Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 488 - Gathering Of Kings And Queens Part 2

Chapter 488 - Gathering Of Kings And Queens Part 2

        Andromeda saw Moira running away after punching her fiancé she only chuckled and face Sabrina.

"I think Alanis is still into you." She said. Sabrina scoffed.

"Not interested in anything but my hubby," Sabrina told and Andy laughed out loud. "He's not into me… he just got a crush on me. A little. I think he is more into Moira. Alanis is different now from before. He's more like a real man."

"So, he wasn't a real man before?" Andy asked. Sabrina stopped for a while and she laughed out loud.

"Anyway, I don't want to talk about Alanis because you know that he got an issue with my hubby."

"Yeah, Gabriel just came to Alanis and probably threatened him."

"Gabby is threatening him for no reason. Alanis is completely in love with Moira." Sabrina said. "But I like how possessive he is." Sabrina bit her lip as she watched her husband approached the kids.

"By the way, you aren't planning for another baby?" Sabrina asked.

"I am still too stressed with all of the goings and yes we always have sex but—I think we need a calm and peaceful place to conceive."

"Without Zendaya?"

"It's fine with Zendaya around. We could just put her in the other room and let her play with her puzzles."

"It's a good thing that she's like that," Sabrina said.

"Nope, she's clingy," Andy told.

"Probably like you."

        Sabrina is right. Zendaya liked watching her and then she liked singing with her. It's just complete happiness whenever her baby girl is like that.

"It's also very intriguing that she could speak some words," Sabrina said. "Athena had her first word in the same month, but she rarely talked. She's more of an observant."

"Last night, we are in a big operation and then Zachary forgot to change her diapers and feed her. But Zendaya never complained to her dad that her diapers are full and she's hungry or something."

        Sabrina laughed.

"I think your little girl knew that her father is busy."

"Yes, because whenever Zach or I was busy and she's there, she would just cuddle and keep quiet and we'll go to work."

"So, how about this that you are now planning for another honeymoon?"

"It's fine. We could go through it. But I think I can't leave Zendaya to anyone yet."

"But you left her with us. Remember?"

"Yeah, she's been crying. I hate to leave her."

        Veronica came over with a smoothie.

"I like the smoothie that Dmitri is made." She sat down.

"He's our Chef," Andy told. "His agents are also hot chefs. Have you visit the Asian Season?"

"No." She shook her head. "Tony doesn't want to." She whispered. Sabrina snickered.

"We should visit it some other time. But since they are here to cook for us, we should just watch them at the front table. Let the boys take care of the kids."

"I think you are right," Sabrina smirked and then other girls turned their heads.

"I am not going to join, sister-in-law." Ellen shook her head. Andy waved her off.

"Go to Andel. You guys haven't been cuddling for long. But it's your loose." She smirked.

"Okay." Ellen exhaled.

        Agatha came with finger foods.

"So, who is your typical guy in the Chefs?" Agatha asked.

"I like Calvin," Andy said. "He's good at knives with his team killing those Russian guys."

"I think that sounds sexy," Veronica said. She's a half-Russian and with her beauty, Tony Lawson, Gabriel's cousin is head over heels on her.

        Freya who is busy on her video games tapped Veronica on her shoulder.

"Are you with us?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll dine with you girls and talk about those chefs who would strip in front of us in sexy music," Freya said and they all laughed. Freya smirked. "Steven just surprised me with its last night."

        They all looked at Steven who is busy talking and laughing with his twin brother Stanley.

"Steven, I think one of your sons just pop," Enzo called out.

        Steven looked at Freya and Freya cocked her head indicating him to do it. Steven nodded and submissively check the twins.

"Wow, Steven just did that?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah. I'll give him blowjob later." Freya said bluntly and they all laughed.

"Is he even working?" Selina asked. "He isn't working in the company, right?"

"Nope. I told him to babysit the boys. I have lots of businesses and he doesn't need to work. Besides, he's only helping Stanley out for a few things in the company."

