Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 690 The Clash

Chapter 690 The Clash


The Vampire and the Demon clashed, unleashing their full power.

While Lisa could release her Vampiric Aura, the Demon exudes with Demonic Energy empowered by his Corrupted Divinity.

This would not be easy for the Vampire.

At the first exchange, Lisa tried to test the Demon with only her speed and physical strength…

The two of them exchanged a couple of blows before Lisa used her first Vampire Spell.

Lisa summoned her thralls, undead servants who obeyed her every command!

They were creatures she could summon as long as she had enough souls in her collection.


She sent them to attack the Demon Saint, hoping to distract and weaken him… There was no way she could win with these Thralls but they would at least spend some of the Demon Saint's energy.

"Kill him!" Lisa commanded.

The thralls were armed with knives, axes, and chains, and they moved with speed and ferocity.josei

"Useless! Don't you dare look down on me!"

The Demon Saint used his Demonic Energy, a dark and corrupting force that twisted and tainted everything it touched.

He blasted the Thralls with a few waves of Demonic Energy, hoping to destroy and consume them in the process!

With his precise control, the Demonic Energy burned, exploded, and devoured the Thralls, and they fell one by one!

Their screams of pain and terror reverberated throughout the whole battlefield.

"That Immortal sent you to capture me when you're this pathetic? Did I overestimate him?" The Demon Saint couldn't help but wonder. He was truly afraid of facing the Immortal alone. After all, he heard a lot of things about this Immortal.

The only weakness they knew was that he could not detect the Demon Saints once they used their Physique's Special Trait to transform.

"I'm not done yet… Don't celebrate too early."

Lisa said as she summoned her bats, nocturnal creatures who served her as scouts and spies.

Of course, they were also capable of releasing poison to kill their target.


She sent them to swarm the Demon Saint, hoping to poison, blind, and confuse him with the energy they were releasing at the same time.

Furthermore, Lisa could summon hundreds of these bats as she only needed to use a drop of her blood to summon a hundred of them at the same time.

The bats were small, agile, and numerous, and they flew with stealth and precision.

The Demon Saint used his Corrupted Divinity, a fallen and perverted power that defied and mocked the natural order.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding rocks floated and were coated with his Corrupted Divinity.

Then, he unleashed them in the form of blades, aiming to repel and annihilate the bats that Lisa had summoned!

The Corrupted Divinity burst with power as they sliced and shredded the first wave of bats!

Soon, they scattered and vanished as they couldn't handle the power released by the Demon Saint.

"No matter how many creatures you summon, a Vampire like you can never win against us!" The Demon Saint shouted.

"You're noisy for a high-ranking Demon Saint…"

Lisa said as she maintained her composure.lightsnovel

Then, with another burst of Vampiric Aura, Lisa used her Blood Manipulation, a rare and potent skill that allowed her to control and manipulate blood.

She drew blood from her own body, and from the corpses of the thralls and the bats, and formed it into weapons and shields.

Well, it wasn't just that, it appears that there were also pools of blood prepared for her hidden in the area.

Lisa then threw the blood spears, daggers, and whips at the Demon Saint, hoping to pierce and bleed him.

"Now this is more interesting…" The Demon Saint commented as he felt the power of the Vampire increase drastically…

To his Surprise, there was a hint of Divinity that he felt from her! This confused him for a moment but he didn't have the time to investigate it.

He saw Lisa create blood hands to attack him from a different direction and also a blood dome to protect herself from his attacks!


The Demon Saint used his Demonic Strength, a brute and savage force that enhanced his physical abilities.

He tried using his Demonic Energy but it wasn't working well against the Vampiric Blood for some reason.

With that in consideration, he dodged, blocked, and parried the blood weapons with his agility and reflexes.

"No more hiding!" The Demon Saint shouted as he also smashed, broke, and tore the blood hands with his strength and ferocity.

He closed the distance between him and Lisa, and he tried to grab her with his hands that had turned into demonic claws!

However, for some reason, Lisa wasn't panicking at all. She moved swiftly to dodge him…

She just continued casting Vampiric Spells!

She cast spells that affected the mind, the body, and the soul of the Demon Saint, hoping to weaken and subdue him.

She cast spells that caused fear, pain, and confusion, making him doubt and suffer for a brief moment. She also cast spells that drained, cursed, and bound him, making him almost lose his mind…

She continued doing this while maintaining her distance from the Demon Saint!

"You! Are you playing with me?!"

The Demon Saint used his Demonic Will, a stubborn and resilient force that kept him alive and fighting.

lightsnοvεl "How are you doing this?!"

To his surprise, a small blade made of blood pierce through his chest while he was defending himself from the Vampiric Curses.

He endured it and tried removing it but he could not!

"What blood is this?!"

Unfortunately, Lisa's answer was another barrage of Spells!

The Demon Saint resisted, endured, and overcame the Vampire Spells with his pure determination and rage.

Once again, he used all his power and reached Lisa, and he tried to bite her with his fangs.


Lisa was finally hurt!

However, the battle continued!

The Demon Saint fought for a long time, neither of them willing to give up or back down. They matched each other in power and skill, and they inflicted wounds and injuries on each other.

As time went by, they both bled and suffered injuries!

They fought until they reached their limits, and they had to use their last resort.

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