Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 84 Mysterious Cases, I Aspire to be a Good Man! The International Program Inspection Teams Chief!

Chapter 84 Mysterious Cases, I Aspire to be a Good Man! The International Program Inspection Teams Chief!

In the familiar setting of the Emperor Bathhouse, Wang Yun once again indulged in the luxurious Emperor package, adhering to the norm. Unbeknownst to him, the events of that day had caused a massive upheaval and boiling excitement. His terrifying methods left everyone in shock. This day’s battle signified the complete and utter defeat of the current program inspection team.

In this clash, all five chief inspectors were involved, though only Captain Hong Feng was physically present at the scene. The others offered their full support from within the special task force room. Nevertheless, their efforts ended in defeat.

The outcome was so dire that Captain Hong Feng publicly declared his withdrawal from the Skynet Operation program, a decision that spoke volumes of the terror he faced. The fact that a powerful, top-tier program chief inspector felt compelled to voluntarily step down illustrated the gravity of the situation.

At this moment, Wang Yun was leisurely soaking in a bath, enjoying a massage.

Overnight, amidst the animated discussions and astonishment of countless online users, time quickly passed by. The next morning, Wang Yun, now disguised as a middle-aged man, enjoyed a meal in the bathhouse’s restaurant. Using the disguise materials obtained with Captain Hong Feng’s help the day before, he had crafted two different masks, the current middle-aged appearance being one of them.

“Big Brother is now in an invincible state. He must have changed his appearance again!”

“Amazing! I initially thought I was watching a fugitive’s escape show, a criminal’s nightmare program. Now, are you telling me this is still an escape program?”

“Big Brother is incredibly cool. Too suave.

“The other fugitives have been caught, but Big Brother? Three team captains have already stepped down, it’s hilarious.”

“Here to pay respects to Big Brother!”

As soon as Wang Yun’s livestream turned on, it attracted a massive influx of viewers, including many new admirers. This led to an astonishingly high viewer count, even in the early morning hours.

While dining, Wang Yun contemplated and accessed his personal attributes.

Peerless Bandit System

Host: Wang Yun

Age: 23

Physique: 300 (Note: The human limit is 300. Beyond this, every additional point costs 100,000 shock points!)

Intelligence: 300 (Note: The human limit is 300. Beyond this, every additional point costs 100,000 shock points!)

Skills: 1. God-Level Parkour, 2. God-Level “Buttery Flower Picking” Technique, 3. Advanced Mid-Air Object Retrieval, 4. Advanced Shadowless Knife Technique, 5. God-Level Acute Observation, 6. God-Level Wingsuit Flying, 7. Advanced Electrician Skills, 8. God-Level Skateboarding, 9. God-Level Lockpicking, 10. God-Level Ventriloquism, 11. God-Level Alertness, 12. God-Level Magic Tricks, 13. God-Level Marksmanship, 14. God-Level Disguise Skills, 15. God-Level Climbing, 16. God-Level Auditory Skills, 17. God-Level Martial Arts, 18. Advanced Medical Skills, 19. God-Level Card Tricks, 20. Advanced Hacking Skills, 21. God-Level Face-Changing Technique

Shock Value Points: 12 Million

Shop: (Open it?)

Reminder: Host, please accumulate more shock points to enhance your physique and skills.

‘What can I say? This is sheer luxury. Plus a whopping 12 million shock points in hand,’ Wang Yun thought, looking over his attribute information.

At the moment, there wasn’t much to improve. His physique and intelligence had both reached their human limits, though he believed there was still potential for further intellectual development.

‘With 12 million points, I should be well-prepared for the upcoming escape challenges,’ Wang Yun contemplated, narrowing his eyes. His ultimate goal was to claim the 10 billion prize offered by the program, and he had already secured 10 million of it.

“Big Brother, can you hear me?”

Just as Wang Yun finished his meal, the voice of the show’s executive producer came through the technology chip. The producer was exceedingly courteous, acknowledging that the global success of the Skynet Operation program was largely due to Wang Yun’s contributions. It was essential to cater to him attentively.

“Hmm? What is it?” Wang Yun responded, slightly surprised but with a smile.

“Cough, Big Brother, remember our previous agreement about doing some advertising? Plus, you should also advocate for some positive energy. Despite playing a ‘fugitive’, we aim to project positivity, right? Please prepare your speech for the promotion, and here are two ads for you to start with,” the producer said.

“Sure, I’ve already agreed to that. Just send them my way,” Wang Yun responded, nodding.

“They’re sent. Have a look, Big Brother,” the producer replied, chuckling.

Wang Yun checked his phone and frowned. The first ad was for a gambling-related product, with a straightforward slogan, “Be as strong and confident as Big Brother Wang Yun with our product!”

