Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 710 - Divorce Part 1

Chapter 710 - Divorce Part 1


        After dinner, he went directly to the villa. Then, he checked on her and kissed her forehead. He took the thermometer. She's still burning to 39 degrees Celsius. He went to the table where he put the soup. She didn't even touch. Thinking that she might be hungry, he took it out and he went downstairs to make another soup for her.

        He went to bed and she sat up.

"Lean," He told as he put pillows at her back. She adjusted herself.

        He put the table tray at the edge of the bed with her soup. He fed her and made sure that the soup isn't too hot.

"How is it?"

"My taste buds are not working." She mumbled. He caressed her hair.

"My poor wife." He kissed her forehead. He fed her more and she's grateful. No one ever does that to her.

"Thank you," She said. He smiled at her.

"Of course, you take care of me always. I need to take care of my sick wife too."

"Are you staying for tonight?"

"I will."

"How's your day?" She asked and he fed her more.

"It's great. I made a speech and lots of companies would want me to work with them."

"You found a company?"

"No. I am still on-training." He kissed her dry lips.

"Don't kiss me. You might get sick too."

"Recover quickly so we could make love. I already missed you."

        She giggled and nodded at him. After that, he takes a half bath, locked the villa, and cuddle with her to warm her. He almost forgot that he needed to divorce her. He sighed. She started sweating and he wiped off her sweats. 

        He stayed with her in the bed until her fever goes down. She wrapped herself to him and she mumbled his name multiple times in her sleep. He hesitates. Did he need to divorce her? She's nothing but sweet, caring, and everything to him. He sighed, feeling suddenly depressed.

        He slipped off from the bed and he went to her walk-in closet to change her clothes. After nursing her, he went to his study room and start placing the important documents in his briefcase. He took the brown envelope.

        He'll just make her sign it after she's well. He needed to leave California early. They have to do the capsule immediately.


        It takes two days until Kelsie is back to herself. Nate already sent gifts to the graduates back in the Empire Academy and then to his cousin Kale. Cyra, Natalia, the twin's Aria and Asher are already in the science facility that Cyra's dad constructed for her with Bea's design.

        Bea earned a lot of money from her designs and it's always her Uncle who buy it. Now, they needed his mathematician mind to be there.

"Lunch is ready." She popped her head from the door of his study.


        She looked around and she looked up at him.

"You are packing."

"Yes. And I need to talk to you about that."

"Let's have lunch." She said with a smile and left.

Nate closed his eyes hard and massaged his temple. He will give her everything and he isn't safe around him. Now, with this mission that Cyra wanted to happen. He went to the dining room as she poured water at each glass. He pulled a chair for her and she thanked him.

They sat down and he reached her hand. He brought it up to his lips.

"The food looks famishing."

"It is." She said and served him.

        Nate felt bad for his decision. He didn't want to leave her alone in this big house.

        They eat their lunch and after that, he helped her with the dishes even though she told him that she can take care of it. Still, he helped her until she's done. He removed her apron and take her toward the Study room. However, just a few steps in there, she pulled her hand from him. He stopped and turned to her. She looked nervous and afraid.

"I—I'm just going to the bathroom." She left quickly. He creased his brows and waited for her.

        Kelsie rushed directly to the bathroom and locked it. She sat on the corner, rubbed her chest, and cry. It takes thirty minutes for her to recover. So, she washed her faced and looked at her puffy eyes. She knew it. He's going to leave her like that.

        That's why he taught her how to drive. That's why he bought a car for her and even more clothes. He also taught her how to use the website and how to make a blog or such things. She had her food blog and she only sends it without checking notifications.

        She exhaled. She needed to face it. Although it's only months, she already loves him. Too much. She had puppy love back then but now is different. She had sex with him and they both enjoy it. She's treating him like a husband. And he's treating her more than a Queen and a wife. 

        She knocked and entered. He put down the phone and stood from his seat.

"What is it?"

        He smiled at her and approached her. He took her hand and gently take her to the table.

"Just as I promise to you. This villa is yours." He started the talk. 

"Divorce. You want a divorce?"

"I need to divorce you." He scooped her face. "You will be fine. I'll still protect you."

        She bit her lip and her handshakes. She didn't want him to leave her.

"I—I can go with you. Wherever you go…" She mumbled. She wanted him to consider it. He caressed her hair.

"I'm sorry. But can't. It's dangerous. Highly classified. I can't tell you anything more than that. But someone will be here with you. She will help you around. She will protect you and she will teach you how to defend yourself."

"I don't need anyone." Her lips wobbled. "I need you." She said almost in a whisper.

        At her words, suddenly his heart skipped a beat and it started pumping louder like a drum. It never responded that way. Not even from his exes. No one also said those words.

"I can be your maid there. I will help you around. You also don't need to buy me expensive things." She said and reached his hand and kissed it.

        A woman looking so desperate in front of him is very rare. Most like, it's the first time.

"Kelsie," I said softly and he pulled her into his arms. "Just sign it. You don't need to find a job too."

        He kissed her top head and just hold her like that. He didn't want to see her sad face. His heart won't take it.

"Tomorrow, your bodyguard will be here."

        Her arms wrapped around him tightly. They stayed like that for five minutes.

He gently pushed her to the desk and lifted her dress. He also removed his shirt. She isn't wearing any bra. And she's wearing cotton panty. He pulled it down, and she pressed her hand on the table to lift herself as she stepped away from her panty. Then, he knelt, kissed her thighs and then he lifted her on the desk. She spread her legs.

Nate made love to her at the desk of his study room. He wasn't satisfied with just one so, he takes her to the sofa and does it with her more.

Then, the last part is. He made her sign it. She did sign it with a heavy heart. After that, he carried her to bed and make love to her almost endlessly until it's four in the afternoon.

"Dress up. I'm treating you for dinner."

"I can cook. Or you don't like my cooking anymore?" She asked. He chuckled.

"I love your cooking. You can be a great chef." He kissed her forehead. "My flight is tomorrow. The bodyguard that I hired will help you around, and she will be very strict with your health."

        He took the tablet, and he pressed her fingerprint on it, and then he typed the code.

"You have the full access to the house and in this room. There are cameras around our room for safety."

"You mean~~" She covered her chest.

"Yes. Don't worry." He smirked at her. "We can only watch it."


"And the card that I gave to you… it's your monthly allowance."

"I don't need that."

"You need it." He caressed her hair. "I'll take care of your mother's bills."

"Can we see each other again?"

"Yes. But I have to leave. I have an important thing to do."

"Make love to me again."

        She crawled over her top. He lay down and watched his wife please him in her way. He enjoyed it. He wanted to enjoy her every second before he left. He might not have her when she met the next man that would please her.

        He listened to her moaning and her sexy cries, and in the end, Nate knew that it's just short happiness.

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