Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 253 Not Peaceful

Chapter 253 Not Peaceful

Once Zane left with Leo to take him to the airport, things almost immediately felt different. The quiet was more noticeable in a sense even though the younger mafia son hadn't been around as much over the past week with all of the work he had to finish up.

"What should we do now?" Samuel asked Lena as everyone else had already started dispersing following the mafia boss leaving.

They had already been gone for about fifteen minutes, but the two of them were one of the last ones to stick around. It seemed as though there was something on the princess' mind that had stopped her from leaving the front door entrance.

"It can be whatever we want it to be." She replied as she stared at the door for a moment longer. She didn't have a problem with Leo leaving, but there was something at the back of her mind that was bothering her.

"Is everything okay?" Samuel asked when he noticed that the other hadn't paid attention to what he said.

"I don't know." The princess admitted as she narrowed her eyes at the door. She didn't always trust her gut feeling. Whenever something didn't feel right to though, she was hardly ever wrong.

"Romeo, get Clive on the phone." Lena requested as she turned away from the door. The guard had stayed behind as there wasn't much of a reason for him to go off with Zane or Leo with Clive being there to escort them.

He thought he would be better off staying back to watch out for the couple in case there was somewhere that they needed to go.

"Is it urgent?" he asked as he pulled out his phone and dialed Clive.

"It might be." The princess replied before she left the room. Her fiancé looked between the two of them before he decided to follow after the princess.

"What's going on?" He asked Lena who was heading back up to the second floor.

"Your guess is as good as mine, but something just doesn't feel right." She told him as she headed back to her room.

She knew that by the time she came back down Romeo would have an update for her if Clive answered the phone or not. If something was wrong, she needed to get dressed appropriately. Standing around and waiting wasn't going to do her any good.

"Are you concerned that something happened to them even though they just left? Shouldn't Zane and Leo be able to handle themselves?" Samuel asked as he watched the princess put on her jacket without bothering to change the shirt she had on underneath it.

She didn't bother replying as she was too focused on what she was doing. She didn't even care that Samuel was standing there as she changed out of her sweatpants into more formal wear that would go with her boots.

"I don't have time to answer your question. Your best off getting changed into something else as well." She told him before walking out of her room with Samuel in tow.

"Your room is the other way not down the stairs where I am going." The princess reminded him as she began to quickly descend the stairs. He really wanted to go with the other to find out what was happening but stopped himself so that he could go and get changed into the suit that he was getting used to wearing.

It was more stuffy than he would have liked but it came with the position of being engaged and entangled with not just one but two mafia families. Even Jovani would yell at him if he saw the other in public and he wasn't dressed right.

"To what do I owe this call so early in the morning?" Jovani asked picking up his younger cousin's call after only two rings.

"Do you know if there is anything going on at any of the airports this morning?" Samuel asked, placing the phone on speaker and setting it down so that he could finish getting dressed.

"Not that I am aware of. I can ask Alonso to look into it though. Is there something that I should know about?" Samuel heard the sound of a door closing on the other end of the phone followed by footsteps.

"I'm not sure. Lena thinks that there might be something going on. Her father and brother just left because Leo has a flight that he needs to catch today." the younger cousin could hear the sound of muted voices on the other end of the phone.

"If you could tell me which airport, it might be quicker for me to find out if anything is going on in the area." Jovani told the other. He had no problem helping his younger cousin out, but he was going to need specifics if the other wanted information quickly.

"I think that it is supposed to be the Newark Liberty airport." Samuel replied as he tried to think back to what Lena had said.

"Alonso will see what he can find out. In the meantime, try not to do anything reckless until either of you know that there is a problem." the older cousin cautioned.

"I'm not the one who really needs to be hearing that right now." Samuel informed the other as he picked his phone back up so that he could start heading down to the main floor to see if Lena had found anything out from Romeo yet.

"I need to end the call now but text or call me back if you need anything out." Samuel told the other who cautioned him once again before the call was ended.

He became slightly concerned as he began to descend the stairs but didn't hear the sound of voices the closer he got to the first floor. Did something happen and had Lena and Romeo already left without waiting for him.

He became slightly relieved when he reached the first floor and made it to the entrance and saw that the other two were there. The princess looked rather serious however and Romeo was talking in a hushed but fast tone of voice.


"They don't seem to think that there is anything going on, but I'm not convinced." Lena informed Samuel once she realized that he was done there with them.

"They're okay though?" He asked feeling an instant surge of relief over this news. Lena gave a curt nod of he head.

"Clive seems to think so, he's going to pull off though, and double-check everything first just to be safe."

"I asked Jovani to check and make sure that there wasn't anything going on at the airport." he informed the princess who acknowledged that she heard what he said but didn't verbally respond as she was too focused on what was going on with Romeo.

"Clive seems to think everything is fine. Would it be better to wait until Jovani has confirmed things on his end?" the guard clarified.

"I think that it would be." Samuel answered without waiting to see what the princess had to say.

"Considering the importance of the circumstance, I think that it is better to have all bases checked rather than risking having something happen."

He wasn't sure what Lena had to say about the matter, but her fiancé believed it was better to respect whatever bad feeling she was having just on the chance that there was something to worry about.

The worst that would have to happen if they waited was that Leo would have to wait for a second flight before he could head back to the UK. That wasn't anything that couldn't be remedied.

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