“This… Director, this ad copy is not appropriate,” Wang Yun expressed, visibly unimpressed.

“Cough, Big Brother, it’s the brand that’s inappropriate, not us,” the producer explained, coughing slightly.

“And you’re allowing such an ad in the show?” Wang Yun became more incredulous, though he recognized the brand, while not entirely reputable, was still widely used.

“They’re paying a hefty sum. Moreover, our team has decided to allocate half of the ad revenue to charitable causes, under public scrutiny,” the producer revealed with a sly smile, being candid.

“Alright then,” Wang Yun acquiesced, albeit reluctantly, and recited the ad copy.


“666, haha, unbelievable that Big Brother is endorsing such an ad!”

“I’m dying of laughter. I’ve never seen such an expression on Big Brother’s face during his escapes, but here it is!”

“The production team is really showing off. But directing half the ad earnings to charity is commendable. It doesn’t feel like Big Brother is being wronged, haha!”

The livestream audience burst into laughter at the production team’s savvy tactics.

After the first ad, Wang Yun turned to the second, a promotion for Nancheng Bank.

“For investment, financial management, savings, and security, choose Nancheng Bank, a fortress so impenetrable that not even the ‘thief’ Wang Yun can breach it. Don’t risk keeping your money at home. Nancheng Bank welcomes you!”

He read this second ad’s slogan, again with a touch of reluctance.

“Producer, I’m fine with doing ads, but let’s not use my name next time, okay? And how does Nancheng Bank know for sure that I can’t steal from them?” Wang Yun said, with a hint of frustration.

“Cough, alright, alright, Big Brother. Just endorse one more positive message,” said the executive producer with a light chuckle, continuing the conversation.

“Fine,” Wang Yun replied without much complaint, speaking calmly, “Here’s a warning to everyone. Don’t entertain thoughts of committing crimes or testing the limits, or you’ll regret it. My arrogance in the show is just a role, I’m forced to play a ‘fugitive’. If I were given a new identity, I’d choose to be a good person. After all, who would actually want to be a fugitive?”


“666, Big Brother’s final remark is epic! ‘Give me a new identity, and I’ll be a good person.’“

“That’s hilarious. A new identity, then just waltz in and snatch ten billion from the show?”

“Huh? What did Big Brother mean by that? Is he thinking of hitting Nancheng Bank?”

“Big Brother: ‘Nancheng Bank claims I can’t steal from them? Is this a challenge? Don’t they know what happens when they provoke me?’”

“How can you be so sure I can’t steal? Also, about that first ad, since when am I known for being strong and confident? Haha!”

“Big Brother, you’re talking about being a good person now? So far, you’ve killed two captains and eighteen officers. Does that sound like a good person to you?”

The viewers in the livestream burst into laughter at Wang Yun’s remarks.

Having said his piece, Wang Yun let out a faint smile. A bit of promotional work was no hassle for him.

He then wandered outside, feeling a tad bored, and meandered around. Lacking an ID card but having some cash, he was at a loose end. His new face, however, guaranteed his safety. Later in the afternoon, he visited a café atop a Nancheng building, ordered a coffee, and took a moment to relax, contemplating his next steps.

One thing Wang Yun wasn’t joking about was his desire for a new identity.

Wang Yun was contemplating the idea of acquiring a new identity, complete with an ID card. With such an identity, he could comfortably stay in hotels and freely access the internet. His goal was to claim the ten billion from the program within two hundred days.

A new identity would greatly simplify this task.

The main hurdle was how to obtain this new identity. He would need to go through the process at a police station and physically get an ID card. Without legitimate documentation, he’d face significant complications. Using hacking skills alone was risky and fraught with potential flaws, especially concerning official documents. If traced, he’d be doomed.

To flawlessly acquire an ID, he had only two options, either through official procedures or by ‘procuring’ it from official sources. Since the former was not an option, he had to resort to the latter.

Essentially, he had to sneak into a police station to create an ID for himself.

Wang Yun pondered over this daunting task, his brow furrowed. The challenge was immense, gaining access to the police station and securing an ID without raising any alarms.

Certainly, a tough nut to crack. Given the nature of the show, he couldn’t literally infiltrate an actual police station. It would require coordination with the program’s team.

“Sigh, being a ‘good person’ is so challenging,” Wang Yun mused, his head shaking subtly. “I’m curious about how the show’s inspectors plan to catch me.”


