Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 686 - Beethoven Cello Sonata No. 3 Part 1

Chapter 686 - Beethoven Cello Sonata No. 3 Part 1

 Laurence listened to Esme played that sad song that Beethoven composed. He stayed in the room close to her music room so he could listen to her play.

 Tomorrow at 1:00 PM her audition will start. He needed to be there too. He canceled everything he had for that day. He won't miss it in his life because he promised her that he'll be there. So, it's eleven in the evening, and she should stop practicing although she perfects it.

 After she's done with the piece, he went inside to her music room and smiled at her. He lifted the wine glass that he's holding.

"Not bad at all. That's a very painful sound that I've ever heard. Painful in my ears." He said. She laughed.

"Thank you for your compliment, assy!"

"Is that your word for asshole?" He creased his brows. She put away her bow and put it back on the case. "Well, darling, that's the best cello piece that I ever heard." He said sounding like Percy.

"Well, dad, that's not my composition." She giggled and tidy up and packed up her piece for tomorrow.

"Okay," He approached her and kissed her forehead. "You sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is your big day!"

 Esme froze from that kiss and watched his back as he left the music room. She sighed and leaned on the grand piano. She twists her lips. Damn it. She and her teenage hormones. She should stop having dreams about her brother as her lover. This won't happen because she became a Pattinson after Laurence's parents.


6:30 AM Manila,

 Athena sat up and glared at Xavier who is sleeping beside her. She frowned at him as she slipped off from bed, her core is sore and she walked a little bowlegged. She went directly to the shower and turned it on. Warm water rain on her and she reached her part to wash it.

 She's going to be late, so she washed her hair quickly and soaped her body. She also didn't have time to blower her hair and it's a good thing that she had this microfiber hair dryer and she wrapped her hair with it as she went to her close to start dressing up.

"Good morning." Xavier entered her room with a grin.

"Fuck off, Xavier!"

"Wow, why are you so cranky?"

"I'm late for my flight."

"Hmm," He approached her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He shoved his face to her neck and licked it. She quickly pushed him away.

"Stop it!"

"Okay, I'm sorry." He smiled and lean as he watched her brush her hair and then, she put her shoes on and took her bag. "Chocolate," he said.

"Alright," She wrapped her arms around his naked body and kissed him passionately.

"Stay safe and I love you." He kissed her forehead and she winked at him as she left her penthouse.

 Xavier sighed and cleaned up the penthouse. He took a bath. Dressed up for work and left the penthouse.


 Zendaya frowned seeing threats from De la Fontaine. It's been a while and De la Fontaine's sales aren't great although they have released new suits and dresses for fashion week. It's great. Their designers are also good at it but, it's not selling without Timothy's skills in Public Relations, Marketing, and others, De la Fontaine wouldn't raise 20%.

 Timothy is a big hit for them. Unlike the next heir who only wanted to waste money, fuck employees, and whatnots.

 She didn't know if she should take the threats seriously. Her head is aching a lot these past few days.

���Good morning!" Her mother entered the room and she smiled up at her. "Do you want to take off?"

"A week off and be with Timothy."

"Wow, not with your family?" Andromeda creased her brows.

"Mom, please give me a break."

"Alright. Two weeks. You shouldn't get pregnant not until the two of you are married."

"Geez, mom." Zendaya frowned at her. "Timothy will never have it until he proposed to me."

"If you say so." Andromeda shrugged.

"And there's a threat from De la Fontaine."

"Oh, another?"

"You mean, you've been receiving this?" Zendaya creased her brows.

"Yeah," Andromeda said like it's nothing. "Don't worry about it, my little love!" She said with that very old endearment.

"And how do you respond?"

"Well," Andy smiled. "I always send them a cake shaped into a hairy bent penis." She told and Zendaya burst out laughing. "It's true." Andromeda showed him the photos of the cake that she sent every threat that they made.

"How did you do that?"

"There's a bakery shop near in Paris to their office building. Cakes are very good there and I always buy pastries in the shop every time I visit Paris."