"We should all start a new business." They all stop from Andromeda's suggestion.

"Are you sure about that? Because, as far as I know, there are lots of things going on to your Empire." Freya said.

"Hmm, it's just a past time. We'll let someone run it." Andy said.

"How about a café?" Ellen asked. "I have a few restaurants, but I think Café for bookworms would be great."

"We are going to make a school for the next agents…" Andy prolongs and thought about it. "Café would be good, and we could make funds off it and we will put it in this school that we are making."

"So, where would be the school located?"

"To where the Eagle Empire put their missile facility…"

"Are you serious?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes. We will just renovate it to look more like a school."

"I think it will be useful for that," Natasha said. "I could help with administrative work."

"You own the land. You are one of the biggest shareholders and you could do the administrative work if you wanted." Andy nodded.

"I could help with running some café," Ellen said.

"So, what's the real plan?" Sabrina asked.

"We will enroll our kids in that School. But they won't use their surname." Andromeda told. "If they use their surname, it will be easy for them to go around and bully others. I don't tolerate such things."

"That's a good thing. Our heirs and heiresses shouldn't use their surname in schooling." Sabrina nodded with Andromeda's suggestion.

"On that way, they would feel what real high school life is," Catriona added. "Oh, don't mind me. I didn't remember any of my high school life." Catriona has been saved by Sabrina back then from her father's den it both traumatic for her and her half-sister Veronica.

        Bea screamed that makes them stopped and she smacked her cousin Kale.


        Kale pouted and sniffled.

"Mine!" He shouted back.

"No!" Bea screamed again.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Demi threw her bunny toy between them.

        Dmitri came up and covered Demi's eyes. She's probably burning the two using her eyes. Kale took the bunny stuff toy and gave it to Bea as a peace offering. She took it and continue playing.

"Adorable." Catriona admired the kids.

"What? Are you planning for another set?" Veronica asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." She waved off.

"I think Demi doesn't something like that." Sabrina looked at Agatha who laughed.

"Geez, she's very territorial and she doesn't like a mess. I need to kidnap his father to have time alone. But eventually, she'll know and would frown at her father." Agatha said with a chuckle.

"You are territorial." Andy blurted.

"We are all territorial," Agatha told her. They all nodded, and they watched as Moira and Alanis came. She's wrapped around Alanis like a koala or something. Alanis deliver her to them, and he patted her head and left.

"Hey, don't be jealous. I have no interest in your man." Sabrina said bluntly. Moira frowned at her and exhaled.

"Why are you so sensitive?" Andy asked back.

"Girls stop grilling me. Starting from the Ivana girl, my head is boiling!" Moira complained. Andy and Sabrina laughed.

"Are you going to join us later? We will watch hot Chefs cooking." Sabrina asked.josei

"And stripping," Freya added.

"Would they strip in front of us?" Moira asked.

"OH, I don't think so. But I can command them." Freya shrugged.

"But before that," Andy looked at the boys who are laughing and talking about business or something. "We should lock up the boys with the kids."

"That's a hell of an evil plan." They girls mumbled. They smiled in a very evil way.

        Steven past by with two babies on his arm and he put them back on the play station of the babies and he signed Freya.

"Okay, before that evil plan. I need to satisfy my man." She said with a winked.

        They laughed and watched Freya approached Steven. Steven carried her and run off quickly.

"Hokage-move!" Catriona snapped her fingers.

"You were watching Naruto?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah—I am watching it while Enzo is busy with some programming and taking care of the triplets. It's a past time." She shrugged.

"You guys like watching that? Not porn?" Moira asked.

"Oh, you were watching porn all the time! Don't deny that." Sabrina pointed her. Moira zipped her mouth and they laughed.

"We should watch it all together… if the boys didn't strip-dancing." Andy suggested.

"Good idea! We'll know if they are circumcised or not." Moira agreed.

"Oh, geez." Ellen rubbed the spot between her forehead. Andel approached them and take Ellen away.

"She's not watching someone to strip." Andel hissed at them. "Just me." 

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