“In a tragic incident early yesterday morning, famed actress Zhao Yuexingchen fell to her death from the rooftop of a luxurious hotel in Nancheng’s Jiujiang district. The harrowing footage captured just before her death has stirred widespread shock. Experts believe that Zhao Yuexingchen accidentally fell while sleepwalking. Her family has arrived at the scene, with the police currently investigating, preliminarily concluding her death as a sleepwalking accident. Her parents, however, are in disbelief, insisting their daughter was mentally healthy. She had even phoned home the previous night, talking about vacation plans, leaving her parents inconsolable and adamant for a deeper investigation into the true circumstances of her death. Zhao Yuexingchen hailed from a wealthy background, her parents being executives in a prominent conglomerate. Some online users are theorizing that Zhao Yuexingchen’s tragic end might be the result of a ghostly retaliation or paranormal activities, which is downright terrifying. She was a rising star in the entertainment industry, a leading female celebrity in the country. Recently, she has begun working on a major IP TV drama, broadening her horizons into the film and television industry. Presently, the CCTV footage capturing the moments before Zhao Yuexingchen’s death is circulating across various platforms, sparking widespread commotion. The question looms. Was it a case of sleepwalking, or is there something supernatural?”

Wang Yun sat quietly in the café, glancing at the TV that abruptly switched to the news broadcast. He viewed it with only a passing interest, then pulled out his phone to fiddle with it, noting the online buzz about the actress’s death. He nonchalantly opened a video that was making rounds on the internet, showing the moments leading up to her death.

As he watched, a flicker of intrigue crossed his eyes. The footage had an eerie air to it, yet it bore no relevance to him.

“Big Brother seems quite relaxed, lounging in the café the whole afternoon!”

“He doesn’t have many options, does he? Can’t play games online and has only a basic phone he barely managed to get.”

“Have you guys seen the news about Zhao Yuexingchen’s death? Seriously horrifying, it gave me the chills!”

“Absolutely terrifying! I’m even planning to keep Big Brother’s photo beside my bed tonight for peace.”

“Huh? You don’t usually idolize Big Brother, but now you want him to ward off ghosts?”

In Wang Yun’s livestream, numerous viewers were casually chatting, seeking to entertain themselves.


Meanwhile, in the program task force room, a subdued silence lingered. The four chief inspectors were seated, engrossed in sifting through information, contemplating strategies to apprehend Wang Yun and resolve the complications from the previous day. They all wore expressions of deep concentration.

Abruptly, Jiang Youshan narrowed his eyes and broke the silence, “I think I’ve figured out a way to track down Wang Yun.”


His statement instantly drew the attention of the other three captains, who turned toward him in intrigue.

“I have a theory, I believe there’s an eighty percent chance that Wang Yun possesses a mobile phone. It’s unclear if he used it to contact his assistants from the magic troupe since they refused to cooperate and even declined but it’s likely he has one, considering he used a computer for his magic act yesterday,” Jiang Youshan stated, massaging his forehead.

“True, we didn’t consider that,” Wu Mingyu concurred, a bit startled, nodding in agreement. “Wang Yun’s actions yesterday have indeed shaken our confidence significantly.”

“We could track him by checking the mobile phone numbers registered in Nancheng,” Wang Yue chimed in, her eyes lighting up with realization.

“Heh, it seems you all aren’t as clueless as I thought,” a voice said, just as Wang Yue finished speaking.

The door to the special task force room suddenly opened, and three foreigners entered, one middle-aged and two younger men.

The most noticeable thing about them was their Western appearance, unmistakably from a Western country. Their abrupt arrival, especially with the middle-aged blond man speaking Chinese, took Jiang Youshan and the other captains by surprise, and the livestream audience was equally taken aback.

“What’s happening here?” everyone wondered, confused.

“Captains Jiang Youshan, Wang Yue, Wu Mingyu, and Wu Yaoming, allow me to introduce the three new Captain who will be replacing Captain Hong Feng. This is Mr. Kolyev Smith,” began the executive producer.

“Actually, call me by my Chinese name. Since I’ve come to your country, I’ve adopted a local name to fit in, Wang Di*. After exploring your history, I found that ‘Wang’ and ‘Di’ represent the most powerful figures, so I chose the surname Wang and the name Di,” the middle-aged blond man interjected with a chuckle, as the executive producer introduced them.

The middle-aged man laughed softly, gesturing toward the two individuals at his side, and continued his introduction, “These are my disciples. One, renowned as a computer prodigy, is Wang Liang, a Chinese name I’ve chosen for him. The other is Wang Quan, also a fine name, don’t you think?”

