Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 26 - I Don't Know

Chapter 26 - I Don't Know

As was usual for Lena, she had some work that she needed to go over after Dinner. More than usual in fact because she had taken the first part of the day off and didn't do anything after she had gotten home.

Small price to pay for trying something different. Though if it hadn't been for the dessert, she'd have probably been in a foul mood over the whole thing. She didn't mind take days easy, but she also didn't like having to go through stacks of papers and reports that helped her to stay on top of everything that was going on around her. Being one of the top gangs in the area came at a heavy price of long days, too much work to do, and the occasional problem that went under the radar because someone or other forget to say something or failed to do their report right.


Running a hand through her hair as she exited her office she already felt like she needed another day off. Two hours was all she had been in there for, but the work felt like it was taking years no hours off her life. Tomorrow would be no better because she had to get up early.

As she went the stairs to go to her room where she would probably have more work that she needed to do before she got to sleep, she was surprised to see that Samuel was already standing outside her room. Perhaps he was waiting for her?

"Well, are you already learning, Sammy-boy?" She asked, not hiding the smirk that appeared on her face as she came up the stairs. He seemed surprised to hear he voice come from behind him which probably meant that he hadn't been waiting for her but rather had expected that she was already in her room.

"Oh, I thought you had already retired for the night." He told her, stepping to the side so that he wasn't standing directly in front of her.

"Disappointed are you?" Lena asked once she had reached the top of the stairs. Standing in front of him, she looked up at him as she waited to see what he had to say for himself.

"No, actually I was hoping that I would get a chance to talk to you before you disappeared for the night, that is if I won't be taking away too much of your time." Lena shrugged in response to what he said as she moved to open her bedroom door.

"I don't exactly have free time, but seeing as we're trying to figure out this engagement thing, my time for right now is flexible for you at least until this week is over. Since it is before nine, you can come in if you want. My father won't get upset at us." She told as she entered the room, obviously expecting him to follow unless he wanted the conversation to end there.

It took him a moment to process what she had said before following after her into the room. He didn't close the door however as it made him feel a little more comfortable that he wasn't stepping into somewhere he couldn't easily leave if he got uncomfortable.

Not caring that Samuel was there or not, she flopped down on the massive bed that was positioned on the far side of the room. Her room was setup in a similar fashion to his own room. The only difference was that her wall had been painted a deep red shade of red and the floor was a dark shade that looked to be black. It made the room look much darker than it actually was and gave it a rather ominous feeling. Even most of her furniture in the room was some shade of red or close there to.

"Are you going to just keep standing? You can take a seat wherever you like if you actually have something that you wanted to talk to me about." Lena told him as she rolled over the bed so that she was laying on her stomach. She used her hands to prop her chin as she stayed at him intently while waiting to see what he was going to chose to do.

"I do want to talk, I'm just not used to invading someone else's space." Samuel replied as he stepped further into the room and took a seat in arm chair that was on the opposite side of the room from where she was sitting.josei

"Well you should get used to it, because of with this engagement thing, once we're actually married or whatever, we'll be sharing a room most likely." Lena said it as though it was an obvious thing that shouldn't have been surprising at all, but to Samuel he didn't share the same thing.

"So does this mean you intend to continue going through with the engagement." He asked, resting his hands on his knees as he tried not to seem too tense about the matter. It was what he had been there to talk with her about after all.

"I don't have a reason yet to reconsider." She responded after a few seconds of silence. "I'm not anymore thrilled about this situation than I was before but considering that following this week if we do agree to go forward with the marriage that there'll be a six month period at least between the wedding and engagement, there'll be more time to determine if this will work out or not.

"You have put a lot more thought in to this matter than I thought you had. I always thought I was the only one stressing about it and taking it seriously." Samuel's comment caught her off guard, but in a way that caused her to feel annoyed.

"You really think so little of me that I would be nonchalant about something that involves another person?" The little queen inquired, her eyes narrowing as she glared at him.

"I don't know. I guess I just thought it wasn't that big of a deal to you because you're not the person who's in the precarious situation. If you decided to reject me, you wouldn't lose anything. In fact, you would get the exact freedom you mentioned you wanted me. But me, I don't know what that would mean more so for my family than me if you broke this agreement off with me." Samuel replied, looking down at his lap as he spoke.

"If we're really going to get married, you should give me a little bit more credit and actually realize that I do take other people aside from myself into consideration in these type of situations. I couldn't take this place over if I didn't" She told him as she sat up. Her response might've come across as more sharp than she had meant for it to, but her feelings were hurt by his reply so she didn't guard her reaction as much.

"I thought it was the exact opposite, you'd have to keep more of your feelings away in order to be a better leader in this type of position." he explained. He was so focused on looking at his lap rather than trying to make eye contact with her that he didn't realize that she was standing right in front of him until she was straddling his hips had pushed him back in the chair, pinning his hand to the arms of the chair.

"Sammy-boy, we obviously haven't been spending enough time together for you to understand how I actually work. You'll understand this if you talk with my father. But here, everyone here is like family. We watch out for each other, even those who aren't related to use by blood." Even though Lena was talking calmly and not moving to do anything to him, Samuel still felt as his breath became shallow. He didn't feel like he was ever going to get used to being in such a uncomfortable situation the little princess. Even more so because she was so much stronger than he was. "I think we need to spend more time together so you can get more familiar with the type of person I actually am." She murmured as she leaned down, her eyes half closed as she focused on her goal. The position that she was in made it easier for her to steal his lips and that was exactly what she did.

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