
Chapter 1264 There's No Winner In War

Chapter 1264 There's No Winner In War

It was just like a meteor shower, the fireball fell onto the barrier and erupted, engulfing the barrier and the army. The explosion formed a mushroom fire, blocking Reinar's vision. He could not see what happened to his army, but he was hopeful. He hoped the fireball did not kill his army, but that hope vanished as he finally got to see what happened to his army. The ground turned into molten lava because of the fire, and he could not see any standing soldiers above. Not even his soldier's remains were left behind by the fire. A big chunk of his army disappeared into the fire, and that was just the start of the fall of his army. The army his family had nurtured for years, and soon to join the main army of the Giteron Dynasty.

Of course, the two hundred and fifty thousand armies were not the only army they had, but it was a quarter of the army from the Giteron Dynasty's fourth world. But it was still a massive loss considering they got nothing even after losing that many soldiers. They needed massive resources to nurture such a big army, and it would take years to recover from this massive loss. One thing was for sure, the Thamsen Family would lose the favor of the Central Power in the Giteron Dynasty after losing so many armies and getting nothing in return.

Reinar could see the bleak future of his family, and especially him. Even if he returned alive to his father, he would not be left unpunished. This loss was his responsibility, and his failure might affect his father's reputation. Thinking about it, he felt like it was better to die than return to his family. That was for the best for him, avoiding the humiliation that awaited him in the future, and also getting rid of the Thamsen Family's failure.

Those were the things inside Reinar Thamsen's head. With his lifeless eyes, he tried to look for the other Legend Ranks. If there was any hope, it was the Legend Rank of his army. He easily found ten remaining Legend Ranks from his army, ganging up on two people, the rabbit beastmen and the human general. The two infamous individuals gained fame during the fight against the Divine Church.

He realized his Legend Ranks could not gain any advantage despite having more people. Ten against two, yet the ten could not even corner the two. It was easy to understand why his Legend Ranks were no match for the two. The class, bloodline, and also talent. The Legend Rank of the Tang Empire had more classes, a stronger bloodline, and also talent.

Of course, it was not because the Giteron Dynasty could not provide a stronger bloodline, more classes, or more talents. There was a regulation for the army to keep the class minimum for a reason, for the trial. If an individual had more classes and more talents, it would take much longer and a higher level for them to advance to the Demi-God Rank. The soldier was allowed to take three classes or even more after they reached the Demi-God Rank. That way they could produce Demi-God Rank quicker than the others. Of course, the drawback of the regulation was obvious that their people would be weaker compared to the Legend Rank who had three classes or even more.

More than that, their Legend Rank was lower-level than the Tang Empire's Legend Rank too because they tried to prioritize the speed to produce the Demi-God Rank.

Reinar closed his eyes, realizing this was his loss. He did not consider the lower realm such as Earth to have a strong Legend Rank. The lack of information on the Tang Empire led to his defeat. He was complacent, thinking the Tang Empire was weak just because they entered the system less than two years ago. That was his mistake, using the other factions such as the First Order Guild to measure the Tang Empire's power. He believed he did not lose to the Tang Empire, but he lost to himself for underestimating his enemy.

Reinar Thamsen suddenly remembered his father's words that he always heard when he was younger. "You can't improve if you don't make mistakes!" He just remembered the phrase when he was losing the battle, and he did not think he could improve after making this mistake. He might lose his life after the battle was over.

"Urgghhh!" An arrow pierced his thigh. The arrow came from behind, and it did not mean to kill. He was forced to open his eyes to see his army was being slaughtered.

"Open your eyes! Witness how we slaughter your people!" He heard a female voice, cold and full of hatred. The emotion in her tone was obvious, but he was confused as to why the woman harbored hatred against him. His plan was foiled, he lost the battle, and he was not a captive. He felt like he did not deserve such hatred, especially when had not done anything that caused any damage to the Tang Empire.

Reinar Thamsen turned his head to see the woman, but he was greeted with a kick on his cheek, forcing him to look forward. However, he got a glimpse of the woman. She was an elf, a beautiful elf. He did not remember if he even met the elf. He was confused, but he did not bother to listen to her to keep his eyes open despite the burning pain on his cheek. It was just he never expected what happened to him next. He did not expect the woman would shove an arrow into his right eye.

"ARRRRGGHHHH!" Reinar could not endure the pain just like how an arrow pierced his thigh. It was completely different when his right eye was pierced. He was about to throw his body to the ground, but Aleesa grabbed his hair, "I told you to watch how we slaughter your people. If you dare to close your eyes once more. I will stomp your crotch."

Hearing that, Reinar's butt cheeks clenched. He was ready to accept his death, but he was not ready for the torture. He did not want to experience losing his cock before dying. The seething hatred in her tone became even more obvious, and he believed that she would do it to keep his eyes open. Reinar had no choice but to open his eyes, witnessing the tragedy that befell his army.

Aleesa had an urge to kill the man in her hand, the main culprit that gave Revalor the courage to kill her nephew for the sake of vengeance. If not for the Giteron Dynasty's support, Revalor would not have done such a thing. However, she managed to hold back because it was up to her sister to decide on Reinar's punishment. josei

The battle lasted over two hours before the last Legend Rank of the Giteron Dynasty fell. Of course, the Tang Empire did not win with no casualties. They suffered loss as well, losing thousands of Tarriors in the battle. Casualties could not be avoided in a war.

"Bring the wounded to the Healer Division's camp! Look for our people who fell in the battle and identify them!" They had wiped out over two hundred thousand armies, but it was not the time for the celebration yet. Zhang Mengyao had to find her people who fell in the battle in order to compensate the fallen family. The Empire had to be responsible for the fallen's family that was why they needed to identify the fallen Tarrior even though it took a long time to identify thousands of them.

The Tarrior did not complain despite how exhausted they were after the battle. Even the Tarrior who suffered injuries but still could walk, helped the others to find their fallen comrades. They might be the next person to fall in the battle, and they wanted their body to be searched to be given a proper funeral. They also wanted their family to be compensated if they died in the battle. That was the reason why they entered the battle with no fear. Because they knew that their family would be safe even without them.

Zhang Mengyao was still holding the lance and the shield. The fresh blood still dripped off her armor, lance, and shield. Her black equipment was coated in red blood after the battle, proof that she killed many enemies. She heard several notifications in her head during the battle, but she ignored them all. She put the shield and lance into her inventory and began searching for Tarrior's dead bodies with heavy hearts. There was no winner in the war because they also lost many people to defeat the Giteron Dynasty.

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