
Chapter 296 - Against Templar Knight Again

Chapter 296 - Against Templar Knight Again


Chapter 296 - Against Templar Knight Again

Deep inside the Orin Forest

Tang Shaoyang opened his eyes and saw the straw ceiling. He was about to move his hands, but he felt a weight. He looked to the right, Delia was sleeping soundly as she rested her head on his arm.

Tang Shaoyang saw a satisfied smile on her face. Then he looked at his chest, Liang Suyin was resting on top of him, curling up like a lazy cat. He then looked to the right, Arina was resting on his left arm.

'It seems my hair doesn't affect my handsomeness,' he thought with satisfaction. This was his record for sleeping with three women at once if it was before…

'Nah, why would I think about the past? I exist for the present and the future,' he slowly withdrew his hand while using [Mana Manipulation] to make sure they did not feel the movement.

—Could not imagine that our natural affinity with mana would be used like this.

Rumru the Black Dragon commented while looking at Tang Shaoyang used [Mana Manipulation] to sneak out of the bed. Zowen also chimed in, telling the Dragon this was not the first time.

—There are many things you could never imagine, but this guy will do it. This is just one of many!

Tang Shaoyang ignored the spirits, it did not matter how or for what he used the skill. The skills existed for his convenience, whether in his daily life or on the battlefield. That was what he believed.

He got up from the bed and took the robe with white fur before he went out. He did not want to disturb their sleep.

In the main room, Elin and Selena were preparing something on the table. They were preparing for breakfast.

"So what do we have for our morning meal?" He got behind Selena and had his hand circled her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. While at it, he did not forget to sniff around her nape.

"You woke up this early? I thought you were going to enjoy your time until noon," Selena let him do anything while putting a slice of meat on top of the bread. There was a saltiness in her words, and Tang Shaoyang could detect it from her tone.

"Did you put too much salt in the food?" Tang Shaoyang replied with a playful tone while Elin giggled from across the table.

"You have your turn yesterday, stop pouting," he shook his head when Selena turned her head away, "But if you want, we can do one round here," he whispered to the girl. Even though he said that to Selena, his eyes were gazing toward Elin.

Just like that, Selena surrendered herself to Tang Shaoyang as Elin joined the battle. Soon enough, the room filled with a moan from Elin and Selena.

Thirty minutes later

Tang Shaoyang came out of his hut. Outside, Wen, Kairu, Frost, and Jacky were waiting for him. The four stood in a line.

"I have gathered all the information we need, we are ready to launch the attack!" Wen was the first one to speak.

"Finally we are going to make the move," Tang Shaoyang replies with a delighted tone, "But I don't like your strategy to sacrifice your people like that just for information."

"Didn't we have the agreement that you will follow my instruction in this battle? This is the battle between us and the Waskin City, the last battle before we follow you." Wen replied sternly.

"Just saying my opinion," Tang Shaoyang shrugged as he turned around, "Let me get prepared first."

*** ***

Three days had passed since the Beast Stampede, the city defense managed to repel eleven waves of the Beast Stampede. The adventurers were working together with the city guard and the mage forces. Even though they managed to defend the main gate, the force was barely able to do it.

The Royal Knights, The Guardian Knights, and the Diamond Rank Parties had not made their move yet.

"Damn! Are they just going to watch the battle? What's the use of their shield and sword? Ornaments for the show?" A Gold Ranked Adventurer slammed his steel boots to the hard floor as he cursed at the Guardian Knights who stood in a formation behind the wall.

"Ssshh!" His friend who also Gold Ranked Adventurer called his friend out, "Are you crazy? Talking about the church openly like that, do you want to die?"

The one who brought the topic gritted his teeth. His friend was right, this was not something his status could talk openly. But he was at the limit, three days of battle, and he barely got any sleep.

"I know you are stressed out, but we have to hold back. This battle is not just about the money, but for our family too," an older adventurer tapped the man to calm him down.

The Gold Rank Adventurer nodded his head and leaned his back on the hard wall.

"Listen to your elder, kids! Or else, you will lose your head," a voice filled with arrogance rang, alarming the Gold Rank Party. The six adventurers looked toward the voice and found a man with long hair coming toward them.

The man looked much younger than the six adventurers, and he wore gold plate armor with a crest on his left chest, and also a pure white cape with a bigger crest.

He just calmed down after his friends consoled him, now he heard this cocky voice. The Gold Rank Adventurer immediately rose but the older adventurer held him back, "He's one of the Templar Knights, the fourth one. Calm your ass down if you want to keep your life intact!"

Hearing those words, the Gold Rank Adventurer immediately lowered his head. The other four also stood up and bowed their heads toward Hardy.

"What a sensible rogue, tsk," Hardy shook his head regrettably, clearly he was picking fault with the adventurers. He yawned and looked toward the forest, "Those armors and weapons are not just an ornament like your brain. They are a real deal."

Slowly, the fourth Templar Knight turned toward the paled Gold Rank Adventurer, "I am bored now, do you want to test it out whether it is a real weapon or just an ornament?" A sly grin formed on Hardy's lips.

"We are sorry for our rudeness and our irresponsible remark," the older adventurer and the other five bowed their heads once again.

"Tsk, this is not funny at all," Hardy turned back toward the forest once again. Three days had passed but their target did not show up. While he gazed at the forest, he noticed movement from the forest.

The ground vibrated, and even the city wall also vibrated. The vibration was fiercer than what they felt before.

The frown on Hardy's forehead got deeper, the strong vibration meant the number was more than the beforehand wave.

"This is the third day…" Hardy muttered in a low voice. As the Waskin City's native, Hardy knew that the Beast Stampede would last at least a week, "But why does the number of the beasts multiply as if this is the last day? Moreover, they are more organized for a Beast Stampede."

While the fourth Templar Knight was getting confused with the situation, he saw a human figure coming out of the forest, followed by four beastmen.

The hairless man threw him off a little bit, he did not recognize the man at first. But after giving the man closer, he realized the man was the target they had been looking for.

"You finally dare to show your face," Hardy grinned as he directed his hand to the sky. A blue sword shot up to the sky and exploded into particles. That was a signal between the Templar Knights.

After sending the signal, Hardy jumped off the wall and rushed toward Tang Shaoyang.

Tang Shaoyang and the four beastmen noticed the exploded sword. Soon enough, they also noticed there was a figure rushed toward them.

"Hahaha, you finally dare to show your face, Coward!" Hardy laughed while pointing his finger at Tang Shaoyang.

Kairu was about to charge at the loathsome knight, but Tang Shaoyang held him back, "Stay in the position," while saying so, he cast [Basic Detection] on Hardy.



Race: Human

Affiliation: Luminous Church

Class: Templar Knight

Level: 267


"Coward? Me? Or is it your Goddesses? They don't dare to show their faces and they keep sending weaklings like you," Tang Shaoyang grinned at the man.

"You dare!" Hardy lost it when his Goddesses were brought up. He did not wait for his friends to come as he rushed madly toward Tang Shaoyang.

"Yeah, that's right, come to me!" Tang Shaoyang's figure also flashed forward.

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