Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 556 Warm Up Clash

Chapter 556 Warm Up Clash

Elara's every gesture was deliberate and gentle, her touch a soothing caress that conveyed both care and authority. She checked each creature's condition with a practiced eye, ensuring their well-being and comfort. Her hands, calloused from years of labor on the farm, possessed a gentleness that transcended their rugged appearance.

Her keen elven senses were attuned to the slightest rustle of leaves or the distant murmur of the wind, always watchful for potential dangers that might threaten her cherished charges. Her presence was a shield, a guardian's vigilance that enveloped the creatures and assured them of their safety.

The barn doors swung open, revealing the bucolic landscape beyond. Elara led her fantastical companions into the golden fields, where the wheat swayed in homage to their presence. As they ventured forth, a sense of harmony and tranquility permeated the air, an exhibit of the enduring bond between the elven mother and the enchanting beings of her farm.

"She sees me…" I couldn't help but continue smiling as even though she tried to come off as wary and carefully watching her surroundings for me, I could already tell she discovered where I was. 

My vision delved deep into the cells of her body and with each movement, they stared at me. Those keen elven senses weren't just features of her eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and skin… but features of her physical being. All of it. It was an interesting discovery that made me wonder just how much more I had to learn about this world. 


I landed right in front of her with a large smile and even though she panicked quite a bit, the mythical monsters behind her stood their ground. They even came forward, threatening to attack me if I got any closer. 

"I just want to talk to the girl. There is no need to fight…" I smiled, but the monsters attacked first. "Well, I guess I could use a warm-up before fighting the big guys of this plane." 

As the mythical creatures descended upon me with a fury, the clash of battle was deafening. Lightning arced from my Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus, forming an electrifying barrier that absorbed their initial assault. The air sizzled with energy as I prepared to face the onslaught.

With lightning-fast reflexes guided by Concentration, I dodged the swipes of griffins' talons and the fiery breath of phoenixes. My scythe, enhanced by Unparalleled Slash, gleamed as it met the gnashing jaws of chimeras, forcing them back momentarily.

Summoning Walking Jungle Hydra, the colossal creature lunged into the fray, its multiple heads snapping and striking at the attackers. It created a whirlwind of chaos, driving some of the creatures to retreat momentarily.

Harnessing the power of Grand Mind Magic, I delved into the minds of my foes, sowing discord and hesitation among their ranks. Griffins turned against their phoenix allies, and chimeras hesitated in their attacks, their thoughts clouded by my influence.

Despite the odds, the mythical creatures fought back fiercely. Unicorns lowered their gleaming horns, charging at me with determination, while forest spirits danced in unpredictable patterns, launching ethereal attacks from the shadows.

With each clash, my Unparalleled Slash parried their attacks and delivered precise counterstrikes, but the battle was far from over. I exerted my control over the summoned creatures with Monster Control, turning some against their own kind, further disrupting their coordination.

Using Forbidden Magic: Medusa I unleashed a petrifying gaze from my eyes, turning the charging unicorns into stone statues before they could reach me. Their once-graceful forms now stood frozen in time, adding an eerie stillness to the chaotic scene.


Summon: Golden Mountain Bear created a massive, golden-furred bear materialized at my side, its roars sending shockwaves through the battlefield. It lunged at the chimeras, its powerful claws swiping through the air with devastating force.

Grand Water Magic conjured a wall of water to shield me from the fiery breath of the phoenixes, extinguishing their flames and leaving them momentarily disoriented.

With Apocalyptic Weapon Swing my scythe arced through the air, creating shockwaves that knocked the forest spirits off balance. Their ethereal attacks faltered as they struggled to regain their composure.

Simultaneously, with Monster Magic I tapped into the inherent magic of the summoned creatures, amplifying their strength and resilience. The Jungle Hydra's heads struck with renewed vigor, tearing through the ranks of my foes.

