Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 579 Magnus

Chapter 579 Magnus

"We don't know what we'll be encountering inside, so complete your preparations before you enter…" Vale cautioned, his voice remained calm despite the underlying tension.

"I'm fine…" Pearl asserted. In any case, she felt that she didn't have much to prepare in the first place. She only had to cast a Spell to protect her body and make sure that her Psychic Art was ready to be cast.

"I'm also ready. I can feel their traces here. I'm sure Lisa and Chad were here at some point." Faith affirmed, her voice tinged with concern.

"Great... Let's go…" Vale declared, summoning his Shadow Soldiers to lead the way. The effortless summoning of two Shadow Soldiers by Vale elicited a smile from Faith, who marveled at his remarkable mastery over the Spell.

She knew this Spell very well, so seeing how Vale could casually cast the spell made her realize that this young man was indeed a reliable one.

After all, it was a feat that even seventh-year students would struggle to achieve, let alone summoning two, or recording the Spell itself. It was evident that Vale's command over this Spell had already reached the Intermediate or even the early stage of Advanced Realm, considering how he summoned the Shadow Soldiers from another object's shadow and not his own shadow.

'Such a young age with several high-level Spells… It's very impressive. I wonder why the Vessels decided to choose the extreme choice.' Faith pondered as she looked ahead.

As the heavy doors of the castle opened, a loud creaking noise echoed. Then, as they thought they'd smell the scent of death, blood, or vampires inside the place, they actually smelled the scent of medicine!

It feels as if this castle was an alchemy shop instead.

Nevertheless, they also noticed something unusual within the castle. Their Magic Zones were immediately suppressed upon entering, cloaking an area of only about 20 meters around them. It was such a huge suppression, but considering they were only inside the castle, they didn't mind it that much.

"There's no enemy?" Pearl muttered. She was expecting someone to welcome them since they had already been discovered when they were still outside.

It was quite disappointing.

On the other hand, Faith found this natural as the enemy had probably realized how strong they were.

"We're here to talk... If you're the owner of the Tower, please come out!" Faith called out, her grip tightening on her cane.

She doesn't want to start a fight if it could be avoided. After all, it might harm the students that were staying here. However, if it was not possible to resolve it peacefully, she would have no other choice but to destroy this castle.


Meanwhile, as Vale's party made their way into the castle, Magnus was in his study room, observing the projection of the three intruders with a mix of intrigue and fascination.

Unlike his usual attire, Magnus had foregone his Dark Cloak and Ebony Staff, instead opting for his Sacred Alchemy Robe, a garment renowned for enhancing dexterity.

Despite the change in attire, he was still displaying his imposing physique and long black hair, coupled with eyes glowing with a scarlet hue. If not for his Alchemist Robe, he would surely be recognized as an ancient warrior.

After surveying the formidable newcomers, Magnus pondered their origins with a hint of disbelief.lights

"These people possess an unprecedented level of power. Where have they been concealed? How is it that I do not recognize any of them, yet they have such formidable strength?" He muttered, astounded by the enigma of their existence.

He had lived for a long time and knew almost all the Grandmaster Arcanists from various organizations and factions. It was quite baffling how he could feel that these three felt equal to him.

Lastly, what bothered him was their youthfulness, especially of the two youngest behind the Half-Spirit.

It stirred a subtle unease within him, for despite his mastery of Alchemy Arts, he remained unable to reverse the effects of aging. With his years of research, he could only temporarily stall his aging.

'Perhaps they're aware of how to regain youthfulness?' He mused.

After a moment of contemplation, Magnus was set to confront the trio.

Simultaneously, he issued a command for all the creatures under his control in the surrounding forest to converge upon the castle, preparing for the imminent encounter.

Magnus then made a swift change in attire, discarding his Alchemist Robe in favor of his Dark Cloak and Ebony Staff.

The cloak, woven with ancient enchantments, could provide him with an active Defense Barrier, offering formidable protection against curses and insidious spells.josei

As for his Ebony Staff, it bore a mystical link empowering him to command the Formation Circle, enveloping the castle, a potent tool of defense and subjugation.

With his preparations complete, Magnus invoked his Ghost Walk, seamlessly materializing before the intruders, intercepting their ascent to the upper floors.

"What delusion led you to believe that trespassing in my castle was permissible?" Magnus interrogated, his form now fully corporeal.

None of the three seemed surprised at his arrival as they maintained their cautious stance.

The young man of the group, exuding an air of mysterious confidence, promptly retorted, "We are aware that you sensed our presence long before our arrival. Enlighten us as to why you permitted our entry."

Magnus, taken aback by the audacity of the inquiry, found himself compelled to chuckle at the impertinence.

"Very well... I do indeed perceive your presence," Magnus conceded.

"Since your party didn't seem lost within the forest, I am intrigued by your purpose here. However, if you seek to become my disciples, you are sorely mistaken. I have no intention of taking on any apprentices in the foreseeable future." He declared as if this had already happened multiple times before.

Of course, Vale's group had no such intentions, so Faith interjected, "We have come in search of students of Dark Arts Academy. Those young kids have bright future... I trust you have not made a mistake messing with them."

Her words were delivered with serene composure. However, her gaze showed her readiness to fight.

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