Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 246 - He'll Explain It

Chapter 246 - He'll Explain It

Lena was still tired which meant the drive back from the beach was not going to be quite as enjoyable as the driver there had been. Despite being tired, she refused to let Samuel drive back. No one was else was allowed to touch her motorcycle.

Before leaving, she went ahead and swapped back into her own shirt. It wasn't fully dry yet but she figured between the wind and sun that it would dry relatively fast. Her fiancé took care of packing everything back up into the lunch pack since he was the one who had made all of it fit in the first place.

"Do I really need to wait until I talk with Jovani to find out more about this whole initiation thing?" he asked as the princess handed him over his helmet.

"Yes, because he's the one who has decided how everything is going to play out. As mentioned before, each family has a different way of handling it and you're an odd case since you're also blood-related." She explained as she put on her own helmet

"We're not talking much about that though until after our break is over. That is what you decided after all." She didn't wait for the other to get his helmet on before she moved the motorcycle and got on it so that she could start it up.

"I did say that, but there are some things I'm still curious about and want to know ahead of time." The princess tsked at him when he said this.

"There will be plenty of time for you to find out about everything later. Don't over it so much now." She told him as he got onto the motorcycle behind her.

She waited a moment for him to adjust his position before taking off. She too was curious to know what Jovani was planning but knew that the older cousin wasn't going to reveal anything until it was time to talk about it. No sense in pondering about something one wouldn't know about any time soon anyway.josei

There was no place for taking on the trip back with how fast the princess was going. Traffic was slightly better than it had been that morning though there were still a few times that Samuel was worried that the other might crash with the way she weaved in out and of traffic.

She knew what she was doing though. Crashing was highly unlikely unless it was due to the carelessness of another driver around them. Some who drove cars didn't seem to know what they were doing most of the time. They kind that should have been banned from using the road but never would be.

Lena ended up dropping Samuel off at the front of the estate while she drove around to put the motorcycle up. No sense in him coming back with her since it would only take two minutes and he had a picnic basket to take care of anyways.

The princess would have considered skipping dinner with how tired she was, but the fact that Leo was going to be leaving the next day made her determined to sit through it.

"When did you say that Ryan would be coming back?" Samuel asked as he came back out of the kitchen. The rest of the staff took the basket from him since they were already working on dinner. He couldn't ignore the fact that though that it still looked like somewhat of a mess from all the cooking he had done.

He knew that they would handle cleaning up most of it since they were in charge of preparing meals even though the head chef was away. He felt slightly guilty though over the fact that he knew he hadn't returned everything to it's rightful place.

"Probably not for another three days or so. If you're worried about the kitchen, you'll have time to clean up anything you might have messed up before he gets back." The princess replied as she pulled the string out the string that she had used to tie her hair back. There was no need to keep it back now that she was back home.

It had been kind of nice to have it out of her way when she driving. It might be something that she would have to consider doing from now any time she wanted to use her motorcycle.

"Rather than worrying about that, you should get to changing your clothes before dinner starts." She told the other as she pointed to shorts which still had a rather large amount of sand collected on them.

He was surprised to see that not all of it had gotten off considering the wind from how fast they were driving. The princess needed to do the same. Except unlike the other, she needed to change her whole outfit from all the wet sand that had gotten on it.

"Don't think that you're out of trouble for what you did either." She informed Samuel who couldn't help but smile at what she said.

"You will at least admit though that it was more fun than you had expected it to be though, right?" He asked. Rather than replying to his question, she gave him a look that he couldn't quite read before she turned away to walk up the stairs.

The other could only hope that the answer to that question turned out to be a yes. Considering she hadn't really laid into him about what happened gave Samuel hope that maybe she did somewhat even small amount enjoy being in the water with him.

He followed after her shortly since he needed to go to his room to change before he ended up making a mess with the sand everywhere more than he already had.

He may not have noticed the warning looks that the cleaning staff had given the two of them, but the princess had. They had a right to be somewhat annoyed with the carelessness considering they were the ones who had to clean up anything that got onto the floor.

Lena remembered that they used to be far nicer about such things when she was younger. Children didn't exactly know better about that kind of thing when they were young. Now that she was older though, the more seasoned cleaning staff would have no problem scolding her or any of the other guests who came in and made a mess.

The only one who would never get yelled at or face their furry was Zane.. After all, who would want to keep yelling at a man who would come home covered in the blood more times than they could count when he was younger? That isn't the kind of person that anyone would want to upset.

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