Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 251 Honor Lives

Chapter 251 Honor Lives

251 Honor Lives

Veronica haven't slept the whole night as it play on her head how Eros killed Brandy shooting him directly to his chest and he fall down the cliff. He won't survive in there. He's already dead. Then Eros send them a clear message.

"I will take what's mine and I will destroy EPUA and you, Dark Lord." Eros thought that she was the Dark Lord. Then she laughed out loud. So loud that Tony look at her quizzically.

"Baby." Tony kneel in front of her. Veronica scoop his face and kiss his nose.

"Tony-baby. It's my turn now. I am the Dark Lord… No one should know who the real one is. Eros must be punished on what he did to my sister and now to my brother. I can't just sit Tony."

"I will do it." He said. He held her hand. "Let me do it, baby."

"Tony-baby… I must do it. They can't know who the real Dark Lord is. Okay?" He was quiet. Although it was so hard for him to let her do it—he can't stop her.

"Then I will do something in my own way." He told her. He stood and patted her head. "Darling, do whatever you want.

Veronica was quiet. There are other things that Sabrina had planned and calculated well, and it isn't in her planning room where she planned everything. It was in her head and each of them has a role to do. She nearly died but she survived. Because if she dies—she failed her mission.


Whiskey was cuddled up with Hailey when he heard a notification on his phone. He reached it and the video was from Eros. He watched how they torture and kill Brandy as his body fall from the cliff. He sat up quiet and throw his phone away.

It woke up Hailey so instead of asking him, she reach the phone. It was broken but the video still play. She replays it and her heart sank. She started shaking but she have to stay strong. Jason needs her comfort more than she need his. Mark was his friend and a brother. She strode in front of her and Jason wrapped his arms around her small waist as he shoved his face on her stomach and sobbed.

She wrapped her hand at the back of his head to comfort him. It took an hour for her to stand there and for him to hug her in that position and then he pulled her into the bed and pillow on her chest.

"I can't lose anyone again, Hail. So please, don't be stubborn when all I am doing is for your protection. Okay?"

"Okay." He kissed her forehead. He left to the bathroom and she stayed there. She left Jason's guest room and went to the one that is set for her. She heard crying of babies from the other room and then the twin's voice laughing in the other room.

She took a long shower and then went back onlyvto find Jason sitting on the bed, wearing only a pant. She smiled tight on him and crawl up in bed and hug him from behind. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Mark is my brother too, J."

"I know. I will avenge Jason. Eros took my sister's eyes and then—he killed my brother."


After hearing it from Gabriel, Sabrina was sitting on her window sit staring at nowhere out the window. She held her head. She can't remember but her heart felt every single pain. Gabriel was watching her. In her mind right now, she wanted to remember everything, but her brain just couldn't hold that much pain just to comfort her heart.

He sighed and walk up to her. He hugged her and she lean on him. josei

"I already send people to find his body so we could hold a proper burial for him."

She looked down at her stomach. Her baby can take it. Gabriel rubbed her stomach and he kisses her cheeks.

"Don't over think, okay? If you are ready—everything will eventually flow."


Catriona was quiet when she heard from Enzo on what happened. Eros is too much. She closed her eyes and remember his face in her head. She will kill him. Enzo reach her head and kisses it. Their triplets are crying because of discomfort so Enzo one by one check their problems.

"I'm sorry that I am not strong enough." She told him. "I can't even change their diapers."

"Cat don't say sorry again. Okay?"

Catriona must make her move now that Brandy is down. She feed the babies while Enzo is packing their things. She must train again. Even if it means leaving her babies for a while—she will have to. Just to protect them and her husband. She reached out to one of her babies and touch his foot.

"Enzo." She calls.

"Yes, love?"

"I have to train my body. I can't stay like this."

"Cat…" Enzo walk to her and scoop her face. "I have my own people in EPUA. They are searching for him. Okay?"

"I don't know when Eros will come up to me. Sabrina had calculated everything, but it was all in her head. Now she doesn't have her memories. How can I just sit here and not do my own mission?"

"Okay." He said and then he left the room. He went up to Sabrina who is sitting in the garden her mind was blank. Enzo face her and put his hands in his pocket. "Sabrina." She looked up at him. Enzo might have seemed dangerous. "Do you remember anything?" He asked her. She shook her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Every evidence is in your head Sabrina." Enzo wanted to punch something now. "Now you block it inside your head and our fucking enemies are targeting people we love! You hide everything, including what happened to our mom when the two of you got kidnapped. I know that its in your head and it is still there! Why don't you remember?" He asked in rage. He was so desperate to keep Catriona. He can't loose her. "You remain muted for years, I am here, Ethan is here and we are your big brothers—why did you never trust anyone, Brina? Do you know how hard it is now?"

Sabrina was quiet and was surprised. Enzo was in rage. She can see how angry and hurt he was.

"We tried everything for you to speak but you never did. You are torturing us and now you are still torturing us." He raises his voice.

Sabrina remain sitting as tears stream down her eyes. Then she thought. It was all her fault that this is happening.

"I'm sorry." She said almost a whisper.

What have she done? What have she done that even her loved ones have to suffer like this? She held her mouth and started sobbing.

Enzo stop and found himself in a hard situation. He sighed and turn back as he pulled his hair. What kind of brother was he that he couldn't even comfort his own sister?

"I'm sorry." She said it repeatedly. Gabriel came up and hugged her.

"It's not your fault." He muttered. She wept hard.

In the balcony, Ferdinand witness everything. It all started because of him. It was his fault. What kind of father is he for his children to deserve all of this?

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