Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 446 - The Trip To Peru Part 1

Chapter 446 - The Trip To Peru Part 1

        Zachary couldn't make her stop crying. Andy left fifteen minutes ago and Zendaya has been crying after she saw her mother left. It's heartbreaking. This is the part that he doesn't want to deal with.

She looked up at him.

"Mommy is going to come home soon." But still, she cried and cried throwing tantrums. She can't talk yet but Andromeda taught her few things and their baby is so advanced.

"Mama!" She shouted and throw her toys away. Zachary stopped. Did she just talk? She's just ten months and this is the first time that she speaks a word and it's calling her mother.

"Did you just say 'mama'?" He asked and pulled her into his lap. He wiped her tears away and she kept crying. "Princess,"

"Mama!" She screamed that it could be heard from the hallway.

"I'm sorry, baby." He kissed her forehead. She hugged his neck and then she stopped. "Do you want milk?"

"Mama…��� She mumbled.

"I know, Love. Mommy needs to go."

        He went to the table to make her milk and she shook her head.

"Baby come on. You need to drink milk, so you'll get bigger soon."

"Mama…" Her lips wobbled in she sniffed.

"Stop crying now, please." He took her baby bottle and made her drink it. She drank it all and she hugged him.

        Zachary knew that it's harder than he thought. He put her down to her high-chair and make her milk. Then he let it settle and he sponge bath her and change her diapers and clothes. She's full of sweat from crying and she's still hiccupping.

        Zachary took her to bed and then he placed Andy's negligee beside her, and she held it as she started feeding on the bottle. He tapped her thighs to coax her to sleep and soon, she fell asleep finishing half a bottle of the milk.

        His poor daughter already missing her mother although she just left two hours ago from now. He kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well, Princess. You are loved."


        Freya feeds her babies as she watched televisions. Moira texted her that she's on her way to Zimbabwe. They have different routes except to Fin and Andromeda. But in four days they are going to meet in Madagascar.

"I ready your clothes and Zachary's butler deliver a briefcase for you."

"Thank you." She muttered. Steven walked around her side and he sat beside her and the two let go of their mother's breasts and they crawled up to him. He kissed each of them and then he looked at her.

"I already stock milk for them." She said and she adjusts to the other side for her to sleep.josei

"I hope that the boys won't cry," Steven said. "Zachary said that baby Zendaya has been crying after her mother left. It's heartbreaking, seeing your babies cry."

"Zendaya must've seen it in her dreams and serves as her vision," Freya said. Her grandfather said that she was like that when her parents left for Japan with her brother. She kept on crying and crying until she got used to it.

        They couldn't bring her because it's far too dangerous and Dmitri needed to be supported since he's the heir of the Phoenix Empire. And now, Dmitri is safe and leading their empire.

        Freya waited for the boys to fell asleep and Steven hugged her tightly while they are sitting on the sofa. Later, she needs to go.


        Fin's heart almost shattered as he watched her daughter crying on her mother's arms trying to restrain from her and run to him. He clenched his jaw and exhaled.

"Zachary just texted me that Zendy kept on crying," Andy told him. "I don't want to leave." She told him. "After I heard her cry, I don't want to leave." Andy tried hard to hold back her tears. She needs to be strong. "But if we stay in our house and let them win and have that scroll, we will keep living in a burning hell because of them. They will completely burn us and destroy us."

        Fin nodded.

"We should be the ones that are unburnt and will not be able to be burned by our fire. They need to be stopped."

"Let's make it quick but surely."

"Yes. Let's do that." Fin felt a small envelope to his pocket, and he unzipped his leather jacket and then he zipped-open the zipper inside her jacket on his ribs level. He took out the envelope and looked at it.

Open me. It said at the back. He pulled the seal and then he pulled out a card then he flipped it up.

        His heart melted seeing a photo of an ultra-sound of his wife's womb. They are going to have another baby.

Hi Daddy! It was written on the side and then he pulled out Bea and Selina's photo that seemed to be taken yesterday. Bea is laughing at the photo and she looked as marvelous as her mother.

"Congratulations." Andy smiled at him.

"Thank you." He exhaled and chuckled. "Bea wouldn't be lonely."

"But still, she's papa's girl."

"I can't help but spoil her more than I spoil her mother. They are just adorable."

"Don't tell me that you are saying adorable because they looked like a cat." Andy laughed. Fin chuckled and shrugged.


"Oh, damn!"

        Soon, they reached their private plane and their pilot is one of Fin's men. It took hours to get to Peru and soon, they will get the old man. Andy pulled out her phone and smiled at her wallpaper. Zachary with Zendaya on top of his chest. They are smiling at the camera and she already missed them.


        Andel kissed her lips and wake her up.

"Baby girl." He said softly. Ellen sat up and she hugged him. "I love you."

"Don't say that."

"I do." He stroked her back. "I am leaving now." He gently pushed and he bent down to her stomach. "Take care of our baby while I am gone. Okay?"

        She nodded and he kissed her hands. He put his clothes on and he walked to the door.

"Wait!" She quickly put her dress on and followed him outside. "Come back quickly." She told. He smiled and reached her face.

"I promise. I'll bring you more stones."

"I don't need it. I just want you back."

"I know baby." He kissed her lips and he strode to his car and left. He watched from the rear mirror as Ellen covered her mouth and she let out few sobs. It breaks his heart seeing her like that, but he had to leave her. They nearly got trapped and probably would die back there without knowing that she's pregnant.

        He's happy. His heart is leaping so much that he wanted to just stay but he can't. Andy needs him for this mission. He went to his grandfather's house and took his briefcase from his cabinet. He took a quick shower, put his clothes on, and spray his hair with blonde color to disguise. His grandfather and Ellen's grandpa are sitting on a sofa while drinking tea.

"Any good news?" Manuel asked. He pulled out the pregnancy strip and show it to him.

"Ellen is pregnant."

        They both cheered and make their secret handshake. Andel is surprised by these old men and how they acted so young rather than their age. They cleared their throat and looked at him seriously.

"It's good that both of you are finally having a child. Get married soon after Andrew." He waved him off.

        He laughed and nodded.

"I'll be off now." He said and they nodded.


        Dmitri made Demi's milk while her mother is busy with organizing their room and Demi's toys from her playground. The baby girl is not messing up while she's in her father's arm. She watched him make her milk and then after he shakes it from the shaker that is used for beverages, he poured it to her bottle.

        Demi clapped her hands and she took her bottle from him. They went to bed and watched Agatha clean things up and sanitize them patiently.

"You need help?"

"Just stay with Demi. I need to clean this up first."

        He nodded and he reached his phone to check their locations. Freya is still at home and soon, she will meet Moira in Madagascar. It's not his time to go there. He needed to stay here to protect their Empire. He tried to distance from his little girl so if he will leave and go for a mission for a long time, she wouldn't cry.

        He's too busy that he didn't notice that she already finished her milk and she sat up and she leaned on his chest then she smiled at him beautifully. He smiled back and kissed her head.

        Agatha put the garbage outside their room and then she called for the maid to pick it up. Then she went to the bathroom to take a shower. Soon, she put her negligee on, and she strode to the bed toward them.

"Hey," She kissed Demi and Demi excitedly clapped her hands and hugged her mother. She lay down and Dmitri put away his phone and closed the lights. He pulled his wife close to him with Demi between them.

        His phone suddenly chimes, and he reached it to check the message.

"Adrian is flying to Russia in two days."

        Dmitri's heart thumps. He knew that he's meeting his father.

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