Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 570 - Messy Visions Part 1

Chapter 570 - Messy Visions Part 1

 Noah is walking with Jaxon to the boy's dormitory to check on them, but they come across to Bea who seemed to be walking in a rush, but she stopped and fell on the ground. He should've rushed like a ninja to catch her, but it was late. He reached her and checked if she hit her head.

 Her eyes are closed but she's tearing.

"Miss Bea!" He gently shook her.

"We should bring her to the clinic," Jaxon told.

 Then, she suddenly opened her eyes and when she saw him, she pushed him away. Noah held her still and pulled her into his arms.

"It's alright." He mumbled. "Did you get hurt?" He asked softly.

"My butt hurts." She said as she sniffled and wrapped her arms around his nape. "Bring me to daddy." She mumbled.


 They turned back and went back to the café. They walked across Demi and Christian who are whispering at each other, but they stop.

 Noah needed to carry her since she felt dizzy.

"What's going on?" Christian asked and Noah just nodded and followed them.

"Bea?" Selina stopped and Noah gently put her on the sofa. Fin immediately grabbed a glass of water and gave it to her.

 Bea drank all of it and she looked at Dmitri and then to Christian.

"Can I just talk to dad?" She asked them and Fin nodded.

 Noah went outside with others as Demi crossed her arms and frowned.

"Why are you frowning?" Christian asked.

"Let's just go to my room." Demi pulled his wrist. Dmitri crossed his arms in front of them.

"Demi," Dmitri warned her. Demi looked inside and Bea is sobbing. Demi's eyes widen when she read her lips.

Eagle Empire is rising. 

 Demi stared at Christian and back to her father. Then she sighed and turned back from them.

"Oh, fuck." She mumbled.

"What?" Dmitri asked and she shook her head.

"It's going to be more chaotic." She only said and grabbed Christian's wrist. "Dad, you need to talk to Uncle Fin."

"Okay," Dmitri looked back inside as Fin hugged by her daughter.

 Demi is not in a mood to make love to him. Though he kept insisting and when they arrived in her room, they did it there and maybe from Zendaya's room is Timothy and they are making her annoyed.

"I need to leave, my love."

"It's too early." Zendaya insisted.

"It's already ten and you need to sleep."

 Christian grinned and pushed her inside her room. Then he locked it.

"I am not in the mood, Christian." She told.

"Okay, I'll just cuddle you to sleep." He said and he removed his jacket.

"Okay, let's do it." She hugged him. "I miss you. So, much."

 Christian sighed and inhale her enticing scent.

"I—I miss you too."

 He carried her and put her down on the bed as he peeled off her clothes.


 Noah escorted Bea back to her room and she didn't say anything at all. She thought that there's no one behind him because she's overthinking things. She reached her room and Noah left after she entered. Maybe they weren't for each other. So, yeah, he's stuck as a bachelor and screwing around.

 He left the academy with Jaxon and Timothy. They made sure that Timothy made it to the penthouse before they disperse. Although Timothy doesn't want to be escorted even until his penthouse, Jaxon and Noah still escorted him for safety. They didn't know why it suddenly became this tight.

"What do you think, Lady Bea saw?" Jaxon asked.

"I don't know." Noah shrugged off.

"Let's go to the club first. I need to get laid badly." Jaxon told and they need to the Phoenix Clubhouse. There are girls already there and some from other teams are gathered to have fun and relax while they are off from their missions.

 Immediately a girl came up to Jaxon. The usual girl who offered herself to him. She's an agent from EPUA and somehow, she has this thing with Jaxon. They started grinding crotches while dancing on the dance floor. Noah only shook his head and went to the balcony to watch them.

 He spotted a girl from his class six years ago and the girl made eye contact with him. If he wasn't mistaken her name is Jane. He had a crush on her, but she's too caught up to Christian. But now, it seemed like Christian has been sealed to the heiress and no one could ever have him. That's why girls would come to him.

 She walked upstairs like a cat and he knew exactly what she wanted.


 Athena sat up like a zombie as she went out of her room and knocked at Bea's room. Then she opened it and saw her playing dart. So, that's the thing that kept on messing in her sleep.

