Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 564 - Attraction Part 1

Chapter 564 - Attraction Part 1

        Noah stared at her for long and she hummed and closed her eyes. His hand from her wrist loosen and he gently reached her face. His heart is throbbing and at that moment, he thought that he stopped breathing.

"Bea," He mumbled.

        She's already asleep and so, he gently adjusted her to her pillows and tuck her in.

        He left the room immediately and went to his room. Damn it. He leaned on the door and stared down at aching one. No one has ever done like this to him and his shorts are already wet because of that woman.

"Fuck!" He mumbled and went to his bathroom to finish what had been started.

        After that, he went downstairs and check the security and if everything is locked. He checked the kitchen if he had turned off the stove. Then he went back to the living room the are already departing and went back to the guest room that has been assigned to them. He cleaned up the living room because he couldn't sleep from all of the touchings that they made although it's only limited.

"Next time, I'm going to devour those lips." He mumbled.

        He finished cleaning up and he went to his room and passed by the other guests' rooms where there are moaning on the specific room. Yeah, maybe the couple.


        Bea's head isn't in the right condition. Probably because of the champagne that she drank. She looked at the bottle of water and the medicine with it and notes. Drink me.

        She smiled and took the glass bottle, open the cap and drank from it and she took the medicine. She lay down to relax for a while and as soon as the medicine kicks, she went to the bathroom to clean up. Brush her teeth and washed her face. She went to her walk-in closet and change her clothes to her sports bra and sports shorts. She ran off and went to the lawn where her father set up a gym. There are a monkey bar and other stuff that is needed for training.

        But as she came there, someone is already using it. She stared at that sexy muscular back. Damn, it's just so good. Christian and Kale have those but why is she attracted to those? I mean, they are bulkier than Kale and the twins.

        He jumped off from the monkey bar where he's doing his pull-ups. He stopped when he saw her. She crossed her arms and sighed. Those sweats streamed down to his chest and his abdominal is shinny from those sweats.

"You don't mind right?" She asked.

"Y-yes, Ma'am."

        She turned back from him and started stretching. She can feel that Noah is watching her, so she continued. She smirked thinking that it would turn him on. Yeah, she just seduced him and teased him last night. She can't help it. It's like she wanted to do it more. He's just fun to tease.


        Rhys and Raiden stand from their room balcony and watched the two working out.

"Adorable." The twins said and they do their secret handshake.

        Bea is doing the tai-chi exercise and Noah followed her. They are both meditating and the way that Noah would look down at her is so heart-melting.

"They looked cute together," Rhys told.

"Yeah, I wonder why Bea hates him." Raiden wondered with a frown.

"Probably she saw something different and she's just doing it to protect the other one."

"There are lots of things we could do to counter a specific vision," Raiden told.

"Yeah, you are a genius!" Rhys patted his head.

"I know." Raiden grinned.


        Noah watched as she did all of the hard work-out and he's been so attracted and hard and he tried many things to get it off his mind. But the clothes that she's wearing is showing too much skin. He couldn't stop glancing at her full breasts and her sexy small waist. It's a perfect hour-glass body and athletic at the same time.

        His mouth watered seeing her fatless body and it was all slim and sexy-female muscles.

"Miss Bea, I should make breakfast. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'll eat in an hour. I prefer heavy foods. Nothing special." She told and continue doing her side planking.


        He left and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast but Christian and Demi are already setting it.

"We'll handle breakfast," Christian told.

        He went to his room to take a long shower and calm himself with a cold shower and it did relieve him. Damn it! Bea is more and more beautiful and seeing a few of her skin makes him aroused. He should just stay away from her. But, thinking about it. He wanted to just haul him in his arms and take her to bed and devour that mouth of her.

        What should he do? Then, thinking over it. He can't be with her. He's working for her father and technically, she's his boss. This is frustrating that he can't have her.


        Bea took a long bath and she chose a dress for today. Not a baggy outfit. She's just in the mood to tease someone. She never felt so playful in her life. She dried her hair and braid it and then she went downstairs for breakfast.

"Are you going somewhere?" The twins asked.

"Yeah." She said.

        Noah stood and served her foods. Then he does the same to the twins and Kale.

"Just sit down," Bea told him. "They are not babies."

"We are babies," Kale said. "My mom would do the same."

        Bea frowned at him.

"So, where are you going?" Kale asked.

"I will go to the mall to hook up on a possible boyfriend." She told and they all stopped. She glanced at Noah's reaction and he froze.

"What?" Kale frowned at her.

"Don't come with me, Kale."

"Then, you probably need someone to guard you," Christian said.

"Hey, no one is going to intervene on my date." Bea pointed her fork on him.

"Who are you dating?" Kale asked.

"None of your business."

"Noah, tag along with her like a shadow," Christian told. "It's not good to let her shop all by herself."

"Why?" She asked.

"There's a threat so we can't let each of you leave without an escort," Christian explained shortly. Bea sighed.

"Damn it." Bea murmured.

"No cursing in front of food," Christian told.

"Sorry." She continued eating and after that, she watched Noah put all of the dishes on the dishwasher machine. "Are you coming?" She asked.

"Yes. That's an order from Christian and your father." He told.

"How about Kale and the twins?"

"Christian said that he's going to drive them back to their house."

        Bea sighed. She went to her bedroom and the twins and Kale are ready to leave. That also includes Demi and Christian. Since Zendaya and Timothy left yesterday.

        She brushed her teeth, makeup, and crimson lipstick. Then she put her shoes on.

"Noah, let's go!" She called out. She walked downstairs and he's already in the living room waiting for her only wearing walking shorts, sneakers and a t-shirt. With those simple clothes, he still looked good.

"Is everything locked?" he asked and went to the security monitor and tapped on the monitor and check if there are still close windows, balcony or doors. He tapped on it and it closed automatically.


        Noah opened the back of the car, but she pointed the front seat. He closed the door from the backseat and opened the front for her. She hopped in on his four-by-four car and she put her seatbelt on. He closed the door and walked around to the driver's seat.

        They soon reached the mall where she wanted to go. She played on her phone throughout the travel. He opened the car door for her after he parked it and he followed her 1 meter apart. Bea just goes around and checked clothes and didn't buy anything at all. Noah is just following her patiently waiting for a possible boyfriend that will show up.

        Bea seemed to be annoyed but still, he kept following her. They went to the lemon stand and he kept 2 meters close and answered Fin's call.

"Are you with Bea?" Fin asked.

"Yes, sir."

"You need to know each detail of the man she will meet."josei

"Roger." He replied and Fin hung up. He stopped when a foreigner approached her and he's like going to buy lemonade. He smiled at Bea and Bea smiled back.

"It's a very hot day, isn't it?" The guy seemed to be around twenty-five.

"It is." She answered.

        Noah captured the man through the eyeglasses that he's wearing. He took a step forward just behind Bea and the guy glanced at him.

"I'm Macky," He extended his hand as they wait for their lemonade.

"Bea," She accepted his hand and they shake hands. Noah wanted to roll his eyes and scooped the man's eyeballs for eying her chest and her neck.

        He glared at the man, but he seemed to ignore him.

"I know a good restaurant around." He told. "Would you like to come?"

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