Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 566 - Alone With The Heiress Part 1

Chapter 566 - Alone With The Heiress Part 1

        Raiden and Rhys finally arrived home and they kissed their mother and hugged her. Then they did the same to their two baby sisters. Casey hugged them. She's one of the sweetest girls that they know.

"How are you doing with your artworks?" Rhys asked.

"I am doing great." She told. "I'll show it to you when I am done with it."

"Okay." The twins said at the same time and they looked at Chelsea who is busy reading some textbooks for her research.

        Their father is also busy and he's in his office. So, their mother prepared lunch for them which is delicious but not that delicious as their father could cook. But anyway, few of it is take-outs that they love. Their mother instantly spoiled them with whatever food they wanted to eat as long as they would eat vegetables with it.

        Their lunch was great and then, when they are off to the lawn, they creased their brows when they saw their father snuggling to their mother like a baby. They are married and they are growing stronger through their dad seemed to be a playboy. But he loves their mother dearly and he's afraid of her.

        Raiden and Rhys shook their head as their mother kissed their father's head.

"Babe, my head is aching." Their father would pout at her.

"What are we going to do with it?" She asked.

"You know." Their father grinned at her.

"Get a room!" The twins said at the same time and they left.

"Where are you guys going?" Steven asked.

"Dad, we will plan for a birthday gift for Athena." The twins said at the same time.


        Bea cleaned up her room as she sweats. That's right. She just needed to work out the energy that she ate from those meats. Then, she re-organized her walk-in closet, and then she went to her creation room to clean it up too and vacuum it.

        She stopped for a while feeling a person's presence and she turned back to see him.

"Do need some help?" He asked with a grin.

"I am good."

"I have nothing to do and I already clean up everything downstairs."

"I am fine. I am wasting my energy on these things." She waved him off.

"Okay. Then it is fine if I watch you?" He asked with a playful smile. She scoffed and sneered at him.

"We can do some other things," Bea smirked at him.

"I think that's a bad idea," Noah said. "I'll just clean up the guest rooms then." He left.

        Bea shook her head. Why does she want to get involved with him? She sighed. She'll only bring him to some danger. Maybe she's a bad omen or something. She finished cleaning up and she took her phone to order some food.

"Noah!" She called out. "Noah!"

        He came running and topless. Sweats. Geez, how can this man look so gorgeous?

"Yes?" He asked. She sighed and shook her head.

"We are ordering foods." She told. "What do you want?"

"Is that snack or dinner?" He asked as he checked the time. "It's already five in the afternoon."

"Snack. I am having a late dinner."

        Bea glanced at the camera focused on them. Yeah, she can't harass Noah. Her father might've scolded her.

"I'll eat anything." He said.

"What about drinks?" She asked. "I wanted some bubble tea."

"Anything." He nodded. "I'll finish cleaning up the bathroom and sanitize it."

"It's just easy to clean." She told. "It has a steamer."

"Yeah, I need to make sure that it won't clog." He winked and left.

        Bea already felt so hot. Damn it.


        Noah tried hard not to haul her because she looked so yummy—delicious when she's that sweaty and her hair is messy. He shook his head. Not the heiress. He will just screw someone outside. He changed the sheets and pillowcase and then disinfect everything for the next user.

        The cleanest room is Sophia's room and Demi's room. But Sophia has the cleanest and everything is organized. He just vacuums around and didn't touch anything else. There's a doorbell and he went downstairs to the man gate to accept it.

        He pulled out bills from his pocket.

"How much is it?" He asked.

"It's already paid." The delivery boy said. He nodded and pull out a hundred bill and gave it to him.

"T-Thank you, sir."

        He nodded and took the eco-bag and close the gate and he went back inside. He put it over the counter table and washed his hands. He set it on the breakfast table and push the speaker button.

"Miss Bea, your food is here."

        After a few moments, Bea came down fresh from the bath and that—he could just place her on the counter and do it but there are cameras around. He wanted her so much and he needed to restrain himself. He kept glancing at her as she eats those Korean snacks. She like black noodles so much.

        He bent down and gather her hair that is going on her way. He stood and reached out to an elastic band from a small drawer that they usually stock in case of these things. He stood behind her and tie her hair into a ponytail. It was easy to tie it since her hair is very silky and smooth straight yet with big curls from the tip of it. Then he proceeds to his seat to eat.

"So, you live somewhere in the city?" She asked.

"Yes. I bought a penthouse near Christian."

        She nodded.

"Let's go there." She said. He shook his head. "Why?" She frowned at her and he reached a tissue paper and wiped her lips. She took it and wiped it by herself.

"Nope. We are not going there."

"Okay. So, you are keeping your girlfriend there?" She asked it casually.

"I don't have a girlfriend and having a girlfriend is very dangerous."


        Noah sighed.

"It's just my perception."josei

"Oh, so you already got a girlfriend, and what happened?" She asked like she's so interested. She's good at that though.

"Well, I just got my first condo and she—sell information about us. I nearly got my team killed because of her."

"And what happened to her?"

"Christian hunt her down and the Mafia behind it." He took a piece of Mozzarella Corn Dogs and take a bite on it. "We've been monitoring this Mafia and—it just happened."

"Ohh, so how many times have you slept with her?" She asked it casually. Noah sighed and frowned at her.

"Stop playing on me." He bites on the Mozzarella Corn Dog and chewed it.

"I am not playing on you."

"You are."

"So, you do it every night?"

        Noah sighed and put down his chopstick. She laughed and sipped on her bubble tea.

"I am just curious."

        Noah stared at her for a while. He wanted to just haul her and tore that shirt that she's wearing and kiss every part of her.


        Timothy checked a few financial things that they needed for opening the café. He massaged his forehead and Zendaya entered his office and smiled at him. She gently placed the snack on the coffee table, and he stood and approached her. She sat down on the sofa and he sat beside her.

"Will you be okay alone?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"I'll keep calling to check if you are eating at the mealtime and you need to exercise."

"I will." He kissed her lips. Then he took the tea that she prepared and sipped on it. "Zen," he called as he looked down at the tea.


"Did my family threaten you?"

"Well, my mom received it and she already replied. Don't worry about it. My family isn't easy to bully."

        Timothy nodded and he reached her hand.

"Let's get married." He looked at her eyes. She laughed.

"Tim, I am just eighteen years old and what if, you'll find someone else?"

"There's no someone else. I already check each girl and six years ago? I only thought about you until. It felt like—I was already destined to be with you. I can't explain but, I never break any promise." He brought her left hand to his lips. "I already vowed to you. If I wasn't serious, I wouldn't leave my family behind just for some girl. But it's you and I love you. I am ready to give everything to you."

        Zendaya felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. She knows that there will be lots of things that will go through them and all they just need to trust each other. She's too young to fall in love like this but she already did fall so hard on him.

"Don't stress yourself." Zendaya and crawl over his lap and sat there. She wrapped her arms around him, and he shoved his face to her chest.

        It's just relaxing whenever they cuddle like this. All of his stress fades away. The work is easy and hard at the same but with her around. He felt like he could conquer the world for her. He never felt this way before when he was the CEO of their company.

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