Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 227 - This Isn't Bad

Chapter 227 - This Isn't Bad

Aside from the one or perhaps two sticky incidents with the powdered sugar, Lena made sure that the Samuel didn't try to do it. She wouldn't have minded if her face didn't feel uncomfortable after the fact.

A small amount of such things were fine on occasion, but not when she was trying to focus on what was going on and the seemed more intent on making subtle sexual passes at her only one night after everything happened.

Samuel seemed to get the hint though when she threatened to not share the snacks or the sofa with him if he didn't focus on just showing her how to make what he was working on.

He didn't really want to stop because he found it amusing, but would give it up for the chance to share the sofa with her. Plus, there would be other opportunities in the future.

Drinks were a divided debate as well. Samuel wanted to include soda since they were watching movies, the princess wasn't very fond of it however.

She didn't grow up drinking much of it and the taste of it somehow bothered her. She figured it was likely due to the carbonation since no other drinks bothered her in the same way.

She was willing to compromise on having juice but also insisted on drinking coffee as well.

"Because drinking coffee means that I will better be able to focus on whatever we're watching." Was the argument that she had given the other. It wasn't like he'd stop her from making it anyways. It would just turn out to be one more strike she held against him.

Once everything was finished, the snacks had to be brought up in different trips.

Samuel had probably made a little too much for them, but didn't care because he wanted it to be a good experience. One he didn't think that his fiance had had before.

At least not in the way that he remembered such things happening with his own family. That was how they ended up with the caramel popcorn, plain popcorn, puppy chow, odd pretzel things Lena wasn't quite sure about, mozzarella sticks, and nachos but different from the kind that she was used to eating.

These nachos were using only cheese sauce and sliced jalapeƱos.

She wasn't about to complain though since it looked like it would taste good.

The princess wanted to help bring stuff up, but besides the drinks, Samuel took care of most everything else.

The room had been cleaned up so that there would be enough space for everything. The staff had done a good job with their work and had even done more than they asked.

She took care of the setting up of the TV and other things as he finished bringing everything in for them.

Some seemed as though they were curious about what was going, but no one had asked since they presumed it was something that the princess had decided on or agreed with.

"Everything is fine and we have more than what we need." Lena told the other when she saw the way that he was looking at the table.

"I don't think there's such a thing as too much." He replied back as he turned his attention away from the table so that he could help figure out what they wanted to watch.

When the princess opened up the cabinet where the movies were located, there were far more than he had expected there to be.

"You can pick some movies you haven't seen before." She told as she headed back to the sofa.

"Isn't there anything in particular that you would like too watch?" He asked looking back at her as he continued to go through them.

Though he had seen a lot of movies growing up, there were still some titles that he didn't recognize.

"I pretty much like everything that is in that one. There isn't much I'm picky about." She told him.

Even though she said this, she ended up getting off the sofa in order to come back over and look at all the movies.

She realized that it would be better to pick something she liked rather than making him wonder if she was enjoying herself or not.

Her movie choice was perhaps not the best choice as the other gave her an odd look when she pulled it out.

The movie she had picked out of recognition had been 'The Godfather'. She had forgotten that horror movies had been located elsewhere so she would have to pick something else for her choice.

There had been an odd system to how the movies had been setup which forgotten until she started looking through them. It didn't matter though, it was still too early in the year to watch something horror.

Samuel had thought about teasing her for the voice but decided not to since she had made a choice on something which he hadn't expected.

He had only chosen to because of how late into the day it already was. The first choice was 'World's End' an odd move but one he enjoyed and the other was one about a spy he hadn't seen yet.

The princess suggested that the way the movies should go was his choice first and last and hers in the middle.

Once this was decided, everything was able to be setup on the sofa so that they would be comfortable and the sound was adjusted prior to the movie starting to make sure that it wouldn't be too loud.

Movies were always odd in how the previews tended to be louder than the actual show itself.

The first movie she didn't quite understand and found the premise to be rather weird. If it wasn't for her brother, she wouldn't have even been able to understand half the humor in 'World's end'. She listened enough to him talking about things however to pick a lot of it up.

"How is it?" Samuel asked once the first movie was over and there had been enough time to try a little bit of everything.

"This isn't bad." The princess replied as she finished the rest of her coffee. She would have to opt for drinking something else unless she wanted to leave the comfortable space on the sofa to get more.

The snacks weren't bad either though she preferred the sweets the savory. Mozzarella sticks were something she hadn't had in a while.

She didn't understand the point in having dipping sauces for them though. They tasted good enough on their own.

"Why this movie?" Samuel asked after he put her movie in and rejoined her on the sofa.

"Because the premise of it." She replied as it started

"The idea that you go so far for family and handle who dares to hurt them." She elaborated.

It was a movie she had gone back to often after everything that had happened with her mother. She wasn't quite sure at first what attracted her to the movie.

But after watching it a few times, she could only come to the conclusion that it had to do with what her father had done after her mother was murdered.

The only difference was that what happened to Lena was the real world and not something that was created by a talented group of actors and actresses for the screen.

She knew however that philosophy was something that she wanted to carry with her when she took over after her father.

And if she got the power to change anything, she would take it even further than he had.

She didn't tell Samuel much more after the movie had started even though he was intrigued by what she said.

He had figured he would have time to ask afterwards once they had watched it through as it had been a while since he last saw it.

His chance to ask questions didn't come however as the princess ended up falling asleep half way through the movie. With her head leaned against his shoulder which meant that he wasn't going to be able to move until she woke.

He couldn't complain about this however since she had willingly shifted her position like that. He took it as a good sign and something he could bask in for a while.

He could just put the movie on for a second time and watch to see if there was anything else he could notice about it a second time around.

At least his opposite arm was still free which meant he had access to the snacks If he so desired.josei

He couldn't resist kissing the top of her head and silently lamenting the fact that she wasn't more willing to do such things when she was awake.

Perhaps though if this situation turned out well, he could use it as leverage to convince her to move them into the same room sooner. It couldn't hurt to try.. The worst case she would just keep denying him the same way she already had been.

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