Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 434 - Respect For The Acestors

Chapter 434 - Respect For The Acestors

        Love didn't expect that he would propose to her, but it wasn't a question to ask. It was a promise that he made. It's not just that. But the ring is so expensive, and it costs 50,000 dollars and probably millions if it was converted to peso. Their brunch is great, and they take a bath together and then make love almost endless.

        But now, they are in her old apartment and he somehow going to miss it. The wreck bed is there, and he grinned at her as she gathered her things. She's engaged and she didn't realize that it would be her first love and the man that take her virginity and gave her heaven.

"Where is that little vibrator?" He said as he searched around.josei

"Stop it." She giggled. "Let's quickly gather this. Your mom is going to kill us."

"It's just dinner." He said and kissed her neck.

"We've been having sex the whole day."

"I should've done this when we were in college." He murmured and scooped her breasts. "Damn, you are so glorious and hot."

"I was like a stick back in college."

"Yeah." He sucked her neck more and she moaned.

        His phone started ringing loudly and he stopped and pulled it.

"Hey, Mom… alright. We'll be there." He hung up.

"I told you that it wasn't just dinner." She frowned at him. He laughed.

        They soon arrived at the house and there are food and turkey? What's with today? She's puzzled and then there's a camera on the foot of the eighteen-seater table and a big LCD monitor.

"Glad that you guys are here." Angela greeted them and mostly her, warmly and Ellen did the same as they sit to their seats. Then soon, on the monitor are four people in dining tables. The screen number one is Andromeda and Zachary then on-screen number two are two families, Dmitri and his wife and daughter, Stanley with his fiancée and twins. Then on the screen number three are the Mondragon Family with the in-laws and outside the house in a garden on the screen number four is Fin and his wife Selina together with their baby Bea and hunk men.

        This is family and their dinner stars with prayer and then discussion and eating. Andrew explained to her about the Phoenix Empire and how they are a big threat to the Eagle Empire. He mentioned the CEO of a five-star hotel that just recently opened and told her that Marianne was from that empire and was sent to kill him and their whole family.

        Mondragon is already part of the Pattinson since they are joined through Andromeda and Zachary and Agatha and Dmitri. The family is now huge, and she should take note of all of it but never say it to anyone. Mondragon is known to be powerful in armies and Pattinsons are known to be powerful in business and entrepreneurs. Both families are powerful but how about the Phoenix Empire? He told her that they have few businesses that shouldn't be mentioned because since they are a threat to the Eagle Empire, it will be a big fuss and the Eagle Empire will jeopardize each business purposely so they will lose assets and supply.

        She understood now what kind of family she got into. But as she joined them, she learned that family comes first, and everyone is helping each other and watching each other's back.

        They also had this very special wine to use during this kind of event.


        After the dinner, Freya took the crying Raiden to the basement and she checked again the CCTV footage of the house. She frowned when someone came out from the closet and she is holding her baby's clothes. She doesn't know the woman and seemed to be a maniac.

        So, she took the telephone and called them in the kitchen. Steven picked it up.

"Come downstairs and take Rhys with you."

        Soon, he came, and then she playback the video and showed him what she sees.

"What is she doing in our closet?" She asked him. "Do you know this woman?"

"No." Steven shook his head while holding Rhys.

        Freya gave Raiden to him and she sat down in front of the monitor and started with fast playback to check on where the woman came from. It was after the raid in their house and she just entered there.

        Freya clenched her fist. There's no way that a maniac could enter their house and stole her children's clothes.

"Calm down, babe. We'll find it out soon."

"I'll send this footage to Moira so she could run an investigation." She muttered and sent it to Moira without thinking twice. Then she pulled out her phone to call her.


"Moira, I sent you footage of a break-in in our house. Could you please run an investigation and detect this female?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you." She hung up and looked at Steven holding the twins. "Okay, now let's go to our bedroom."

        She took Rhys and them to their room. Freya cleaned the twins and change their clothes into a sleeping suit while Steven is taking a short bath. After Steven, she went to the bathroom to take a bath, and still, her mind is in the woman who took her children's clothes. Soon, she came out and put her silk dress on.

"Babe, don't be so grumpy." Steven pulled her and kissed her lips.

"Stop." She pushed his chest. The twins looked up at her when she pushed Steven a little. She sat on the bed and crossed her arms.

"Oh-kay…" He sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"I'll feed the babies." She murmured and then he reached Raiden and she leaned on the headboard to feed them. He also took Rhys who wiggle his arms and legs looking all excited.

"Why are you so excited, huh?" He grinned at Rhys. "You little one, once that you are your brother are old enough, I'll have your mom myself."

"Stop bothering him," Freya said and he only laughed and gave Rhys to the other side. He closed the windows and then he positioned beside her and wrapped his arms around her so she wouldn't get numb by holding the babies.

"I'll have you after them." He muttered and kissed her jaw.

"Shh!" She shushed him and glared at him. He chuckled and kissed her lips. She responded.


        Dmitri checked the footage and according to Freya the woman just stole her children's clothes. It's not an ordinary break-in.

"What do you think it is?" Dmitri asked Demi and Demi looked up at him.


"Tsk. This is bad, baby." He kissed her little forehead.

"D, can we just go upstairs and sleep. It's already twelve." Agatha crossed her arms.

"Demi seemed to be interested in computers." He told.

"Let's deal with that tomorrow."


        Meanwhile, after dinner and after they arrived in her mansion from her grandfather's, she quickly grabbed her computer and started searching for the person. She found the file and she's registered in Turkey, not in the Philippines. She wasn't part of the Eagle Empire or any empire at all.

        She sent it to Dmitri and Freya and then she glanced at her sleeping lover just beside her. She patted his head and put away her computer. She looks like someone she knows. She dug deep inside her brain and then she watched the footage again.

        Is her data wrong? She ran an image scan again and it shows a different woman, not the other one before. She smacked Alanis and he woke up.

"Darling!" He hissed.

"Look here."

        He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Why your secretary went to Steven's house and took the twin's clothes?" She hissed at him.

        He frowned and stared at the monitor for a while.

"Babe, you don't have to hit me so hard." He kissed her cheek.

"Look at here."

        He squinted his eyes to look closely and he frowned.

"She went there after the assassins and took the twin's clothes." She explained with heavy breathing in anger. "And I guess it wasn't just the twin's clothes, but she might've wrapped something on it. Is she already working with the Eagle Empire?"

"Darling, calm down." He rubbed her back.

"If she's working with them, I am going to fucking kill her myself."

"This is bad." He creased his brows.

"Yes. This is completely bad. She's holding your important data and if she's leaking it to the Eagle Empire, I am going to fucking kill her myself."

"Calm down." He kissed her cheek. "I'll deal with this."

"How can I calm down?" She hissed at him.

        He smiled at her sexily and he left the room momentarily. He called his assistant and he came up running.

"Get the traitor and take whatever she took from Steven Mondragon's house."

"Yes, sir."

        He went back to bed and jumped on the bed crawl to her. She put away her laptop and crossed her arms.

"Did you start it?" She asked.

"I did." He kissed her lips. "I want my prize first." He lowers his lips down to her neck and her chests.

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