Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 176 A Drunk Man Canst Lie

Chapter 176 A Drunk Man Canst Lie

176 A Drunk Man Can'st Lie

Sabrina frown seeing Gabriel sitting on the sofa while two tycoons are enjoying women on their laps. The woman keep on coming his way but he brushes her off. Sabrina walk like a diva as those two tycoon's gawk at her.

Sabrina sat down on Gabriel's lap as Gabriel brushes her hair and kisses her cheeks.

"My wife is willing to listen to all of your weans about this proposal."

"Well, Uhh, Mrs. Lawson…" The man in black hair pushes the woman away from him in a gentle way. "We uhh, plan to enhance the country club bar to have dancers…"

"Or strippers?" She had already guessed what they mean. Sabrina look at her handsome dangerous husband. "Is it male or female?"

"Female." He answer.

"OH." Sabrina was surprised. "Can it be males?"

Gabriel groan and hold her tightly to warn her. She was just teasing her husband but he gets jealous easily.

"I was kidding. No. I don't want our country club to be a stripper's club. The company is earning a lot of money. We don't need to sell women." Sabrina said as she massage Gabriel's back head.

"Well, uhh."

"It's okay if you won't sign the agreement. It's not our loss anyway. Besides, I don't want my husband to deal with this useless matters." She smile dangerously.

The man grab the papers and start signing it. Their plan to get hold of Gabriel Lawson was useless. They thought his wife was easy to convince but she was more dangerous. Gabriel was calm and his wife's presence makes him more powerful as well.

Sabrina smile dangerously at them.

"Then is it done?" She asked as Gabriel's lawyer pick up the contract and thank them. They left the bar and few people downstairs that knows them too well start murmuring at each other. They just couldn't help but to compliment them.

"Honey, I still don't like how women check you out." She mutter to him.

"Baby, I also don't like how males gawk at you." Gabriel pull her head and pat it. "If I wasn't nice I would have already pull out their eyes balls and feed it to our guard dogs."

Sabrina giggles and wrapped her arm around his waist as they walk side by side.



"Do you like this Elite bar so much?"

Gabriel look around.

"Its decent, elegant and everything around is perfect. The owner must be really good at business. But there's nothing I like in this world but you."

Sabrina smiles and snuggle on him more as they walk to the parking lot.


Veronica spotted Vivien nearby and every males gawk at her checking her boobs and ass. She hates them. She walk pass them all and grab Tony's tie. Tony immediately stood and almost fall back but he holds her and she steady him.

"Let's go."

"Let's cuddle for a moment." He murmur and kisses her lips. The boys cheers. Veronica knows Tony's game. He wanted to show them his real fiancée.

"Enough. Let's go."

"I want to introduce you to everybody." Tony took the wine glass. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend and soon to be Mrs. Lawson. Veronica, baby, meet everyone."

"Okay. Nice to meet you." She said in a bored tone and grab Tony. "You can drink anytime you want but not during weekdays!" She scowl at him in low voice.

Tony pouted like a child who has been wronged. She pick up his wallet and phone and his jacket then drag him. One of his friends stop them.

"Wait, we aren't done here yet. Veronica, stay a little. We have to know you more."

Veronica look up at the Casanova and check him out from head to toe. He was surely turn on by just looking at her so instead of being nice, she pushes his chest away.

"I don't fucking care if you are Tony's friend. Now fuck off!"

Tony laugh and put his arms around Veronica and salutes them.


Veronica carefully led him to the passenger seat and put the seat belt on. Then she drove through traffic to their penthouse. Tony has been watching her all this time. Veronica glance at him and allowed his hand to rest on her thigh.


"Hmm." She step on the gas slowly.

"Are you mad at me?" He sound hurt. Men can be this emotional? Veronica hold his hand resting on her thigh.

"No. Why?"

"I thought you are mad at me because I drank with my friends and my ex was there."

"You didn't do anything wrong did you?"

"No." He took her hand and kisses it. "I love you, Veronica. Do you know that?"

"Yeah." She said monotonously as she drives. "You keep saying that."

"V, my mom left me when I was eleven years old. Why didn't you ask about my mom?"

"Well, it doesn't really run into my head." She put her hand at the back of his head and start massaging his nape.

"My mom was a sadist. She likes torturing my dad physically and mentally. She also like hitting me and dad would get mad and let her hit him. Her mood wasn't good if she can't hit any of us." josei

Veronica stops and look at him. His eyes look so broken. He was just a little boy after all. Veronica patted his head.

"You survived." Tony hold it and kisses her hand.

"I still love my mother even though she was like that. I think it is better that she left us than hurt dad more. She left us for some masochists. When Vivien cheated on me and betray me many times, I promised myself that I won't let her fool me."

"But didn't I do the same?" She ask him.

"No. You didn't fool me. You told me from the very first the consequences if I fall in love with you."

"Do you still love me?" She couldn't help but ask.

"I do. I'm sorry if I said a wrong name—maybe my head was messed up and our mouth makes mistakes."

"You are already forgiven." She said. Tony smiles at her and hold her hand.

"You must be my great love." He mutter. Veronica tightens her jaw as she drive. She keep holding back her tears. A drunk man can't lie right?

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