Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 668 - Rich-Poor Kids Part 1

Chapter 668 - Rich-Poor Kids Part 1

        Cyra and Natalia never showed off their wealth. People who study at the California Institute of Technology are somehow rich. It's a private research University in Pasadena. But, to them, they choose to wear casual clothes and just the brand that everybody could afford. Natalia loves her boyfriend but somehow, she had doubts.

        Cyra and Natalia are living together in the same penthouse. They have a maid in the penthouse from the Knight Empire that also protects them.josei

"I remember the time that I cut the frog's stomach when we are having our first research," Cyra told.

"I remember that. It didn't go well." Natalia said.

"Yes, I was asking dad if I could get a corpse to autopsy. I wanted to open up a human body to check everything there." She said with a shrugged. She noticed that Luke and Robert are texting each other. Maybe Luke is telling him that she's a psycho.

        Natalia knew well what her cousin is doing.

"Uh, babe. We need to go. Dad just texted me that they are in the city." Robert said.

"Okay, sure," Natalia said.

"It's on me," Cyra said and she called the waitress.

"Wait, I should be paying," Luke said.

"Don't worry. I have enough money to pay for four people." Cyra said with a smile. Kelsea came with the bill took out cash that costs more than the bill. "Here's your tip," Cyra told her and she stood.

"Th-Thank you, Ma'am." Cyra nodded.

        They were escorted outside and they started walking after they said goodbye to the boys.

"So, you think that he'll go back to his dorm?" Cyra asked.

"No." Natalia shook her head and chuckled. "Robert has been cheating me."

"Hmm, so you finally know," Cyra said.

"I don't want to shed some tears."


        They stopped and turned their heads to the running Nathaniel and he spread his arms.

"Nate!" Natalia ran to him as she flung her arms at his nape.

They jumped as they hug like little kids. It's been so long since they last saw each other. Nate is in Boston so it's at least more than a three-hour flight from Massachusetts to Pasadena.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Well, I have an early vacation and I am visiting you for a while," Nathaniel said and he approached Cyra and gave her kisses on cheeks. "So, want to grab some dinner?" he asked.

"Well, we already ate," Natalia said. "But you grab dinner here." Natalia pointed out the café. "I and Cyra will just deal with something and we'll get back to you."

"Okay. I'll go to the penthouse then, after dinner?" Nathaniel asked. "Then, we can go to the bar together?"

"Sure!" Natalia said. "This won't take long." She promised.

        Nathaniel went to the café to grab some dinner. Then, they call for a taxi and Natalia tracked her boyfriend. Soon, they hopped down and gave the driver some tip.

"How did you track him?" Cyra asked.

"I slipped bubblegum to him, where I put the tracker." Natalia smiled.

"What if he threw it away?" Cyra asked.

"He's not gonna throw it away. He didn't even notice that I slipped it to his pocket." She winked.

They reached another café and there he was, he's flirting with the girl from the school. They are kissing and the Luke guy is smiling as he watched them. 

Natalia took out her camera with the lens and started capturing it. The kissing, the cuddling, the laughing.

"I can't wait to see them captured while f-cking." Natalia mumbled.

"So, you haven't had sex with him?" Cyra asked.

"No." Natalia shook her head. "We just kiss and he tried to go further but I said that I wasn't ready. So, here he is, letting a woman grinned on him."

        Soon, their subjects left the café and went to the hotel just next to it with Luke having another woman in his arms.

        Natalia captured it perfectly and she sighed.

"This is so fun," Natalia said. Cyra rolled her eyes.

"Are you supposed to cry your eyes out?"

"Nah, that's not going to happen. I like Robert, he's a good kisser but I don't want to get some herpes or HIV."


        Nathaniel gave the waitress that looked like a Filipina a big tip and she smiled even more. Somehow, he reminds her of someone but he didn't remember. His phone is ringing and he answered it shortly.

"Nate! You need to be at Esme's party."

"Yeah, sure. I'll buy gifts and we'll be there."

