Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 380 - X-Mission Part 2

Chapter 380 - X-Mission Part 2

 The party in her grandfather's house. It's their anniversary and somehow it became a family gathering. They had lots of gifts from everyone and Agatha gave her a painting of her and Zachary on their wedding in Hawaii. She smiled and thanked her.

 They could only get a photo of it and Zachary seemed to tandem with her so they could have a wedding painting in Hawaii. Dmitri prepared a big feast with his Chefs from Asian Season. She's drooling over the foods and Ellen, Selina, Agatha, and Sarah can't stop watching the handsome Chefs. It's a good sight to see.

 Zachary kept on murmuring on how to kill Dmitri for bringing his Chef on their anniversary. Their Grandfather is holding baby Kale as he talked to the baby boy and the baby boy is responding to his great-grandfather. The two old men are happy with the baby boy and Manuel also had the baby Bea on his arms.

"I think our baby should get away from those old men," Zachary whispered to her ear. "Looked at Stanley and Fin who can't take their eyes off their baby. They are monitoring if the old men would happen to drop the babies."

 Andy laughed and nudged him.

"Stop talking like that. They will hate you if you hide our baby from them."

"I can't believe that those old men would snatch those boy's baby."

"Let them." She smacked him. A newly cooked crayfish and crabs are served in front of them. She licked her lips and looked at him as she cocked her head on the crayfish. He put the gloves on and take a crayfish and started peeling. She took the corn and started nibbling while waiting for him to stacks the meat of the crustaceans on her plate.

 He took a cucumber and told her to eat it together with the meat of crayfish. He likes how Andy gained weight. Then he glanced at Agatha who is also eating a lot and Freya. It's like they are competing in sea-foods.

"The tuna taste good." He took a tuna and put it on her mouth.

"I am still drooling." She said as she watched the Chef making another food in a flaming pan. Their parents clapped their hands as they make a good show.

 Zachary exhaled and he stood.

"Do you want me to remove my shirt?" He asked her. She looked up at him and pulled him down.

"No need for that." She snickered as she continued to eat. She hummed and finished her plate.

 Moira and Ellen are filming, and Moira pointed the camera at Andromeda, filming him while she's eating.

"And here are our legendary couple. Mrs. Mondragon-Pattinson is trying to catch up with another two pregnant women." Then she pointed it to Freya and Agatha who are eating peacefully.

"Moira!" Andy hissed at her. "Just sit down and eat."

 Moira laughed and pointed it to the hot Chefs who are now serving food to the Aunts and Uncles and their parents.

"Where's Andel?" Zach asked.

"He's on her way," Moira told and she glanced at Ellen and then to Zach. Andel arrived with cap and he greets everyone with kisses, including Ellen and he lastly kissed Zach on cheeks.

"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend with you?" He asked as he looked around.josei

"I don't like showing my girlfriend around." He patted his head. "I missed you and don't look after my girlfriend, I might've got jealous over it." He kissed his cheek again and Zachary pushed him away.

"Stop it, you ass!"

 Andel took a piece of crayfish meat from Andy's plate and Zachary stopped as he looked at Andel eat it and Andy is staring at her plate. Her eyes started watering and Zach pushed him away and took another crayfish.

"Hey, baby. Don't cry. There's a lot more."

 Andy sniffled trying not to cry but she's crying. Zachary punch Andel on his stomach and Andel groaned and hold it. Ellen came and took Andel away.

"Do not do that!" She hissed at him. Andel seemed to be hurt.

 Zach removed the gloves and then he wiped Andy's tears.

"Baby, it's fine."

"Cra—" Andel was about to mention but Ellen covered his mouth and glared at him.

 Zachary is busy coaxing Andromeda and it caught everyone's attention.

 Ellen grabbed Andel away from Andy and Zach and pushed him to the corner.

"Andy is very sensitive right now." She crossed her arms in front of her. He bowed his head and pulled his hood to hide.

"Baby girl, I'm sorry." He muttered. She exclaimed and pulled him to the other table and told him to wait. "Don't be mad." He told.

"Stay there." She hissed.

 Zachary took her to their room. She somehow stopped crying after he put more crayfish on her plate. Andy hated it whenever someone took her food. He coaxed her to sleep and then he went outside to talk to Dmitri and Fin.

 He told them that he's secretly asking Ivanov Empire of Assassins to search for Allona. But it's hard for them since she's protected by two big empires.

"I will cancel the searching," Dmitri said and Zachary knew it as a hint.


 He went back to the bed and looked at his wife. She wasn't safe anywhere.


Zachary frowned at what he received from Ivanov. Allona is dead. They found an abandoned house and the had been burned. Allona's parents are mourning at this moment with her ashes. They sent him the photos of her burnt body with a few of her belongings.

 They also found the jacket that she used that night and the gun. It all had her fingerprint. The DNA also matched her, and Ivanov processed it all. They have the data perfectly on it and he looked up at Andromeda with a question on her face.

"What's up?"

"Allona is dead." He said and Andy clenched her fist. Then she laughed.

"Stop searching for her." She said and she turned back. "Let's go to bed. Baby needs a cuddle."

 Zachary is somehow puzzled about her actions. He put away his papers and since it's weekend and raining, she likes to be cuddled. He hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulders.

"What are you thinking?"

"If Allona is dead and the Eagle and the Rose Empire is protecting her, she must be important to their plans. I need you to get ready anytime if something happened to me."

"I will." He reached her stomach. "Nothing's going to happen."


 Fin put baby Bea on the crib, and he crawled to bed and kissed Selina on lips. It's been a while since their last lovemaking and lots of things are happening after the X-Mission. Even Alanis's people couldn't detect the Eagle and after the setup. They stop searching for her. It's somehow their plan to let the Eagle be competent and would think that they somehow take the fake death.

"I missed you." He murmured and he carefully pulled down the silk negligee that she's wearing and sucked on her breasts.

"That's for Bea."

"Hmm." He shook his head.

"It's mine now." He grinned at her.

"We can't have sex for a while."

"I know. But I want to enjoy you while Bea is sleeping." He murmured and he let her hand reached him.

"My poor, Fin." She kissed her forehead.

 He's satisfied with the handjob that his Selina gave. He's sleeping when suddenly a painful vision came into his head. He groaned and then he opened his eyes. He sat up and Bea started crying. He reached a bottled of water that he always ready.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll be there." He went to the crib and took baby Bea and she somehow stopped crying but then she cried again indicating that she's hungry.

 He gently gave her to Selina so she could feed Bea. But she wiped her nipples first with a wet towel. She started feeding the baby.

"I'll prepare your clamshell soup." He kissed her forehead and then baby Bea's head.

 He went down to the kitchen to prepare the clamshell soup and while it's boiling, he thought of his visions. Visions of Andromeda's funeral and how they held it. He was watching them from afar and he couldn't get close to them because he's wanted.

 From afar, he heard baby Beatrix's cry and it pained her on how Selina would hush the baby and talk to the baby. She's also crying, and she tried hard to contact him and run away with him. But he can't. If he did, she would be in great danger.

 He stopped thinking about those negativities and turned off the soup. He put it in a deep bowl and a tray together with side-dishes to eat with the soup.

 He went upstairs and found baby Bea on the bed with her hands up. He put the soup on the table and told her to eat it. Then he crawled to bed to his baby and kissed her fist.

"You'll be a good, girl. Right Bea?"

 She made a baby sound like an answer.

"Good girl." He kissed her nose.

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