Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 111 - Warning

Chapter 111 - Warning

The meeting went on for a while longer because Samuel had other questions he wanted to ask about Genson and Eve. Lena didn't stop him from asking as some of the questions he asked were ones she wanted to ask anyways.

Eve didn't seem to mind answering any of the questions he asked but Genson was less accommodating and only partly answered some of the questions or give just the basic information about what the other was asking about. If it wasn't for his abilities, the princess wouldn't have even considered hiring him in the fist place.

Samuel blew off the other man's attitude towards him and instead would ask further questions if he didn't feel that he had gotten the answer that he was looking for. Persistence was good, It showed that he wasn't a pushover in this type of situation. He didn't like Genson anymore after asking more questions about what his line of work included, his morals, and how he dealt with difficult situations such as this if things didn't turn out the way that he expected them to, but at least knowing the answer to these questions helped him get a better idea of what to expect and perhaps how to deal with him if they had to work together.

Samuel couldn't deny though that he could see how the other would make successful conman, he had enough fake charisma and charm that most anyone who didn't spend a lot of time with him would likely be easily taken in and fooled if he played his cards right.

Once the meeting was over and Lena had determined that she would hire both and see how it went before determining who would be the one between them to land the more permanent job. She need more people like this working on both sides of her line of work.  One could never have enough pieces in their pockets should anything go wrong.

Lena had Samuel wait in the office as she walked out with them. Eve was the first one to leave after thanking her for the interview and saying that she looked forward to hearing what her response was. Lena was still going to give it a day or two before she told them what her decision was even though she had already made it.

Genson on the other hand she didn't let leave right away. She had some words she wanted to say to him before she would let him leave.josei

"How might I be of service to you miss Scarlet before I leave?" He asked offering her a small charming smile even though he already had an idea that whatever she wanted to talk with him about would be done in a less than friendly tone.

"I want to talk about your attitude. While I get that you worked as a conman for years and it served you well to behave in the way you did during that meeting to get what you wanted, I won't put up with it here." The princess told him cutting straight to the point. She knew that she was a sharp one, but he didn't expect her to be that sharp.

"Secondly, I would appreciate that you show my fiancé more respect in future interactions as well. I might be the person who reached out to hire you, but he has just as much say in the final decision as I do and I can assure you if you don't watch how you step in the future that it won't just be this job that you won't be getting, do I make myself clear?" The sharp look in her eyes as she spoke despite the height difference between them warned him that he needed to be careful of how responded to what she said. Perhaps not a time to come back with a sarcastic remark if he didn't want her to follow through with the threat.

"I completely understand and I will make sure to watch myself I the future. I am sure though that you can see it from my perspective as well. It is one thing to be talked to like that be a beautiful young lady such as yourself whose is looking to hire me, but no so much so when it's a young man like that who seems like he's not yet that polished or doesn't quite seem to know what he's getting into." Genson replied, trying to be polite but also defending his actions in the process.

"He may not be polished as you put it, but trust me, he's far sharper and intuitive than you give him credit for so again I suggest that you watch how you interact with him in the future."  He held up his hands in a mock defense but took a step back to show that he was taking her seriously.

"No need to worry, I will keep what you say in mind if I get this job and make sure not to step on any toes." He assured him. He didn't care so much if he got this specific job or not, but he didn't want to put out of other work which was possible because of the level of influence that the Scarlet family had. They may not have been the top group in the area, but they still had enough influence to cause someone like him a great deal of damage to his reputation.

"I'm glad that we have been able to come to that understanding. You can leave and I will contact you later to let you know if you have the job or not." The princess told him as she turned around to leave.

"A word to the wise though Scarlet, I would be careful letting that one around too many people before you two are officially engaged. There's been a lot of things going around lately behind the shadows and I would hate for something to happen to him." Lena paused for a second mid-stride to take in what Genson had said to her, but rather than turning around to talk to him, she headed back into the office.

"Is everything okay? Samuel asked when he saw the look that was on Lena's face when she came back into the office.

"Everything is fine. I just don't like having to deal with that guy more than necessary." The little queen replied as she took her seat back at her desk. She also didn't need him telling her something that she already knew.

"Is he really the best option to hire for this type of job? Because I have to say that I don't really like him all that much either." Samuel answered honestly.

"He's one the dirtiest people in this job both in his work ethic and personality, but sadly he does have the best qualifications for dealing with this type of problem. If he causes any problems though, I will have him fired and find someone who can replace him if Eve can't handle it herself." She told him. She wasn't sure about Eve either though.

Eve had the better personality and approached the situation in a more professional manner than the older con artist had, but there was still something about her that Lena didn't feel right about, she couldn't put her finger on what it was yet.

"Thank you though for letting me join you for this meeting, I honestly didn't expect it." Samuel told her as he leaned back against the sofa. He could kind of start to understand why Lena seemed to be tired and in such a bad mood when she came home from having to deal with a lot of meetings, they were hard to handle.

"Considering you were the one who noticed the problem in the first place, I think that it is only fair that you have a say in how it should be dealt with. It's unrelated to anything that my father would mind you knowing about so there is no real reason that you can't be part of such things." She explained.

"You won't be involved in everything yet, but there are certain things like this that I will bring you in on. You'll be helping to take care of everything on a higher level after we're officially engaged anyways."

"Isn't this something that fits within the gray area of the work that you do?" He asked. Of course it was and he would pick up on it.

"I thought that you had said this business was completely legal?" The princes smirked in response to his question.

"The business is completely legal, nothing that is done here is done under the table. That doesn't mean though that how I deal with problems that happen with this business have to be exactly legal since it only effects matters that happen within the business, nothing that goes happens on the outside."

"So basically, it is a loop hole in other words that you can use for these type of problems?" He clarified. He felt like he was starting to get a better understanding of how some things worked even though it made it feel as though certain lines that shouldn't have been were being blurred.

"Exactly. It's not something that happens too often though. Just during problems like this." She replied Looking at her computer. There were still a number of other things that she needed to take care of for the day.

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