Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 255 Our Problem

Chapter 255 Our Problem

Once Jovani had gotten off the phone with this cousin, he decided to call Lena next as he was getting himself ready. He texted Alonso to make sure that the other was already up and aware of what was going on. He would need him to better ascertain what exactly if anything was going on.

"What are you calling me for?" The princess didn't sound all that thrilled when she answered the call.

"And a good morning to you as well." He teased as he exited the bedroom to make his way towards his office while doing the last few buttons up on his shirt.

"I was calling in response to my delightful younger cousin reaching out to me to alert me that there is a potential problem that may need to be taken care of?" He informed her as he unlocked his office door. There was a pause on the other end of the phone before Lena replied.

"There's no actual confirmation that anything is wrong. There's just something that I am concerned about." The princess corrected. Something must have really been bothering her. She seemed more irate than normal Jovani noted.

"Either way doesn't matter to me, I just wanted to see if I might be able to offer my services since it sounds like from what I have heard they are heading towards the airport that intersects with my part of the territory more so than it does yours." He pointed out, taking his attention away from the conversation for a brief moment to let Alonso know that it was safe for him to enter the office.josei

"Yes, but they aren't anywhere near the airport right now." Lena replied with a sigh.

"They have stopped for the time being until we have a better idea of what is going on." Jovani could hear voices in the background that sounded like they were coming from Samuel and someone else.

"Would you still like for me to check anything on my end even if they haven't reached their destination yet?" He clarified as Alonso stood to the side waiting to hear what the answer would to know what kind of action he should take.

"If you have the time and men to spare. If not, it isn't anything that we can't figure out ourselves." The princess replied. He waited to see if she was going to say anything but decided to interject into the conversation when it seemed as though the other had no intention of saying anything else to him.

"I can have Alonso get on it no problem. One small thing that I would like to correct real quick before the call ends is your use of language." Jovani informed her as he took a seat in his chair.

"I am well aware of the fact that you and your family are used to dealing with a number of problems such as these on your own and prefer to do so for a number of very good reasons." He continued as he brought up his computer.

"Right now though, I think is a good time for you to start changing your perspective on that since we're going to be family soon enough. None of these problems anymore are 'your problems' instead, they are 'our problems to work at solving. I don't think that it should be too hard to reframe anything to start thinking that way."

Lena didn't say anything right away after the other had finished speaking, Jovani honestly didn't expect her to have a reply either. She wasn't the kind of person who dealt with these types of things very well. In fact, most everyone else that he knew did a better job of responding to such things than the princess did and he knew quite a few rough people.

"I don't think that my perspective on these types of things will be changing any time soon, but I appreciate you saying that. I don't have time to talk anymore though so communicate with Samuel if you find anything else out." She didn't even wait for Jovani to respond to her before she ended the call.

He didn't know if he should take this as a sign that there really was something serious going on or if it was just her way of ending the conversation because she didn't know how to respond to him.

"What would you like me to do now?" Alonso asked once the other was off the phone and his attention was brought back to the present.

"I want you to check the hotel and see if there is anything suspicious going on around there. I expect that you know who to contact for that kind of information." Jovani ordered as he unlocked his computer. There were a few people he was going to need to get in touch with as well.

"Also, double-check any more of the major roads leading to the airports. It might be that whatever is going on has nothing to do with Lena's family but something that they might get caught up in."

"I should be able to have all of that taken care of promptly. Do you want me to request that some men head that way to act as backup in the event that anything does go on?" Jovani shook his head at this question.

"There's no need to have that happen. I intend to head over that way myself in order to find out what is going on." He informed the other.

"There are a few things that I need to take care of first, but I think that it would be best if I was there myself. I will of course take who I need to with me in order to make sure that nothing happens." He assured his right-hand man whom he was certain was going to be quick to shut down his plans.

"What I need you to just focus on right now is what I requested. If you can make sure that all of that is taken care of, I will be able to worry less while I focus on other matters." Alonso didn't look thrilled about this, but immediately got on what the other requested of him without further argument.

He assumed that the sooner he got it down, the higher the chance would be that he could go out with Jovani if they were both finished at the same time. He didn't think that anything was likely to happen to the other man but didn't want to take any risks with everything else that had been going on recently.

He didn't need one more thing to worry about on top of everything else.

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