        The servers changes shift and he also left and walked blocks to blocks. He stopped when a girl got dragged on the ally but a big man. She muffled some scream and he approached them. They grabbed her bag but she's resisting.

"Please, don't do this." She begged.

        Nathaniel picked the can and he tossed it up and kicked. Then, the thin-can hit the man's face and the petite girl immediately pulled her bag and hugged it as she ran to his back.

"Here's the money." Nathaniel tossed a few cash to the guy. "Don't rob someone else. This girl worked hard for it."

        The man spit and took out a Swiss knife from his pocket and pointed it to him. Nathaniel takes his right foot forward and he ran fast to the man and gave him a flying kick to the face. Nathaniel looked at the poor girl.

"Th-thank you." She mumbled.

        He approached her and took her arm and pulled her away from the alley. 

 "Where do you live?" He asked her.

"Just—few more blocks from here."

"I'll escort you there."

"It's—fine." She mumbled and she kept looking up at him. He looked down at her and he stopped.

"Aren't you the waitress from a while ago?"

"Y-yes." She wiped her tears away.

"What a small world." He patted her head. "You should be more cautious around here. Don't worry, I am harmless and I'm going to take you back to your home."

"It's fine. I—I still need to go to another work.

"Oh." Nathaniel stopped. "You serious?" he asked as he checked his watch. "It's already seven in the evening.

"It'll start in two hours." She explained.

"Hmm, then I'll escort you there."

        She seemed uncomfortable.

"How about I'll pay a taxi for you? At least, I will be sure that you are safe."

"That's very kind of you. But—you had helped me enough." He shrugged.



        Natalia is busy putting her make-up on and she smiled at their maid.

"Thank you for cleaning my messy room." She told her.

"Don't worry, Lady Talia." The maid smiled at her. Natalia makes the maid clean her room.

        She and Cyra had a different room and, there's a guestroom for another. Cyra didn't want her room to be cleaned and she'll only let someone clean it when she's there. She always locked her room before she leaves and it also has handprint access by only her.

        She put a pretty dress that she bought from the Gucci store and then, put her Gucci shoes on. Then, she came out and her brother is wearing the same color as her. They high-five. Cyra came out from her room, wearing skinny jeans, high heels, and a normal blouse.

        They soon reached the bar, and they go dancing. Cyra stayed at their seat and just drink a cocktail as she watched the twins dancing in a very goofy way. She chuckled and then, spotted Robert fingering the woman right on their seat.

        People are busy with their own business, and only observers could see it. She scoffed and took out her phone and film them. Natalia and Nathaniel came tired from dancing, and she showed the footage.

        Nathaniel frown.

"What is that?" He asked.

"That's her boyfriend." Cyra pointed and Robert and the woman that he's fingering under her dress.

"What the f-ck?" He creased his brows.

"I know." Natalia shrugged. "I should break up with him right away." She told. "But first," She lifted her phone. "I have the evidence here and I'll send it to him."

        Natalia went psycho as she laughed and started sending the photos. Then, Cyra shared the video with her and Natalia also send it. They watched as Robert started looking around and when he spotted them, he look paranoid as he walked to them.

"Babe, I'm sorry. It's not what you think?" Robert begged. Natalia scoffed and she shook her head.

"Just fuck off," Nathaniel said.

"It's not like that!" He insisted. "You don't want to have sex with me. That's why I'm doing it with another girl. If you only let me, it wouldn't turn this way."

"Oh, so now," Natalia stood. "You are blaming me for your stupidity?"

"That's a fucking narcissist," Cyra mumbled.

"It's not stupidity! I have my own f-cking needs. You don't want me to touch you further."

"Oh, okay." Natalia took her cocktail and poured it over his head. "I am breaking up with you. I was planning to give it to you tonight, but it seemed like, I make a great choice of knowing you better."

"Natalia, I'm sorry," Robert exclaimed. He will kneel, crying in front of her and Cyra just realized how f-cked up the man was. He's a narcissist like his friend Luke. He acted like a victim.

        Nathaniel pushed him.

"F-ck off from my sister, you douche bag." Nathaniel threatened.

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