approach the task with confidence and precision.

As he continued to delve into the intricacies of the broken magic circle, Vale's confidence grew.

 After carefully analyzing the arrangement of the scattered materials, he felt a surge of certainty that he could solve the problem at hand.

"Let's begin..." Vale whispered to himself, ready to take action. With a steady hand and a focused mind, he began the process of completing the magic circle.

The silver powder was meticulously placed, connecting the fragmented lines and restoring the circle's integrity. The candles were positioned in their designated spots, their flickering flames casting an enchanting glow. The incense was carefully ignited, releasing fragrant wisps of smoke into the air.

With the physical components in place, Vale knew that the final piece of the puzzle lay in the incantation.

'But how would I know the incantation?' Vale thought to himself.

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