Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 712 - Capsule Part 1

Chapter 712 - Capsule Part 1

    Ilya slapped the woman hard. He paid a lot of money for being a spy in the Knight Empire. And finally, that she's with Cyra and Natalia, she couldn't get hold of the nanomites. It's already in her hands but has been taken again from her by that Butler.

"Make a way to find their facility. I need more of it!" He demanded her. "Or else, you'll die."

    Jasmine nodded her head and left. Ilya turned to Jacob who is trying to check the drafts. He didn't understand it since the genius Cyra put secret codes on it. She made her code so no one could understand it.

"This is—I need to work on this," Jacob said. "That Cyra is more than what we thought she was."

"What is she?" Ilya asked and turned to him.

    Jacob sighed.

"I think I can't crack her codes. I need to find a way about this."

"Yes. We need that nanomites."

"I wonder what makes you obsessed about that nanomites. Are you sick?" Jacob asked.

"No. If we have that. We can conquer the world. We can be immortals." Ilya shrugged. "I'll let you crack whatever code that that little bitch gives to you." Ilya strode to the door and opened it.

    He left the library and went to his room. He removed every tracking that Jacob might plant on him and change his clothes. He left his manor with his driver.

    It's thirty minutes' drive from the manor to the house that he purchased for the most important person in his life. He stepped out of the car, walked inside the Victorian door to the bedroom. The doctor bow at him. He put on covers and his mask and he entered the room.

    His heart clenched seeing the man lying on the bed with lots of apparatus in his body. The man looked up at him and smile.

"Hey," He held the man's hand and kissed his bald head.

"Let me go, Ilya." He mumbled.

"No." Ilya shook his head. "We'll be together as I promise you."

    The man held his hand tightly.

"I've been like this for years."

"No. I can find you a donor. Besides, there are these micro-bots that would help you. To kill your cancer."

"It's killing me already Ilya. Even bone marrow failed me. Let me go."

"No~~," Ilya said strongly. "I am doing everything for you."

    The man looked at him with tired eyes. Ilya's heartbreaks.


    Nathaniel looked at his cousin. She looked so thin yet, she's eating a lot of vegetables and herbs. Cyra looked up at him and he reached her head and patted her.josei

"Tsk, am I late?" he asked.

"Nah, you are not." Cyra shook her head.

"Nate! I need your computation with this!" Bea called.

    Bea just graduated two weeks ago. And she's already planning for building. Nate approached her and checked the 3D hologram that Luke and Logan made. He touched the screen and checked it around.

"Let's try this out." Nate nodded at her. He took his tablet and compute the length. He adjusted a few things and then he showed it to Bea.

"Nice angle," Bea nodded. "I know that you could help me with this." She winked. Nate patted her head. "Hey, hands-off from my hair!"

    He laughed at her and she looked at Natalia who is busy with other stuff. There's also Samantha for EPUA. The twin's Aria and Asher are in their comfortable seat with lots of controls around them. Like they are just in a game.

"Ready?" Aria asked.

    He turned to the inside where they are building the actual capsule. The machines that Pattinson made and through those machines they could build whatever they need to build without actual people assembling it, Aria and Asher are the ones controlling it with Luke and Logan to build the first capsule.

    They only have the first phase but soon, they have it all.

    After building it. They went to the other room where Andromeda and Dmitri set up the foods for them.

"I'm famished!" Luke said aloud as he threw his arm to his sister Cyra. Logan pulled a chair for her and treat her well and spoil her.

    Nate smiled at the food and suddenly remember Kelsie's cooking.

"Hey, let's eat!" Talia called him.

He nodded and went to the seat beside his sister. Dmitri and Andy are treating them well with the foods. They make sure that they eat at the right time and sleep at the right time. Mostly Cyra since they are staying in the facility for three days now.

After their dinner, he assisted Natalia and Cyra as they re-create other types of nanomites that would focus on killing cancer. So, it'll go through a dialysis type and it'll be in that capsule.

    He watched the two as they continue with the experiments and then he pulled out his tablet and checked the villa back in California. It's too early in California and Kelsie is sitting on the bed and hugging his pillow.

    It suddenly clenched his heart. He took out his phone and called her. She quickly reached for the phone, wiped her tears, and answered it.

"Hey," he said softly and left the laboratory and walked in the corridor toward their sleeping quarter.

"Are you in the Philippines, safely?"


"Okay, that's good." She sniffled.

"What's wrong?"

"I—I missed you." She said softly.

"I miss you too." He stopped and leaned on the wall. "Eat your breakfast."

"I haven't cooked anything yet."

"Kelsie, don't skip a meal. Do you understand me?"

"I won't. But when are you going to come back?"

"I don't know. My cousin is sick."

"Okay… By the way, I just currently checked my blog. A journalist wanted me to write about my menu and they will pay big for it."

"That's good. Why won't you try a video blog? I bought you a camera, use it."


    Nate started walking again to his room. He talked to her room. Soon, he reached his room and took out a box.

"I want to see you," Nate told her. "Go to the walk-in closet."

    She watched him from the tablet as she went to the walk-in closet.

"Kels, I am watching you right now," Nate told her and she looked around.

"Can I see you?" She asked.

"Yes. First, in the second drawer take out the box. That's my gift for you."

"What's this?" She opened and it and she gasped. "It's—it's a penis."

"Hey, don't judge." Nate chuckled. She giggled. "Lock the door, put candles around and it'll be just like I am there."

"Okay." She put the phone on speaker as she took it out from the walk-in closet. She turned on music and then candle lights and she closed the curtains.

"Wifey, you have to clean that penis."

"I will."

"There's the cleaner…"

    She laughed as she assembled it.

"Can you wear the sexiest nightie that I gave to you?"

"I will."

    She took the phone and went back to the walk-in closet. He hung up and turned on the video.

"Wifey turned on your camera."

    She turned on the camera and her smile grew wider.

"You missed me that much?" Nate teased. She nodded at him. "Don't worry, you are safe there."

    He watched her put the dress on but he preferred her naked though.


    Wynter gave the sketch of a girl to her mother. Andy looked at the girl in the sketch.

"Who is this?"

"Well, Nate broke her heart."

"Oh," Andy shrugged. "What happened?"

"They get married in Vegas. She had the Mondragon name and Nate divorced her. But I think with the rush, Nate hasn't filed the divorce paper to the court. So, maybe we should take her out of California. Because Ilya's men are searching traces to find the laboratory."

    Andromeda flipped the pages. She also had a short vision of Ilya talking to a man in a bed with lots of apparatus in his body. She guessed that he'll take the capsule or the nanomites to heal the man. However, if Ilya would succeed, then it'll be more chaotic.

"So, what do you suggest?" Wynter asked.

    Andy sighed haven't thought for a great suggestion.

"It's more chaotic than I expected." She mumbled.

"Ditto." Wynter sipped on her smoothie and her father give them popcorns.

"What are you girls talking about that makes me out of it?" He asked and sat down beside his wife and play the movie that they are watching.

"Well, dad. Ilya is hiding the 'love of his life', Jacob didn't know about it so…" Wynter shrugged.

"It won't be chaotic for us. But to them." Andy smirked. "I got a plan."

"Now," Zachary shuddered. "I don't want to see that evil smile that you are making."

    Andromeda smirked even more.

"I'll visit your siblings. Do you want to go with me?" Andy asked Wynter.


    After their movie marathon. Andromeda tucked her daughter to bed, although she knew that she's old enough to do it herself. But it would at least relieve a little her from getting worried about Cyra.

    They visit Cyra every day and every meal. Andromeda doesn't want to lose it again. 

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