Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 405 - The Start Of Something New Part 1

Chapter 405 - The Start Of Something New Part 1

 It was the 2nd Day of January when Dmitri thought that it's the best way to destroy the first warehouse of Adrian is putting on the operation. However, he's smart enough not to put it on his business name. Still, Dmitri will find a way to destroy all of him.josei

"I guess that you had planned this well from the start," Dmitri said with a grin as he sipped on his wine. Andy chuckled and shook her head.

"I think I am getting good at planning. I just currently plan it two days ago." She said as she sipped on her smoothie.

"Good thing."

"I guess, my baby will be much better in planning than me." She rubbed her stomach.

"The next heiress?" He lifted his wine and she lifted back her wine. "At this moment," Dmitri grinned. I think Moira is enjoying the raid while watching it from her computer."

 Andy laughed and nodded.

"Why are you drinking too early? You'll still have to drive. Your daughter is waiting."

"I am good." It's only a few percents. Besides, I am only drinking for a good celebration." He said as they watched the live footage of how NBI raid the warehouse.

 The Captain that they sent just planned it right on the spot giving them instructions and without telling them on what they are going to raid. So even the spies from Dragon Empire wouldn't expect it. Adrian might be in a rage and he might've also sent away the manager of the warehouse.

"It's like she's playing a counterstrike." Andy laughed and Moira is giving the captain some orders on where to shoot and what to command.

"She's enjoying it too much without being on the scenario."

"But we will both enjoy it when we are at it," Andy said in excitement. Dmitri laughed and finished a glass of wine and he sipped on cold water.

 They watched it while he's texting his wife.

Dmitri: How's baby, Demi?" 

Agatha: She doesn't want to sleep without you. 

Dmitri: Sorry, my love. I'll be a little late. I am still watching some documentation with Andy so we could plan for something better. 

Agatha: Hmm. I'll wait for an hour.

Dmitri: You got it, wifey.

Agatha: Come home quick. 

Dmitri: Thirty more minutes. 

Agatha: She's crying. 

Dmitri: I drank a little wine. I'll be there before you know it.

"I can drive you if you want."

"No. I can handle it. Besides, I am not drunk." He stood.

"Sober up for fifteen minutes." She told and then dogs started barking as Zachary entered the foyer.

"Hey!" He walked up to them and kissed her cheek. He patted Dmitri's shoulder.

 He removed his coat and sat beside his wife.

 Andy reached the bottled water and gave it to him. He opened the cap and thank her.

"Do you want coffee or tea?" She asked him.

"I am fine, love." He kissed her cheek.

"Dinner is ready," Dmitri told him. "We were only waiting for you."

"Oh, right." He nodded and stood. I'll set it in here, you guys should relax and watched the movie."

"Corner right," Moira said as a control. "Toss the tear gas from team A to East in 90 degrees." 

 Andy loves how Moira command while they are raiding the warehouse.

"The Manager already escapes the site so we will only capture on what's inside. Better not kill them all." Moira told the Captain. 

"Roger." The captain commands. 

 At that time, Dmitri already had injected a tracker to the Manager, and they are tracing on wherever he goes. But they didn't capture them. Moira has a more exciting plan. She also had an exciting plan. However, the time will come, and Adrian will get rid of the man easily so there will be no trace after the warehouse has been a raid.

 Zachary places the food on the center table and gave them plates. Dmitri already set each plate with a piece of brisk steak and then soup. Zachary is busy with slicing the tender steak and then he gave it to his wife with the fork.

 He relaxed beside his wife and watched it together with her. He reached the wine and sipped on it.

"I like how they are moving like robots," Zachary said.

"Moira will be our Centaur in every mission like this. Her identity is unrevealed, and we will surely win any missions if there's a Dragon in the operation." Andy said proudly.

"I think she's enjoying such things while getting her ass lazy in her office," Zachary noted.

"Indeed. But it's more fun when we are in the field."

 Zachary frowned at her.

"Hey—those were the times when I am free and reckless."

"Uh-huh! That's why you always got cut and bruises." He said sardonically. She smacked his lap.

"It's so much fun being in the field. Right, D?"

"Yes." Dmitri nodded and pointed the fork on the big LCD screen. "This is too much adrenaline rush."

"I remember when I am in Iraq and had encountered Yves." She laughed. "He was running his pretty ass away from the field."

"What was he doing in the field? That Brad would never go on the field." Zachary asked with a frown and curiosity.

"His father did it. I think it's one of his tests but after that encounter, I lost connection with him. So, now I am still searching on where he hid his father. We had a deal."

"Do you want me to locate him?" Zach asked. Andy turned to her with a grin.

"Can you do that?"

"You are over underestimating your husband."

"Please do it."

"Hmm." He nodded and he took the soup to feed her.

"Give me more time. I'll still gather a few data and remote few cameras."

"Don't tell me that you are working with the CIA?" She creased her brows. Dmitri and Zachary looked at each other. Dmitri cleared his throat and focused on the raid.

"I—They offer me big with an exchange for the new processor that I created. They will buy all of it and in I wouldn't appear on my advertisement." He murmured.

"That was mine, right?" She creased her brows. He shook his head.

"This processor is close to perfect on what you had. I didn't give them my masterpiece, it's all for you, love." He smiled at her.

"Damn it." She shook her head and creased her brows.

"Hey, I had more of it. It's only one processor."

"Ugh!" She's pissed.

"Besides, the CIA will give me information's that I need and I will work on finding the old Kuznetsov."

"I don't work with the CIA because they always go on my way. Also, EPUA had only closed a little contract with them. They have the Eagle flag, dummy."

"But they aren't part of Adrian's Empire. They might have the same eagle, but the CIA is part of America."

"Yeah, whatever. They can't be trusted."

 Now, Zachary thought about it. Maybe EPUA and the Ivanov's Empire's of Assassin will help him. He better not stressed out the pregnant woman. After a while, the raid is done, and Dmitri left and said his goodbye to them.

 Zachary turned off the screen and the butler came to clear up the plates. Then he helped her back to their room and they both take a warm shower. Then, she massaged his face and head and his shoulders and back to make him feel better from the stress and all-day sitting.

 He's already sleepy but he wouldn't sleep until he massaged Andy's legs and feet. She said that she does a little tai-chi and yoga and she walked around the garden to check the dogs.

 He finally dragged his body to her as he kissed her round stomach and he slumped on the space beside her. He pulled the duvet over their chest and he hugged her.

"Love, what would be our baby's name?'

"Hmm." She thought for a while.

"If it's a girl."

"I haven't thought about it."

 There are sudden thunder and lightning and they watched it from the window. Andy loves watching it so after a while, it rains hard and their dogs are whimpering outside their room.

"Let them in," Andy said.

 He slipped off from the bed and let the dogs in as they huddled on the carpet. She closed her eyes and he took the remote to close the window. It's enough that she's hearing the rain. The biggest dog sleeps on his other side and he patted it and the rest slept at the edge of their bed and on the sofa at the edge of the bed.

 Zachary smiled. Their babies had grown bigger than he expected, and King looked fat. He reached Andy's stomach. He didn't realize that days passed by quickly and her stomach is getting bigger.

"I love you." He murmured but she's already asleep.

 A strong sound of thunder vibrates through the house. It might've hit a tree nearby that the vibrations shook the house. King whimpered and snuggled to them. He patted it and hushed their first baby.

"I think our baby loves the rain." Andy murmured. "She doesn't want to sleep at the moment."

"That's good." He kissed her cheek and Andy turned to them and Zachary put King a little away.

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