Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 484 Vessel’s Possession

Chapter 484 Vessel’s Possession

Chapter 484 Vessel's Possession

As the two squad leaders arrived at the gates of Vermont Academy, their eyes widened in astonishment and concern.

Before them, a group of floating Arcanists hovered ominously in the air, their numbers reaching a staggering three hundred or even more. The sight was deeply unsettling as the squad leaders realized the magnitude of the threat they faced.

But the danger extended far beyond the academy grounds. Casting their gaze toward the town and the dockyard, the squad leaders were met with a horrifying sight. The enemy forces had launched a coordinated attack, with over a thousand adversaries converging upon the vulnerable areas.

The town nearby was already on fire. The dockyard was also under attack and was currently being defended by another squad of the Order of the Evanescent Vessels. The steel factories and other buildings outside the Academy were also being broken down by the enemies. josei

The sheer scale of the assault stunned them for a moment as they comprehended the severity of the situation.

Yet, despite the overwhelming odds and the looming chaos, the two squad leaders didn't lose their hope.

Instead of succumbing to fear, they started to analyze the situation calmly and even wondered how it happened so fast.

They were a bit confused by the situation.

How had the enemy managed to infiltrate so stealthily? Their arrival had gone completely undetected by the Academy's alarms, Order's scouts, the scattered ghosts, and other guards stationed outside.

They couldn't help but think that there was a traitor that allowed them to bypass through their defenses. However, that was very unlikely, considering how they implemented their security after the recent attacks of the Secret Organization, including the Thunder Emperor's attempt to cause trouble.

Nevertheless, it wasn't the time to think about how they got here. They immediately realized the Arcane Paths of the Arcanists who were trying to break their barrier.

They were Holy Arts Practitioners, Mystic Arts Practitioners, and Combat Arts Practitioners, who were all equipped with the new Rune Arts that were meant to deal with Dark Magic!

A sense of foreboding settled upon the squad leaders as they exchanged a knowing glance.

"So we are back to war..." One of them muttered, his voice heavy with the weight of the realization.

It became clear that this was not a mere skirmish or a random act of aggression. It was a deliberate and calculated declaration of war, not only against Vermont Academy but against the entire Darkness Path.

At this moment, the squad leaders understood the weight of their role. They were not just defenders of the Academy but guardians of the Darkness Path itself.

The students here are all valuable assets of the Faction. The fate of the students or the future of the Dark Arts Faction was at stake.

"We still have five minutes before the barrier collapses…"

One of them commented.

Then, they turned their attention back to the Academy. At this time, all the Combat Professors, the members of their Squads, and various guards hired by the Academy could be seen.

They even noticed some higher-year students getting ready to fight.

However, the squad leaders knew that the safety of the students and professors was their utmost priority.

They couldn't allow them to be caught in the crossfire of this brutal conflict. Well, the Professors might be able to survive, but there must be some people who would guide the students.

There were only about 40 Professors in the Academy and about a thousand students.

One of the squad leaders finally spoke, his voice could be heard by everyone.

"The professors will lead all the students out of the Academy. Use the emergency Formation Circle that the Headmaster prepared. We are at war now… Consider the Treaty of Keslore null and void. All members of the Evanescent Vessels will remain here and fulfill their calling." He announced with a firm tone.

Suddenly, his palm began to gather a massive amount of Dark Aura. The squad leader seemed to be showing off his formidable presence as he made his intentions clear.

This also seemed to be a signal for the others.

The members of the Vessels understood what they were about to do.

This was the moment they had prepared for since joining the Order. They were about to become true Vessels themselves.

They were ready to be possessed by a powerful being from the Shadow Realm! It was completely different from the beings they had summoned to possess their bodies before.

It would be a one-time possession!

This time, there would be no hope of turning back to their humanity.

Addressing Professor Cyrus and Professor Mark, the older leader, who had a larger frame, issued clear instructions.

"Professor Cyrus, please lead the students out of the Academy using the secret Mass Shadow Gate Circle. Professor Mark, in the absence of the Headmaster and Vice Headmaster, you will handle the Defense Formation Circles and activate all the traps once the last barrier is breached. Professor Zara, please take care of the Armory… Headmaster Jean mentioned that you can handle it. Lastly, please inform Professor Drake to release all the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Variants and for the Necromancers to summon all of their Undead at once. We will take charge of the defense."

After finishing his instructions, he also started preparing for the ritual.

The attackers had chosen their moment wisely, targeting the Academy when key figures such as the Headmaster were absent.

The professors glanced at each other and could only nod in agreement. There was no time to argue about their tasks and that their involvement in the battle might hinder rather than aid the Vessels in their crucial jobs.

With the instructions given, the members of the Order of the Evanescent Vessels initiated the ritual.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

The darkness barrier was already starting to crush, so they had to hurry. At this time, the people outside couldn't see what was going on within the Academy grounds.

They could only see a vast black dome covering the Academy. It means that it was a perfect time to complete their ritual.

Soon, a thick aura of darkness covered the entire Academy as the Vessels channeled their energy.

They were summoning the strongest beings they could connect within the Shadow Realm to possess their bodies.

"Captain Cleo… This might be the last time we'll fight together." The older squad leader said.

"Then let's make it something that will be remembered by all the Factions who dared to attack us. We'll spill a river of blood, Captain Reed."

The two leaders said as they accepted the possession…

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