“Hehe, feel free to address them by these names in the future, Wang Di, Wang Liang, Wang Quan,” the executive producer remarked with a smile. “These three gentlemen, invited by our program, are distinguished experts from the West. Mr. Wang Di, twenty-five years ago, masterminded a major bank heist and was a key player in the infamous Western Phantom ‘Theft’ incident. After surrendering himself, he served three years in prison before being recruited by the FOA, eventually becoming a member. Three years ago, Mr. Wang Di retired to establish a renowned security and detective agency in the West. His disciples, Wang Liang and Wang Quan, excel in their respective specialties. Wang Liang is an exceptional computer technician, while Wang Quan is skilled in combat, tracking, and counter-tracking. Mr. Wang Quan, a champion of underground boxing, is considered one of the strongest men in the West.”

As the producer introduced them, the three foreigners nodded in acknowledgment.

Jiang Youshan, observing from the side, listened to the producer’s introduction with intense focus, his gaze fixed on the blond middle-aged man identifying himself as Wang Di, his eyes sparkling with intrigue.

“Mr. Wang Di is set to replace Captain Hong Feng as the leader of the fourth team. We also have another captain yet to join us. She’s an incredibly talented detective from the Cherry Blossom Country, exceptionally skilled in disguise and makeup,” the executive producer added, gesturing towards them: “Captains, please make your introductions.”


“Mr. Wang Di, if I am not mistaken, you once served as a presidential bodyguard,” Jiang Youshan remarked, his attention firmly on the blond middle-aged man, Wang Di.

“Ah? I’m surprised you’re aware of that. I only held the position for a few days before being dismissed. That kind of life just wasn’t for me,” the blond middle-aged Wang Di said with a light chuckle.

“I’m quite familiar with Mr. Kolyev Smith’s renowned history. In your youth, you were celebrated as the most ingenious ‘criminal’, later transitioning onto the right path by joining the FOA. At the age of forty-eight, you founded a detective and security firm. It’s quite astonishing that our program team has managed to recruit you,” Jiang Youshan commented, clearly knowledgeable about Wang Di’s past.

“Hehe, I was invited by an old friend, and with the show’s rising popularity, I decided to join. My mission here is to apprehend Wang Yun and then to help develop a global Skynet Operation, assembling a team of top-notch elites for an ultimate face-off. That’s what makes it truly exciting,” Wang Di shared.

“Hehe, Mr. Wang Di, our first task, however, is to capture Wang Yun,” Wang Yue replied, slightly irritated by his lofty tone. It appeared as though he wasn’t taking them into account.


“Wait, the program has brought in three foreigners? And judging by Senior Jiang Youshan’s words, that blond middle-aged man seems quite amazing.”

“Whoa, was that blond man really a presidential bodyguard? And he robbed a bank in his younger days? He was part of the FOA? How impressive is that?”

“The program team’s guests this time seem really formidable, don’t they?”

“The blond middle-aged guy is quite bold and self-assured, claiming he’ll capture Big Brother right away. Doesn’t he consider Big Brother a serious opponent?”

The viewers in the livestream were both curious and astonished to see the arrival of a new captain, especially foreigners with such impressive resumes. Their faces showed utter amazement.josei

This blond middle-aged man seemed truly formidable, but also extremely confident and somewhat arrogant. This confidence, they realized, was somewhat familiar, quite similar, in fact, to their Big Brother himself.

“Hehe, Wang Yun is indeed a force to be reckoned with. To capture him, we need to hit him hard and fast. He must have a mobile phone, which allows us to track him,” Wang Di, the blond middle-aged man, said, turning his attention to a young man beside him, engrossed in his computer.

The young man nodded, speaking a lengthy sentence in English, which was then translated by the computer.

“According to my analysis, people in Nancheng often have more than one mobile number. We’ll start by identifying those with multiple numbers using base station signals and registration data. Then, we’ll filter out individuals using two different numbers in separate locations. Such cases are rare, making it easier to narrow down our search. If Wang Yun owns a mobile phone, being without an identity, he’s likely using someone else’s. Also, those who assisted Wang Yun last night might have contacted him. If there was communication, tracing him becomes simpler. Finding the mobile number he’s currently using will allow us to pinpoint his location easily.” Wang Liang, the young man introduced by Wang Di, explained, adjusting his glasses.

“Let’s begin,” Wang Di nodded to him, and with a smile, continued: “I don’t underestimate Wang Yun. Among all the individuals I’ve encountered in my life, his abilities are in the top five. But with a decisive strike, we can capture him. He’s not yet at the level of the most formidable criminal organizations, many of which I’ve dismantled. However, his ability to rival a criminal organization alone is remarkably impressive.”

“You might be underestimating Wang Yun. He’s not so easily caught,” Jiang Youshan interjected, his brow furrowed as he looked at Wang Di.

“Just watch,” Wang Di responded confidently, then strode to the seat reserved for the leader of the fourth team and sat down composedly.

*Note: If you change the order of Wang Di to Di Wang it can mean imperial king or emperor king.

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