Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 11 Secret Organization

Chapter 11 Secret Organization

11 Secret Organization

He was frowning when they found the unknown buyer. It was just a pen name and they didn't find any lead at all. They can't even find a transaction record but they bought it in full cash. He was frustrated and the unknown buyer was known as Dark Lord. that man! josei

He's probably from some gang or something. He was very much confidential and he's good on his tactics. He's just good at it. They couldn't bring the government to this. It seemed that the government was somehow have their sides. The Dark Lord was actually helping the government about new technologies and even to raise funds that's what he heard about rumors. And somehow there's 49 % chance that the rumor is true.

"They aren't to be messed with, Sire."

"Okay. Let's hold it just like that. Let's wait until they open up something on that land."

"Yes, sir."

"How's the ring?"

His assistant's phone chimes and he excuse himself. He came back with the small rectangular box. He open it and found another velvet box there. He open the velvet box and was pleased on the big diamond ring. It wasn't that big and just perfect for her finger.

Those socialites that bullies her will surely envy her. He glance on his clock and he got an hour to finish few works. Since he was only waiting for papers for today, he finish the first ones that came and the proposals that he's asking was already on his table.

After she left the Penthouse and found her motorbike and Whiskey and Brandy is already waiting for her. They drove down town to their headquarters. She visit Tequila first who is now better though he had bandages and supporter for his broken bones.

His face lightens when he saw her.

"Big boss!" He squeal like a child. "You haven't seen me for days! What kind of boss are you?" He immediately sulk and turn his head back. Sudden excitement turns into sulking. She smack his head and tap on the tablet and show it to him.

"Your head is beaten severely, I'll tell the guys to beat you more so you could finally compose yourself."

"Boss, I'm sorry, okay?" He still looks like a sulking little child, where in fact, he has strong body built, lean and sexy. Women would droll on him. "Can you at least cook for me?" She shoot him a glare and he shivers directly to his spinal cord. She turn back. "Last time you cook us some porridge when we get a flu." He only utter.

When she left his room and went to the main office of the headquarters to start sorting the reports. One by one, her assigned assistants report only things that she should be aware. She smirked when Gabriel Lawson was actually researching about the buyer of the land. He wanted to invest on the Elite bar. But Elite Bar was only exclusive for the investors inside the organization.

The government wasn't against their business. In fact, they are actually complete on everything that the government requires for business. Since she's rich enough, she send few of her agents to distribute money on charities, orphanages and schools that government can't take care of.

In some way, they are like CIA in US. But their agency is like a security agency. But more reliable than security guards or even police. They are more like CIA or Great Spies. So she called the agency, Empire of Professional Undercover Agents.

They are not only focusing on one martial arts, they had send orphan kids that are willing to be part of the EPUA to be trained on their special school, the one that she came from and she rebuilt it since it is collapsing. Her master which she have years of learning through Kung Fu, Judo and other martial arts was still alive and kicking though he had white hairs.

She owe her life to him. If not for him, she had killed herself already because of her traumatic past. She had nightmares and she learn to control herself from his teachings. She learn to kill and just wished from those time that she had killed the woman who kill her mother.

Her mother isn't killed by just a woman, on her back ground is a strongest gang in the world. She built the Agency so she could kill them one by one. She hide her identity so she could make them fool of themselves and now, she's not holding back. With a rich man beside her, she will be invincible.

The rage inside her wasn't enough for her to kill them all. Her first kill? She didn't even flinch because it was one of the man who kidnapped her.

Suddenly, her phone chimes and his number pop up.

Hubby: Woman! Let's stay at my penthouse after dinner.

Wife: Call me woman again and I'll break your boner.

Hubby: Haha… sorry, baby…I'll eat you up tonight. How about that?

Wife: I'm fine. I don't like to be eaten.

Hubby: C'mon, it'll be fun.

Wife: Fun your ass. Just go and yourself like you did today.

Hubby: *pouted* Pretty please.

Wife: Busy right now.

Hubby: I'll pick you up. Where are you?

Wife: Satan's room.

Hubby: I will kill that Satan and bring him down back to hell.

Wife: …

Hubby: Okay, just text me on where I will pick you up.

Wife: Café across your building at 5

Hubby: Okay. ??

Heart? He just send heart to her? What the is wrong with the guy? Anyway, she toss her phone and started reviewing lots of things on her laptop until her phone alarms telling her that it is already 4:30 in the afternoon.

She visit Tequila on his private room where he's flirting with their nurse. The nurse was blushing. She had assign a good doctor for him. One of their best army doctor. It's a woman and she's a femme fatale.

"Boss!" The nurse bow her head to her and leave. "I miss you!" She only look at him from head to toe and left. "Boss!" She heard him calling but she ignore him.

She arrived on café at exactly 5. She use her motorbike and now, it was taken away by one of her agents. She's wearing a newest design from her personal designer. The man was broke and she take him over and since he got a talent in both technology and designing clothes, she hire him.

His actual passion was in creating dresses, but because of her influence, he had actually built a nice suit for them which he worked with Enzo and other agents that are creating a high technology and very convenient suit for them.

She buy a tea and a strong arms wrapped around her and kisses her cheeks. Her lace, red empire waist dress that has three-fourth sleeve was seductive to her. Though the design was quite innocent but the lace see-through show her beautiful curves at both sides. It was simple but attractive. Only made for her and very much her.

If she didn't know that smell, she would've slam him down on the floor.

"Good that you didn't wear revealing outfit today. I thought you would wear less clothing tonight." She only face him and gave him a cold look. He smile. "I don't like dresses that are too revealing." She pull her phone and texted him.

"I will wear one then." He chuckled. He bit her ear.

"That will just turn me on, sweetheart. Wear it, only to show in front of me."

She smirked on his words.

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