Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 619 - Protective Kale Part 2

Chapter 619 - Protective Kale Part 2

        Bea sat up and looked at her smartwatch and they'll be late. Last night, she met his whole family and they prepare a lot of dinner and specialties for her. She couldn't help but eat a lot. She worked hard and kept walking around and then helping them with a few small things. So, it's also physical work not just commanding around.

        Then, they chatted more, and his mother is too fond of her including his sisters and brothers. They go with karaoke and they kept singing and singing until Noah said that she needed to sleep because they have to work. Now, here they are, waking up late after hot lovemaking.josei

"Noah," She shook him, and he opened his eyes and kissed her and then checked the time.

"Fuck." He mumbled. She giggled at him.

"Let's go to the bath." She said. Noah had his bathroom in his room since it's one of the master's bedroom and then, they take a bath and make love again.

        He helped her with her sunscreen and then, she dressed up quickly. Noah made the bed first before he dressed up. Then, he fixed a few of her things and they went out of his room for breakfast. Everyone is noisy and they went to the dining room and pulled a chair for her.

        Even his mother served her foods and told her that she needed to eat a lot. She needed to eat a lot for later.


        Athena is sitting on the private plane that her mother owns. She's with her dad on their way to California for a few businesses. It's not just EPUA that she's holding, but she also needed to be familiarized with her father's businesses.

"I think we need to skip business today and go on shopping?" Gabriel said. Athena rolled her eyes with sighed. "Hey, did you just roll your eyes on me?"

"No. I rolled my eyes from what you said. Dad, I am sitting here with you to do business, not messed around."

"You aren't hoping to see your boyfriend there?" Gabriel asked as he flipped over the Lawson Magazine.

"No. Not really. Besides, he's not my boyfriend."

"Hmm." He glanced at her. "Are you sure about that? The last time I saw you kissing him."

"Oh, please. I don't want to think about it at this moment." She hissed at him.


        She stood from her seat and move on the other seat.

"Athena, you can't just turn back from me."

"I got a headache, okay, dad? Please stop bugging me over the boyfriend that never exists."

"Okay. You got it."

        Athena massaged her forehead. She sighed and it's aching more than now. Gabriel sat across.

"Are you sure that you are okay?"

"Dad," she weaned at him.

"Hey, I'm just making sure."

"I'm fine." She said.

"That's the usual lie that every people say."

"Now, you know, let me sleep, okay?"

"Yeah, sure!" He did go to the other seat away from her.


        They finally reached Madagascar and they checked-in to a hotel first and they give them a special treatment the first that they saw them. The hotel somehow is now owned by the Dragon Empire. Somehow, her dad is involved with it. They sleep and rest for a day and have a spa. She needed to contact Tim first and Tim is pouting at her. She somehow found it funny.

"Love," Tim make puppy eyes on her.

        She showed her cleavage for him and he covered his eyes.

"Shits, my virgin eyes!"

        She laughed at him.

"I'll have you every night and day when you came back, okay?" Tim said.

"Yeah, don���t flirt with anyone, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I love you."

"I love you more." He winked. She kissed him and she hung up. She sighed. It's hard for a long-distance relationship. Maybe this is what Athena felt and how did she manage it?


        Zachary brought Timothy with Luke and Logan and then Wynter to Bea's house. The gate scanned their faces and they drove through the driveway of the house and the security greet them and opened the car for them.

The main door is closed, and he placed his hand over the scanner, and it opened. They entered and Selina is waking up the girls in the living room with lots of papers around.

"Good Morning," Zachary greet Selina warmly and he kissed Cyra's forehead. She's sleeping on the sofa with her tablet on top of her chest. "Wow, these two work hard."

"Yes. Aria and Asher are upstairs doing some stuff with the research."

"I just drop off these guys and I'll take Timothy with me."

        Wynter sighed.

"Can I just go home?"

"No, you can't."

"We've been staying at Grandma's for days." She complained.

"Your mom is not home, and I still need to renovate a few stuff in there."

"You don't let us go to the lawn."

"That's because it's very dangerous there. I am installing security systems." Zach explained to his youngest daughter.

"Just how many security systems do you need? With lots of securities around?" Wynter crossed her arms.

"Wyntie," He patted her head. "I need to work—"

"You don't go to the office." She said bluntly. Zach exhaled.

"I need to work. You stay here and play with whatever is in here." He scolded a little. Wynter only rose her brows. "Damn it." He mumbled. "I'm leaving, you stay here with your brothers and sister."

"Yeah, whatever."

        Selina couldn't help but snicker. Then, she approached Zach.

"That's was so hard," Selina mumbled as they watched Wynter sat down with creased brows.

"I know. She's very smart and no one can smartass that girl. I need to go. We still need to check on a few things."

"Okay, I'll take care of them."

        Zach patted her arm and he left with Timothy.


        Allison isn't sleeping at all. Instead, she's checking every movement of Cathy. She stayed in the garden and she spotted few cameras and she sighed and just stay like that. What else could she do? It's against the rules to bring a boyfriend or girlfriend in the family.

        Somehow, Christian and Timothy are an exception because they are working in the family or become part of it. But this is serious. They didn't know Cathy and if she's a spy of that Senator or whatever. She also cheated on Kale and she didn't understand why he needs to take her here. If that Senator is too dangerous, then, why won't she use the techniques that have been taught in the Empire Academy?

        Also, she should be in training but somehow Kale spoke to his dad and maybe to Aunt Andy. She took the tablet to the bathroom as she took a bath. She then, dry her hair after and dressed up in a dress. She went out to the living room where Cathy is. She smiled at her and she sat down on the other side of the sofa in front of her.

"Cathy, right?" Allison asked.

"Yes?" Cathy is still smiling at her.

"It's the first time that we let some outsiders in this family. My brother is stupid. It's our main rules not to take anyone unless he's going to get married. Do you know why we don't let anyone that easily?" She asked.

"Well—I—" Cathy mumbled.

"That's because it's dangerous. If anyone betrays our family, we'll give them a very heavy ultimatum. That's why you sign papers with our lawyer. The very heavy part is death." She declared.

"Alli," Her mother called softly. "Please? Be nice."

"I am nice, mom. I am only giving warnings." She stood and went upstairs.

"I'm sorry about that," Luna said. "But what she says are true."

"I understand, ma'am."

        Luna put the snacks on the coffee table.


        Kale thought that he'll do all of the office works but somehow, the lawyer arrived, and the judge already signed the restraining order, and then, they kicked out the ex-boyfriend named Joey Gomez. So, it just takes a few processes and little investigation that only takes an hour after they gather all of the documents.

        They now had a reason to kick out Joey Gomez and lots of girls—ex-girlfriends claimed that he filmed it for his pleasures and they claim that he hit them. They also send photos with the date of their bruises and they hide it from him so, if the time comes, they would raise it.

"So, this is how protective you are to your girlfriend?" Stanley asked.


"You didn't do it with her?"

"I didn't after I learn that she cheated on me which turned out to be blackmail."

"Hmm." He said. "Do you love her?"

"I don't and she knows that."

"Well, you are still young and the person that you'll marry might not be her. But it's good that you hear her side first."

"I just slept with her so, she won't feel bad or she won't think that I am disgusted toward her."

"Are you disgusted toward her?"

"I am disgusted by what she did but not to her. I understand that she was forced and there are marks that Joey hit her and evidence that he threatened her."

"Good. Because your mother got raped while she's pregnant with you. I want to kill those who are involved, but I couldn't."

        Kale froze from what his father said.

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