Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 451 - Rangers In The Night Part 2

Chapter 451 - Rangers In The Night Part 2

        The loud rumbling of thunder breaks the silence between Freya and Andromeda. Freya exhaled and Andy reached her cold hands.

"Please promise me. Don't kill Moira."

"If she would kill Fin that I should kill her."

"That is what the Eagle Empire wanted. They wanted us to kill each other until they already had us in our neck."

        Freya exhaled and nodded.

"Promise me that. Do not kill, Moira whatever she did."

"I want you to take away your heirs and Steven…"

"How about Zendaya?" She asked. She smiled tightly.

"I had my cousin backing me. I will let her shape my Zendaya when I am gone."

"We can still fix this." Freya pleaded.

"It's too late." She muttered. "It will keep going and going… Take rest for now."


        Zendaya is sitting on her crib as she stared outside watching the thunder strikes on the mountain nearby. She wasn't even scared of the rumbling skies. She's watching them with sad eyes and sad lips. Zachary is observing her baby girl and she sniffled and tearing silently.

        He immediately approached her and hugged her tightly. Then she started crying.

"Hey, everything will be alright."

"Mama mama…" She cried. He held her head and kissed her top head. He faced her and she sniffled.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

"Mama…mama…" She sniffled.

"Shh, it's alright, little love."

        It takes a few minutes and she stopped crying. She looked up at him and then she pointed outside.

"It's raining." He told. "Do you want to listen to mama's song?"

        He took the tablet and play one of Andromeda's songs as she sang softly a lullaby. He took Zendaya's milk bottle and gave it to her. She held it and she lay on her father's arms and he gently rocks her as he held the bottle. She looked up at him and he also sang along with Andromeda's voice softly.

        Soon, she fell asleep and he gently lay her on the bed. He took the remote and closed the curtains and he continues the playlist that Andy made for her. He sat on the bed and reached his phone. He tried many times to call her, but her phone is unreachable.


        They checked out in the hotel at a different time and Andy and Fin go first as they drove the truck to their destination. It wasn't that long until they reached the entrance of the mountain. Soon, Moira and Andel arrived with Freya and they started hiking down the mountain.

        It was two hours walk to the tribe and as soon as they arrived, they were greeted by the tribe with a mark of Lion on their chests as a burn. They approached the Lion King of the tribe. They said their greetings and they were welcome to the hut with foods.

        Andel seemed to be starving a lot and eat whatever he sees. It was all purely organic, and they had a wild boar.

"Why are you eating so much?" Moira asked him.

"Ellen doesn't want me to get thin." He told. "Besides, we need to hike down and up again to the tree-house. I will burn more carbs and fats and… energy."

        The Chief of the Tribe speaks in his language and Andromeda and Fin understand him. Fin laughed out loud and Andel looked at them curiously.

"He said that you should eat more and more. So, you'll have a good performance in sex." Andy whispered to him.

        Andel eats more and lifted his thumb.

"I already impregnate my fiancée. My performance would only boost up to around her." He told the Chief. Fin translated it to the man and the man laughed and they all laughed.

        Well, it was raining again, and they stayed for a night. The tribe came and said that they are camping on the other mountain. Guards are around and they specialize in poison and darts. Andy snuggled with the girls. She closed her eyes to sleep.

        She's suddenly dreaming about Zendaya staring outside the balcony as it rains. Zach is observing her. But as she went into Zendaya's mind, she's started having visions of her getting killed. Then she's tearing silently and looked at his father. Zachary reached her and she cried and sobbed.

        She sat up and hold her chest. Her poor baby must be missing her so much.

"You okay?" Fin asked as he sat on the corner and hugged his knees.

"Yes," He answered, and he nodded down at the photo. "After two years of staying here in Madagascar, I never thought that I would have a beautiful and loving wife and a great daughter and a family like this. I have never been happier in my life."

        She smiled at the thought that she's imagining from Fin's point of view.

