Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 86 Army Departing

Chapter 86 Army Departing

The unconscious soldiers that were knocked out during my training were still unconscious, so this was the perfect time to give out the rewards. I ordered all the soldiers to rise as I wanted to use this reward to test out something else.

I cut my hand, making Ichika panic while scampering over to me, but I shooed her away since I needed this to create blood minions. Once Ichika left, my blood started to drip onto the grass and created a minion that looked exactly like me.

Onlooking soldiers gazed in awe at what had just formed from my blood.

"Everyone line up so I can attach these to you. These little guys will be your last resort and will save you from most monsters when you're about to die," I say while the army quickly forms a neat and organized line.

First was Zoe, I placed one of the blood minions that dropped onto the ground on her shoulder then used [Assimilation] on it. Suddenly the minion sunk into her shoulder, forming a small, zig zag-like red tattoo.josei

"Seems it worked…" I said before doing this to about 425 more soldiers.

"Hmmm, I'm not tired even one bit after assimilating so many times and letting out so much blood. It's probably due to my bloodline modification that increased my vitality," I mumble to myself while going back to my castle.

It was currently the evening, since assimilating took much longer than I thought. For some reason, the Amazonians weren't able to assimilate my blood minion, so I just assimilated it onto their armor.

I don't know the specific reason why, but it should be related to their tattoos. Maybe mother nature exists in this world…

As soon as I got back, I saw my wives waiting for me at the dinner table so I sat down next to them and started to eat something that resembled fish.

"So are you feeling anything yet?" I ask my wives, in between bites.

"Not yet," Aika says while my other wives shake their heads side to side.

"Well, I don't want you participating in the war if you feel something like pregnancy. Just let me know and you can stay back here," I say.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Kumo says with a smug face.

"Who was the one that needed to be carried back to our bedroom after passing out," I tease.

We all laughed and before we knew it, we were all full. I told them about what I did today and they asked if they could have it as well, so of course, I did it for them.

Once I finished assimilating it into their shoulder, we then got out of our chairs and walked to the bath. I helped massage Aika who was practicing all day again and realized despite her being an elf, she is actually gaining muscle.

"Aren't elves not supposed to gain muscle?" I ask Aika who was currently enjoying my massage.

"I honestly don't know why I can, but it could be related to one of my titles,"


[Name: Aika]

[Race: Elf]

[Status: Direct Subordinate]

[Level: 42/50]

[HP: 80/80 MP: 100/100 SP: 40/40]

[Strength: 10 (+25)]

[Defense: 10]

[Magic: 30 (+25)]

[Speed: 25 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 10]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Concentration] [Slash] [Wind Blade]

[Mastered Weapons: [Longsword (Partial)]

[Equipment: [Green Ring of Twilight]

[Titles: [Direct Subordinate] [Hard Worker] [Persistent] [Surpassed Limits]

"It's probably due to your [Surpassed Limits] title… WAIT! YOU PARTIALLY MASTERED THE LONGSWORD!" I yell out, surprised.

"I guess there's no hiding it since you have [Inspect]. I just got it today isn't that great! I didn't even notice it until earlier, I just felt a sudden jump in my skill level. None of the knights and adventurers I sparred today, were a match for me," Aika laughs proudly.

"Nice job, how about tomorrow we get you to fully master it," I say.

"Really! That would be great!" Aika says pumping both her fists into the air and leaning back on me.

"But first, I want a reward…" Aika says laying her head on my breasts while looking up at me.

Since I didn't want the same scenario to repeat, I strategically evaded her seduction before getting out. My wives followed, as we all changed into nightgowns and crawled into bed.

[Day 32]

It was a normal morning. We all woke up about the same time and soaked in the bath. We then changed into our preferred clothes and then had breakfast. Aika talked about how excited she was to master the longsword but I quickly crushed her hopes of achieving it quickly by saying that it might take about a week.

Once breakfast was finished, I took Aika to the training room where I explained how you can get full mastery. She absorbed the information quickly as I saw her pick up a training long sword from the weapon rack.

"Babe, how heavy are these weapons?" asks Aika, struggling to even lift the longsword.

"They're for training, so of course they are going to be heavy," I say, easily grabbing a training scythe from the wall.

I spun the scythe around my neck before activating [Forbidden Magic: Medusa]. The silver scythe turns into a rocky grey with cracks all over it. It looked like it could fall apart at any moment.

A grey mist also released from the cracks giving it an ominous feeling.

"Activate [Wind Magic] and then try to imagine the wind intertwining with the weapons molecules. It takes a lot of imagination but once you get full mastery it should be a breeze from there," I say before deactivating [Forbidden Magic: Medusa].

I placed the weapon back on the rack and decided to check on the army once more. But before I could fly out, I heard Mia's voice call out from down the hallway.

"Your highness, we have finished gathering the troops. Please select a commander to lead the army, unless your highness wants to do it," says Mia.

"You're not talking to me casually..."

"Your highness, please forgive me as I feel it is rude to do that in your castle," Mia says while bowing apologetically.


She has changed in the past few days. Not only does she seem more mature, but she also feels stronger… but it was just as I had expected. This personality is perfect, for being the head guild master of my kingdom.

"Whatever... Akito will lead the army and I want you to stay behind. Start organizing the rest of the troops, so we can surprise attack them before they can even gather an army… if they're smart enough," I order.

Mia bows, before quickly walking down the hallway.

"Yin, come here," I say while using [Mind Magic].

All I had to do was sense her collar and then just activate [Mind Magic]. It would then sound like I was talking directly into their brain.

Not even 10 seconds later, Yin appeared right in front of me with a huge smile.

"Is there anything you want master?" she asks.

"The troops are departing, so follow them in the shadows and make sure to get information on their real base. Failure will not be tolerated and if you fail you will get punished, I hope you know what punishment it will be. Also don't blame it on the other members, the leader should take full responsibility, right..."

"I-I will make sure to not fail you master," Yin stutters before disappearing into the shadows.

"Alright, time to wait for the results," I say while going back to the training room and observing Aika.

"M-master is scary. I-I thought I wouldn't have to go back in that room ever again. I can't fail otherwise master will be disappointed in me and… I-I'll have to go back," I say, shivering just from the thought of the darkroom.

The darkroom wasn't as bad as when I was chained to the wall and blindfolded, but it still makes me panic. I also heard that Mister Akio added chains into the darkroom so that's an even greater reason to not fail this mission.

I soon arrived back at our new training spot with the recruits sparring with each other. It was near the edge of the kingdom where nobody really walks by. But eventually, we will have to pick another spot since I noticed that the houses and buildings are starting to expand in this direction.

As I observed the new members, I was impressed by their [Shadow Magic] since it is almost as fast as mine while their shadow travel was getting… better. It was nowhere near my or master's skill level, but it is more than enough for assassinations. The rest of their skills have also improved exponentially, with some even gaining partial dagger mastery.

Of course, I'm master's favorite, so I already have partial mastery. I just wish she could teach me full mastery. If I start spying on her training with Miss Aika and I get caught, I'll surely be punished so I can only learn on my own or wait for her to teach me.

"Hey, newbies! Master has given us an important mission!" I yell with my persona flipping instantly.

The recruits stop their sparring session and turn their head towards me. All of them were covered in sweat with a few of them having cuts on their body.

As their cold eyes finally landed on me, I explained the mission that my benevolent master has given us.

"Our mission today is to follow the army that Master has sent out and provide support and recon. Also, we have to gather information on the enemy's main base so make sure to torture any survivors that look useful," I say coldly.

They all nod their head as we sink into the shadows.

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