Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 443 - Making Up With You

Chapter 443 - Making Up With You

        Alanis glanced at the clock and she hasn't gotten him. It's already ten and she still at the Pattinson? He called for the second time just to check on her and they said that she's been in the bar with others.

        He can't let her drive when she's drunk. So, he changed his clothes took his phone and told the driver to ready the car. He's mad right now. It's been a while since she last talked to him. She doesn't want to sleep with him in the same bed and she always answered coldly. He doesn't want that. She's just jealous because his former secretary kissed him, and he said promising words to her before he killed her.

        They soon arrived at the residence and then the guards confirmed them. They let them in. As soon as they are at the front door. He opened his car quickly and entered the house. From the hallway, he heard laughing and when he entered the Bar, Andel is stripping and dancing. He looked so drunk and then Moira kept on laughing until her stomach hurts.

        Zachary is holding his daughter and watched his best friend get naked.

"Stop it!" Moira shouted at her brother. Andel saw him and he strode to him in a very sexy way. He put a hand to his chests, and he shuddered then he walked around him and smacked her butt.

"Asshole." He muttered and pushed Andel away. Moira fell from her chair and continue laughing with the others.

        He strode fast to Moira and picked her up. She leaked of alcohol and damn it! This woman is making him crazy.

"Hey!" She smacked his chest.

"We are going home." He hissed at her. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to take my fiancée away so she wouldn't make any mess."

"Go ahead!" Agatha waved him off.josei

        He went left the house carrying her.

"I want to go back." She pushed his face.

"NO!" He shouted at her.

        She pouted her lips and she nearly cried. He stopped walking and he kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry." He muttered. She started weeping and she ignored him as he strode outside the house to their car.

        His bodyguard opened the back of the car and he gently slid her inside. He followed and then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips.

"Don't get mad at me." He muttered. "I'm sorry, Darling."

        She snuggled to him and sleep. He wiped her wet cheeks and he told the driver to leave. Soon, they arrived at their house and he didn't expect to have her parents back in their mansion.

"What's wrong? Is she drunk?" His mother asked.

"We are going to our room." He ignored them and he put her down on the bed. He started removing her shoes and clothes and he wiped her sweats and he tucked her in.

        His phone started ringing and he answered it.


"Our subject is still in Peru." His spy said.

"Good. Make Yves and Adrian busy don't ever let them notice you."

"Yes, sir."

        He hung up and he called Andromeda. Andy answered shortly.


"He's still in Peru and no one noticed."

"Good, good. Is Moira okay?"

"Yes, she's sleeping."

"Okay. Thank you." Andy hung up.

He looked at his fiancée and he sat beside her and gently kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Moira."

        She's too drunk to respond.


        Ellen frowned at Andel as he kept on messing up. She wanted to punch him and put him down. But her brother is there to do it and they wrapped Andel with a blanket until he can't move. Andel looked up at her like a child and pouted at her.

"Baby girl, release me please." He pleaded.

"No!" Ellen snapped at him.

        Kale walked slowly toward them and he bumped into Ellen's legs and he wrapped himself before he fell. Ellen held Kale's hand and Luna is too drunk to take him.

"Stanley! Take your son!" She shouted at Stanley. Stanley stopped from taking another drink and he smiled at Kale.

"Come here, buddy!" Stanley waved at Kale and Kale walked toward him slowly.

"I think the girls are completely drunk," Dmitri told Stanley. "Should we take them to bed?"

"I guess we should," Stanley said. The only sober person woman is Andromeda and Ellen.

        Stanley gave Kale to Andy and then he took Luna upstairs. She still wanted to go down to have fun, but she needed to sleep as well.

"Luna, come on. Let's do it next week. We need to sleep. Kale is not sleeping. You know that he always wanted to sleep with you."

"I need a bathroom." She sat up and he helped her to the bathroom. She ran to the toilet bowl and started vomiting.

"That's what I'm talking about." He muttered and rubbed her back.


        Downstairs, Demi started crying and Agatha is too drunk to take care of her. Dmitri took the crying Demi and looked at his drunk wife. He glanced at Zachary and he shrugged.

"Baby!" Agatha reached Dmitri.

"Aggy, you are drunk."

"Dmitri…" She sat up and hugged his waist. He kept his balance. "Let's have sex." She said and looked up at him like a lost child. Dmitri covered her mouth and looked at them. They laughed and Agatha kept on saying embarrassing things.

"Just give it to her," Andel said aloud and Ellen smacked him. "Ow!"

        Dmitri gave Demi to her and she held Demi. Then he carried her upstairs. She opened the door since he's carrying them, and she pushed the door. Then he put her down on the bed and Demi snuggled to her mother.

"I love you, Demi." Agatha murmured and kissed her daughter. She closed her eyes and Dmitri took the newly make milk for Demi and he feeds her while he danced with her a little.

"Love, why won't you brush your teeth?"

        She sat up and went to the bathroom and after a while, she started vomiting. He approached the bathroom door and peeked at her.

"Are you okay, love?"

        She vomits again and then the faucet run and the toilet flushes. She came out after she brushed her teeth and then she smiled at him. She removed all her clothes and hugged him.

"Love, I think you need to lay down first. I still need to coax Demi to sleep." Demi looked at her and she reached her breasts.

"No. Mommy just drank a lot of alcohol and it wasn't for babies." She kissed Demi's forehead and she looked up at Dmitri with pouted lips. "I want you badly."

"Just wait for me, darling." He kissed her lips.

        Agatha waits for him patiently and since Demi has been sleepy a while ago, she had fallen asleep quickly and then he put her to the crib. He made sure that he's careful about his every movement and he visits the bathroom for a while to brush his teeth and take a quick shower. Then he approached her and grinned at her.

"Let's make another baby?" Agatha asked him and she pulled him closer to her. "Slid it inside me."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked. "Demi hasn't turned one yet." He slid inside her and started thrusting. She gasped and bit her lips.


"Okay." He groaned and he started thrusting harder as the bed make a little creaking sound. "Ohh, fuck." He murmured and he sucked her neck.


        Steven woke up in the middle of the night and he checked the twins beside him. Rhys turned into his stomach and looked up at him.

"Hey, little one. What's up?" He whispered. He crawled toward him and snuggled to his chest. He looked up at her mother and he crawled up to him toward his mother. "Okay…" he muttered, and he let him snuggle to Freya who is sleeping heavily.

        Rhys seemed to be waking her. He was about to reach him, but Freya gasped and opened her eyes. Her chest is heaving, up and down. She looked around and to Rhys. Rhys started crying and it also wakes Raiden. Freya sat up and hugged him.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked and scooped her face. "Was it a new vision?" He asked.

        She nodded. He quickly went to the table to the cabinet to get her a new glass bottle of water. He removed the seal and the silver cap, and he gave it to her. She took it and sipped on it while she's holding the crying Rhys.

"What else do you need?" He asked. She moved closer to him and lean on him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. He looked at Raiden who started crawling toward them. Steven took him and kissed him.

"Everything will be alright."

"It's Fin." She murmured and she started sobbing.

        He doesn't know what she saw but it must be a very painful vision.

"What is it?"

"I saw the same vision."

        He kissed her forehead and told her that everything will be alright.

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