"You gave me that family. I was more than grateful that you saved me once or twice but now—I owe my life to you and I can't kill you."

"Fin, you have to." She said. Fin sniffled and nodded. "Our babies are probably worried about us."

"You dreamed about Zendy?"

"Yes, she's—crying again. I think she had a vision of me that's why after I left, she cries every night. It wasn't a good sign and memory for her. I don't like that she's having those visions."

"Yes, me too. Bea had seen much, I guess."

"Our firstborns must be stronger than we thought."

        Fin chuckled.

"Yes, Dragon and Phoenix together? We are inseparable and unbeatable."josei

"We are. But those visions we had? The only thing that I could do is to counter them."

        Fin didn't want to ask. He already knew about it. He was against it. It will destroy them completely, but Andy has it all in her hands.


        Early in the morning, they left the small village and started with their journey. It was still dark, and Moira had cursed many times for tripping. Fin held her arm and lead her. Freya glanced at them and she keeps up. Andy is too observant that he noticed Freya's glances.

        She wasn't comfortable with Moira around, but she needed to.

        They stopped when they heard audible noises from the other side. They immediately ducked down and hid from the big roots of the tree. They are speaking in Russian. They seemed to be fighting and soon, they grabbed their guns and killed each other. Good!

        The other one smacked his forehead and he took out the radio and call a few men telling them that the two just killed each other.

        They all looked at each other and if they all came, it will be a big—big chaos. They wouldn't make it in the treehouse.

        A sudden bomb made the man cursed and he left. Good! They started running but they are careful as they go on the safe side. They heard a sound of mocking jay and it echoes and they followed it. It was their cue. They made it away from the camp of the Eagle and Rose Empire.

        Freya reached her bottle and she sipped on it. She's panting badly.

"What's wrong with your stamina?" Andel teased.

"Stop it! It's hard to give birth you dumb ass!"

"Sorry!" Andel hands-up as he laughed.

"Steven is surely making it hard for you, huh." Moira teased back.

"I'm going to completely give the two of you a big punch while you were sleeping." She muttered. Fin chuckled with Andy and they went on by the river and follow it.

        Andy looked up the skies. It's getting clearer and the sun is waking up.

"It's so beautiful," Moira said as she admired the organized clouds and the pink-orange skies.

"The rays of the sun feel good." Fin said as the sun is slowly getting up giving few sun rays through the trees.

        This is it. Andy thought. Her days are coming, and he looked at Andel who is watching her. He nodded at her.

"Let's make it for 12 kilometers and rest," Andy said.

"I already feel starving though I ate fruits before leaving,��� Andel said.

"It's more like you are pregnant than Ellen." Fin noted. Andel laughed.

"I want a little Ellen." He murmured and think of his fiancée dreamily.

"Let's finished this soon."

"Can we get a few gems first before leaving?" Andel asked.

"Sure." Fin said. "When we get to the treehouse let's go up so we could give our women something to flaunt around."

"Ellen loves the amethysts."

"Boys, your girls didn't want something like that," Freya said. "They just wanted your attention, nothing else."

"But we show our affection through those things. Unique and we get it with sweats. I mean, hard work." Andel told and they kept on walking.

"Okay, okay…" Freya muttered. "But you don't have to."

"You are right, Freya. Alanis would buy a lot of those things that I could year for a day or so—it just got rusty in the shelves."

"I know right? Steven is doing the same. He said that I needed it. Just in case…"


        He pulled out the gun from the drawer and took out the bullets from the jewels. He smiled at the bullets with an emblem of Eagle Empire on it. Finally, he's going to kill that bitchy heiress that he hated most. It was fine with the old man, but the Old man seemed to always have his distance from him.

"It's time that I'll have my bullet directly to your skull—Mondragon." He smiled and he looked at the Dragon pin that belongs to him. "Soon," He reached it. "The dragon will be banished from this pin and our Empire will lead the army."

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