Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 525 The Guild

Chapter 525 The Guild

Chapter 525 The Guild

As Eustace strolled through the bustling streets, his eyes caught sight of a group of individuals exiting a grand building.

At first glance, they appeared to be ordinary pedestrians, blending seamlessly with the crowd. However, Eustace's heightened perception, granted by his ESP Spell, allowed him to sense a subtle fluctuation of Arcane Energy emanating from them.

Intrigued, he blinked his eyes and entered his Phantasm State, a state where he could summon his Magic Zone and heighten his senses.

Within this ethereal realm of perception, Eustace unveiled the true nature of the large building.

It was not just any ordinary structure but a gathering place for Arcanists! He could sense practitioners of various Arcane Paths.

His Divine Sense allowed him to see the diverse range of Arcane Paths practiced by the Arcanists within. Yet, he couldn't help but notice the absence of three prominent paths - the Holy Arts Practitioners, the Dark Arts Practitioners, and the Psychic Arts Practitioners. josei

'Are they banned here or something?' Eustace thought.

Perplexed by the sight before him, Eustace couldn't resist his curiosity.

"What is this place?" He muttered to himself, his intrigue growing with each passing moment.

As soon as he confirmed that his Divine Sense was undetected, he made a decision.

Approaching the signboard, he discovered that the establishment was a rather peculiar tavern named The Shaggy Donkey Bar.

'What a weird name…'

With a momentary hesitation, Eustace retrieved his Grimoire, unsure of what to expect inside. However, he was driven by the desire to uncover the reason behind the gathering of Arcanists from various paths.

As he stepped inside, the bells tied to the door chimed, announcing his arrival.

With the exception of the waitresses, who briefly glanced in his direction, no one else seemed to pay him much attention.

Eustace could sense that they recognized him as an Arcanist, seemingly unperturbed by his age or appearance. He couldn't help but note the intriguing fact that even the waitresses were skilled Combat Arts Practitioners.


Finding himself guided to a vacant seat by one of the waitresses, Eustace took a moment to observe his surroundings.

He couldn't help but notice a corner where a lot of people gathered. It seemed that this tavern had other purposes.

Eustace then ordered according to the waitress's recommendation. They were local foods and drinks, so he wanted to try them out.

Since he was new here, he didn't mind indulging himself in the flavors of the local cuisine.

As he was silently waiting for his meal, he soon realized what this place was after hearing the conversations of other Arcanists.

This place was none other than the city's Arcanist Guild, a hub where practitioners from various paths converged, shared knowledge, and enjoyed the camaraderie of their kind.

However, the most important thing was that in this place, they could complete the tasks that were requested by other Arcanists or ordinary people with problems related to the Arcane World.

As Eustace sat there, absorbing the ambiance of the Guild, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement…

'Arcanist Guild… I wonder how this works.' Eustace thought to himself.

Since he had to gather information, he decided to just ask the waitress who served his food after giving her a tip.

After a few minutes of questioning, he learned a lot about this branch of the Arcanist Guild in the city.

Apparently, it was under the protection of the city mayor himself, who wanted a peaceful relationship with the Arcanists who were entering his city.

Furthermore, as the paranormal activities that were happening in the city got bigger and bigger, the mayor was hoping that the Arcanists would be able to help them resolve such a problem.

In short, it was a gathering place for Rogue Arcanists, including those who had decided to leave their own Factions to earn money and gather materials for their own research.

The only thing he had to do was to register and pay a small fee.


After his satisfying meal, Eustace wasted no time in seeking the assistance of the waitress to facilitate his registration as a member of the Arcanist Guild.

The process proved to be relatively straightforward. After he was brought to the Guild's attendant, he was required to provide his name and specify his chosen Arcane Path on piece of paper.

This registration would enable the Guild to approach him whenever missions aligned with his expertise surfaced.

'This might not be a good idea…' Eustace mused as he wrote Summoner on his paper.

A hint of frustration flickered across his face as he contemplated the limitations posed by this answer.

Obviously, he possessed knowledge and abilities that extended beyond a single Arcane Path, and this restriction posed a dilemma for him.

Yet, after a moment of reflection, a mischievous smile played upon his lips.

"Mhmm… This is actually a good idea." Eustace exclaimed inwardly.

He realized that this seemingly confining arrangement could actually work to his advantage. By registering as a practitioner of Summoning Arts, he could conveniently attribute any tasks related to other paths to his "summons," utilizing the flexibility of his abilities to tackle a variety of situations.

This way, he could cleverly navigate the Guild's mission assignments, relying on the excuse of his diverse summons to address different Arcane Paths as needed.

'I'm a genius…' Eustace excitedly thought.

He then completed his registration and paid the 200 zen fee.

Then, Eustace was handed a small token crafted from redwood, bearing the emblem of Kirkham City's Arcanist Guild. He carefully inspected the token, ensuring its authenticity and confirming that it served no additional purpose beyond providing durability and protection against damage.

Satisfied with its simple yet important function, he placed the token securely in his pocket.

"Sir Eustace Skye…" The guild attendant addressed him respectfully. "You may find the bulletin board located in the corner. There, you will discover a selection of tasks suitable for your consideration. Should you find a mission that aligns with your abilities and interests, kindly retrieve the corresponding paper and present it at the counter to officially accept the assignment. It is crucial to remember that failing to complete a mission within the specified deadline will result in penalties. Therefore, I advise you to choose a task that you are confident in completing, Sir."

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