Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 612 - The Project Part 1

Chapter 612 - The Project Part 1

        Zendaya wanted to hit him badly for saying that it's only just a TV show and he just sat there and laughed on whatever is on that TV show ignoring how beautiful she and seductive she is on her silk dress. She stood and removed her silk robe and put it aside. She knelt between his thighs and spread it. Slowly rubbing him over his PJ pants until he gets hard.

        Then, she finally stood and kissed his forehead.

"Good night." She went to bed walking like a cat and tuck herself to the sheets.


"Go fuck yourself. You aren't going to have it tonight. Your TV show is more important than me."

        She closed her eyes to sleep. For tonight, after ignoring her, he might not be able to get what he wanted. He turned off the television and crawl toward her. He kissed her forehead and then her cheeks. She pushed his face away.

"Love, I'm ready."

"Go fuck off." She mumbled.

        He removed his clothes and he slipped on the bed and then he caressed her body.

"Love, I'm sorry." He whispered.


        It's been two days since Bea last saw Noah. According to the café, Noah left the city and they don't where he will go. Damn it! If they didn't call for a damn meeting that day, she might be able to be with Noah and have sex with him. Yes! She just said that. In this generation, lots of modern things and high-tech things. Girls are somehow doing the first move because men are sometimes dumb.

        Everything she closed her eyes and dream felt so frustration. She's making love to Noah, but she might not be able to feel good about it. It was always frustrating. It means that she needed to get laid. She's twenty years old and she will do that.

"Are you ready?" Selina asked.

"Yeah." She nodded and took the bags that she needed.

"Lotion? Mosquito repellant?"

"Check and check!"

"Stay safe and check out for those twins." Selina approached her and reached her face and caressed her hair. "Rhys and Raiden shouldn't screw up and watch out for Demi and Sophia."

"Yes, mom."

        Selina kissed her forehead.

"I thought Demi will turn over the Phoenix Empire for a while?"

"Andre needed to learn about it more so, while Demi is going into an adventure with you and others, the boys should learn how to take over the business."

"Okay." She nodded. "And—it's okay for me to have sex, right?" Bea grinned at her mother.


"What? I'm twenty."

"No." Selina shook her head. "Do not ever mention this to your dad."

        She rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"It's fine. I don't have a boyfriend." Bea said as she rolled her eyes.

"Be safe and you know the drills," Selina added.

"Okay, mom." She kissed her mother's cheeks.

        It takes an hour before they arrived at the Dragon Empire Facility where their private jet plane is waiting. Demi, Christian, Jaxon, and the twins Rhys and Raiden are already inside the jet plane. She helped Sophia with her bag and put it on the seat beside the window.

"Okay, so, everyone is here," Christian said. "The only chopper that will go up that mountain is the only one for our supply and things. The rest, we need to hike up the mountain for hours."

"What?" Sophia creased her brows. "Can't I go with the chopper?"

"Hey, you need to exercise, baby girl." Rhys and Raiden said at the same time. Sophia threw them a daggering glare. The twins looked away immediately avoiding those killer eyes.

        Bea sat at the very last row away from Demi and Christian who are sucking faces. She shook her head and took out her phone as their attendant came to give them some instructions about plane blah, blah, blah. So, after that, they buckle up and take off. While they are already up in the air, she opened her window and asked for her drinks and food. She needed to eat more since she had to burn it on their hiking.

        This is why she ready her hiking boots. Too bad that Noah isn't around so she could give it. But still, she brought it with her and maybe just give it to him if he magically appeared. She sighed and sipped on her smoothie.

"At least it's beautiful up hair thought the whole continent has been covered with buildings." She mumbled. "Dragon Empire did great by keeping up trees around the area."

        It was indeed a world full of gadgets. But since the Four Empires plus the Lion as Pattinson mixed to the Dragon Empire had spoken well to the government to increased more in agriculture. Pattinson released lots of technology and equipment to every farmer in the Philippines. Yes, every farmer and it's free.

        Each agent that is living in the area, become the representative to help the farmers. So, anyone on their list has been given, even though who weren't in the list were also given by the Pattinson and that's how the people push Zachary or Percy or someone in the family to work in the Government. Or work as a politician. They didn't want to get involved in politics and it was a very huge roar. Pattinson brushed it off even Mondragon.

        She remembered how her Aunt Andromeda's face was all over the news and they admired her, but she told the media to fuck off. Partially people think that she's a very bad person and lots of people say that she's badass and they praise her for telling the media to fuck off mostly the paparazzi's who wanted to mess up with their life.

        Their Aunt Andromeda is good at working with PR. She threatened them without wasting any money. Lots of people understand the situation that they wanted to have a very private life. On the other side, Uncle Zachary is just behind Andromeda laughing at those people's expressions as Aunt Andromeda cursed. He's a very supportive husband and he doted her more than anyone. Besides, the children.

"Loner?" Demi interrupted her wondering. She kept standing and holding on the other seat. "This is our project."

"Hmm?" Bea looked up at her.

"Well, I think you'll do well. Laurence, Kade, and Liam checked the materials many times and the shipping will be held by me and Christian. You don't need to worry about all of those things. Just focus on arranging things."

"Thank Goodness." She sighed. Demi chuckled.

"Why are you so sad? Is because Noah isn't around?" She teased.

"Stop teasing me." She leaned her check over her hand. "I'll do my job for the whole week."

"Fine." Demi chuckled and left.

        She sighed nodded. Soon, they reached the airport and their chopper is waiting to get their baggage. She only took one bag, where most of her important things are. She also checked Sophia's bag and shoes and water. Christian lifted the bag where their water and foods are. Then, they went outside, and a four-by-four eight-seater car stopped in front of them.

        A man stepped out and greet them. Her eyes widen or maybe her mind is just swirling or something. It's Noah. Her heartfelt like dogs that finally has been released from the cage after long days.

        Noah opened the back seat and Sophia entered first then, the twins and Demi and Christian. She wanted to badly seat in front beside Noah and somehow, Jaxon and Ashton had that link in their mind. They take the seats at the back and Noah opened the door for her. He took her bag and she gladly gave it. He even offered his hand as she climbed up the car. He put the bag on the little space on her feet and then he put the seatbelt on her.

        With that little touch, it makes her crazy. Maybe Demi and Zendaya felt the same thing or it was just her since the two make a fast move on their love life and haul on their man's.

        There's a long silence of driving and finally, they reached the entrance and Noah parked the car on the cottage as there is a tour guide. There're at least seven guides with them that are also part of the Phoenix and Dragon Empire to guard them for possible attacks.

        Jaxon is protecting the twins and then Ashton is protecting Sophia. Then, of course, Demi is always with Christian, and Noah chose her.josei

"I thought that you wouldn't be on this project," Bea said to Noah as Noah hold her hand as they walked.

"I talked to your dad. I wanted you back." He said with a grin. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You should've said that sooner." She mocked.

"If I said it sooner?" He asked with a playful smile. She pulled down his arm and he bent down a little.

"I would've already tied you up in my bed and strip you and throw up play money in the air."

        He laughed and shook his head.

"I bet you'll do that." He said softly. She squeezed his hand.

"Guys stop flirting. Let's hurry up." Rhys and Raiden glared at them.

        Bea only chuckled and ignored them.

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