"Oh, I should try that. I think Tim and I need to go to Paris and just be lovers."

"De la Fontaine might also have control over Paris. So, I think it's not that safe to go there."

"We can go undercover."

 Andy sighed.

"Whatever. But the two of you should always be safe."

"Sure, I will. So, I'll leave the office now and prepare dinner for Timmy." Zendaya took her phone and closed her laptop.

"Oh, by the way," Andy stopped her for a while. "Athena went to Switzerland and I think your Psychiatrist Xavier is left alone in the penthouse."

"So?" Zendaya doesn't know what she meant at all.

"It means that Gabriel or Sabrina always went to his daughter's penthouse on that day with maids to clean up her penthouse. It'll be odd that someone is there."

"That's not my problem at all." She shrugged. Then, she thought about it and she called Xavier. He answered shortly.

"Hey, Xavier, are you still at Athena's penthouse?"

"No. I am in the café eating."

"And did you clean the bedroom, I mean..."

"Yes, I did."

"How about the garbage?"

"I also did that."

"Oh, great." She grinned.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhh, nothing. Have a great day!" Zendaya hung up. She just literally just arrived at her office and now ditching it.


 Cyra tried her heavy eyelids and saw that her half-naked butler came out from the bathroom but it's just a blur. She sighed. She didn't feel well at all. Maybe it's not the stage-two anymore. She opened her eyes again and her butler put a hand over her head.

"You have a fever." He said.

"I feel like dying." She mumbled.

"Do you want me to call your parents?"

"No." She opened her eyes wide. "I will fix it myself."

"How are you going to fix Leukemia, Princess?"

"You are asking too much." She pushed his hand away from her forehead.

"I think you are not in a fever at all."

 Cyra chuckled and she turned sideways. He pulled the fleece over her shoulder and then tuck her in neatly.

 Butler Samson put his suit on and tidy the sofa. Then, the doctor came in. She asked a lot of questions and then, he of course answered it. She's too lifeless. She opened her eyes.

"Is this your first time to got a fever?" The doctor asked.

"I rarely got sick," Cyra said.

"Yes, I see that. In a few hours, we'll test your blood, your spleen, and your liver."


"Then, I should turn over other information to your Butler?"

"Yes." She nodded. "But only a few information." She told.

"Alright." The Doctor seemed to hesitate to let go of any information since she signed a big deal to Cyra.


 Esme woke up at eight in the morning. She turned on the speaker and play the piece that she's going to play. Then, she went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for her and her brother. She waited in the kitchen for him. She might be too early but she wanted to have a fresh mind for every note although she memorized it like forever.

"Good morning, little girl!" 

 She turned her head to Laurence as he approached her wearing PJs and he kissed her head.

"Smell famishing."

"Yes, I make an omelet and other stuff that you wanted to eat."

"And why are not eating?" He asked.

"I am savoring this warm water." She mumbled.

"Hmm. Alright. It's your big day today, so, where do you want us to celebrate after?"

"I'll decide after they are satisfied with my performance."


 Laurence pours warm water on his mug and drinks it while he's still waiting for the pure hot chocolate on the chocolate maker.



"Do you still want to stick with your mother's surname or our surname?"

"I can use both." She said. "Right?"

"Yes. It's much safer if you use our surname."

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." He shrugged and checked his phone, and he cursed.

"What's going on?" She peeked at him.

"Alexis wants to meet up with me."

"Then, meet up with her."

"No." He shook his head. "Why would I meet up with her on this important day? Besides, even if you pursue me to meet up with her. I still won't go. We are done."

 Esme creased her brows.

"How are the two of done? What happened?"

 Laurence sighed dramatically and he looked up the ceiling as he listened to the cello airing.

"It's like this piece."josei

"You meet Beethoven's Sonata No. 3?"


 She scoffed and shook her head.

"Stop being dramatic."

"I am not."

 She shook her head and she started eating her omelet.

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