But the mythical creatures were not easily defeated. The phoenixes, reborn from their ashes, soared once more, their fiery plumage more vibrant than ever. The chimeras adapted to the battlefield chaos, their shifting forms making them elusive targets. The forest spirits regrouped, their attacks growing more intricate and unpredictable.I think you should take a look at

Once again with Monster Control, I maintained dominance over the creatures under my command, using them strategically to disrupt the enemy's formations. The griffins, confused by their own allies' sudden betrayal, faltered in their attacks, allowing me to land critical blows.

True Queen Overlord's Dominating Presence caused me to exude an aura of authority and dominance, momentarily subduing the forest spirits and causing them to hesitate in their ethereal attacks. It bought me a precious moment to regroup.

Summon: Overlord Deer created a majestic Overlord Deer that emerged from the backlines of my summons, its antlers glinting with power as it charged into the fray. It trampled through the chimeras and phoenixes with an almost regal grace.

Grand Jewel Manipulation conjured jewels of various elements, sending them spiraling through the air to intercept the griffins' swooping attacks. The impact caused dazzling elemental explosions, scattering them in disarray.

Summon: Heavenly Royal Charred Unicorn was then activated. This divine creature materialized with a radiant presence. It unleashed a blinding light from its horn, purging the forest spirits' illusions and revealing their true forms

Upon using Apocalyptic Weather Manipulation I called upon the elements, darkening the sky and unleashing torrential rain, dousing the flames of the phoenixes. Thunder and lightning crackled, adding an element of chaos to the battle.

By using Monster Connection My connection with the summoned creatures deepened, allowing me to communicate with them telepathically. The Jungle Hydra and Golden Mountain Bear coordinated their attacks, tearing into the chimeras with brutal efficiency.

Despite our relentless efforts, the mythical creatures surprisingly fought back well with unwavering tenacity. The phoenixes, with renewed flames, spiraled through the stormy skies, raining down fiery devastation. The chimeras adapted to the changing battlefield once more, their forms morphing unpredictably to avoid my attacks. The forest spirits, their illusions dispelled, unleashed spectral barrages that threatened to overwhelm me.

"I guess we should get going again-" I muttered, but was suddenly cut off by a surprising appearance. 

Amidst the chaos of the relentless battle, a hush descended over the field as an elven woman stepped into the midst of the clash. She was a figure of grace and gentleness, her presence radiating an aura of tranquility that seemed at odds with the fury of the ongoing conflict.

With long, silvery hair flowing like a waterfall, and robes that blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings, she appeared ethereal and otherworldly. The mythical creatures, regardless of their fierce natures, halted in their tracks at the sight of her.

Her voice, soft and melodic, carried across the battlefield, commanding attention without the need for volume. "Enough," she said, her words carrying the weight of authority. "Cease this senseless violence."

The mythical creatures, once filled with aggression, now lowered their heads, spread their wings, or stilled their movements. It was clear that they held a deep respect and reverence for this elven woman.

The unicorn, frozen mid-charge, shifted back to more docile and natural forms, their glistening and sparkling bodies becoming flesh once more. The phoenixes descended from the stormy sky, their flames extinguished, and the chimeras ceased their unpredictable transformations. Even the forest spirits, their spectral attacks stilled, moved to her side.

The elven woman moved among her precious farm animals, her touch gentle and soothing as she reassured each one. She spoke to them in a language of ancient melodies, and they responded with a serenity that belied their earlier ferocity.

It was clear to all present that these creatures were not mere tools of war but cherished companions under her care. The elven woman's love for them transcended the battle, and the mythical creatures had no desire to harm her or each other.

As the tension in the battlefield ebbed away, the elven woman cast a compassionate gaze toward me, acknowledging my efforts to protect her precious charges. It was a moment of understanding amidst the chaos, a testament to the unbreakable bond between her and the mythical creatures she called family.

With her presence, the battle had transformed into a scene of peace and reconciliation. Though the conflict had raged on relentlessly, her gentle intervention had reminded everyone that there was more to the world than strife and combat. The elven woman's farm animals had been spared further harm, and the battlefield now stood as a testament to the power of compassion and the bonds that unite all living beings.

"So you weren't as weak as I thought," I smiled as I witnessed her insanely powerful status. 

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