"What's going on?" Athena asked her as she spread her arms.

"I can't sleep," Bea said.

"Maybe because of too much sugar?" Athena asked.

"No. It's because of my visions." She confessed and she sat on her bed. "I don't want to fall in love, but I keep falling to the person that I shouldn't love." She sighed. Athena entered her room and sat on the bean bag couch. "The person that I will love is an agent and he will die because we killed the Eagle Empire."

 She felt bad that Bea witnessed such things. She felt bad that Bea at a young age had seen catastrophic scenarios just like Demi and Zendaya.


 Thunder sat up and scratched his head. He went out of his room and took a glass bottle from the fridge. He frowned seeing his little brother still working over something.

"Why are you still up?"

"I couldn't sleep, and I need to finish a few things. Why are you awake?" Flash asked as he peeked at the time. "It's already midnight."

"I just—had some visions."josei

 Flash stopped and turned to him.

"What visions?" He asked.

"That you turned gay." He laughed at him and Flash throw his book to him that Thunder caught. Thunder sat down on the window seat and sighed.

"I just saw Dad fighting some guys."

 "What guys?" Flash asked again.

"Ninjas." Thunder sighed and called her father. He answered in just a ring.

"Hey, buddy."



"I had a vision."

"Okay… what is it?"

"You were fighting with ninjas."

 Fin didn't say anything for a while.

"Okay, who wins?"

"You." Thunder said. "But Bea is hurt, and Noah is dead."

 Fin did say anything from the other line.

 He was just four years old when he had his visions and it's so messy.


 Athena helped Bea to sleep by giving her a glass of milk and she went to her room to sleep. Maybe it didn't help her to sleep. She needs a lot of energy for tomorrow. She lay down on her bed when an upcoming video call. She answered it and Xavier's face pops up from the hologram.

"Hey," He waved at her. "Why are you still awake?"

"I help Bea sleep." She lay down and hugged her pillow. "You look sleepless?"

"I am going under physical training and other stuff." He said. "It's needed in Dragon Empire."

"Yeah." Athena nodded. He was indeed in the lists of scholars in the Dragon Empire. He's intelligent and he's an A-lister and he's good at aikido and jujitsu.

"I'll see you maybe after my endless training. But I'll write to you and email you with lots of love from me." Xavier winked. She only laughed and shook her head. "Sleep now, birthday girl." He bent down and kissed her from the hologram. She nodded.

"Take care of yourself." She told. He nodded and he waved and then she hung up.

 She sat up and thought about her relationship with him. They weren't together but he promised to be with her. He will not screw anyone back there because he's too busy and if he did, it's not like she should stop him or get mad at him. They weren't together and they are not committed to each other.

"What can I do?" Athena murmured. She put away her phone and she lay down to sleep.


 Demi couldn't sleep although Christian is beside her. She sat up and checked the phone if there are any messages. She glanced at the clock, it's already three in the morning. Christian caressed her back and he kissed it.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't sleep." She lay down on his chest. "Stay longer."

"I will. I have a meeting with your dad, and I need to make breakfast for you and others." He kissed her top head. "What's in your mind, babe?"

"Well, I happened to read Bea's lips a while ago."

"And?" He started caressing her hair. She didn't answer for a while and she pointed her forefinger to his nipple. "Babe?"

"She said that the Eagle Empire is rising."

 Christian paused from caressing her hair and maybe after he recovered from the shock, he continued brushing her hair with his fingers.

"We couldn't catch that Ike guy and who knows where he is."

"I will protect you." He gently kissed her forehead. "I will always protect you and our family."

"What if you sided with them?"

 He shook her head.

"I can't leave you. I love everyone. Dmitri is my dad and you are my wife…"

 Demi chuckled and she pushed herself up and looked down at him.

"Promise me that you'll never be the heir of the Eagle Empire."

 Christian focus his eyes on her and reached her cheeks.

"I promise."


Author's Note: 

Hi guys, I hope you enjoy it. Why won't you have a peek at Mystical Academy: The Clashes of the Four Worlds? Just in case that you wanted to go to a new magical world *wink*

-The Illusionist

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