Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 29 - Miserable Day Off Person

Chapter 29 - Miserable Day Off Person

Samuel was happy that he had been right that Lena was dragging him back inside because she wanted to eat dessert. She also had Ryan prepare them sandwiches so that she wouldn't get have to listen to any complaints about eat dessert before having anything else.

He noticed that her mood seem to improve as they were eating the dessert while sitting in the sunroom. They had it to themselves and he wondered if that was also part of the reason she seemed a bit more relaxed. Still though, she seemed rather upset for someone who was getting some time off.josei


"Honestly, you're the most miserable person their day off I have ever seen before." Samuel finally commented when he couldn't stand the tense silence anymore. Glancing up from her dessert, she glared at him which made him more tense. He had said it in hopes that it would help her to relax, not make her more annoyed.

"That's because taking a day off from a normal job is different from taking a day off or rather being told to take in a position like this." She explained in between taking bites.

"Is it a bad thing or something? I mean you seem like you've been really busy since I got here. Don't you need time to breathe?" Samuel asked, curious but not wanting to say anything that might upset her. She rolled her eyes as she shifted to a more comfortable sitting position in the chair.

"Technically, it wouldn't be, but it is a bit different in a situation like this for me it feels a bit different. Make no mistake, my father isn't a bad or unfair person. However, the same cannot be said about those who work around and with us in this group. Being a female, it's not as easy to succeed because of the way people look at a woman in a situation of power like this." She explained, her face taking on a more sour expression as she continued talking.

"It's not been made widely public knowledge yet that I will be the one to take over rather than my younger brother, but the people who do now have their doubts about my abilities." Finishing her dessert, she placed her spoon on the bowl and pushed it further back on the table as she tucked her right leg up onto the chair next to her.

Samuel had questions he wanted to ask her, but he waited to say anything as it seemed like she wasn't quite done speaking yet.

"The reason my father is telling me to take the day off is exactly because he thinks we should spend more time together and something about me seeing like I had fun we were off together yesterday. But for me, anytime I am told to step back even for reasons like this, I feel like it's akin to my losing my authority and the belief that my younger brother should take over is becoming more real."

"So the reason you come across so temperamental all the time is because you have so much going on." Samuel noted as though to him her whole behavior suddenly made sense. The look she shot him told him however that she was not amused at his assessment.

"My mood and that have nothing to do with each other. Even if I wasn't take charge, being too soft isn't acceptable in this type of world. You wouldn't understand because you're only stepping into it. I prefer to not take the risk and maintain control and power in all situations to avoid anyone think that I am too soft."

"I can say that I understand what you're talking about even though I don't have a deep understanding of what you're dealing with, but does that mean you have to be miserable today?" The princess didn't like this question as it made her feel like he hadn't' been really understanding or listening to what she said. "I don't mind it like, you're overreacting or don't let it bother you, but won't your father watch out for what you're wanting to do?" She knew that he was right in this, but it didn't make her feel much better.

"What do you suggest that we do instead then? I told you before that I don't really do fun. And speaking of fun, having the day off doesn't mean that dance practice has been canceled or any of those other little pieces." Samuel was a little disappointed to hear this, he had hoped his feet would be spared today if she had the day off.

"Do you have board games or anything here?" He suggested causing her to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Are you suggesting that we should entertain ourselves with some children games?" She inquired, her tone held a slightly condescending edge to it over the suggestion.

"Not all of them are children's games. There are some that are quite fun to play that requiring clever thinking and effort." Samuel defending. Did her family never play board games? Thinking about it, it was a touch hard to imagine a family from a mafia group all crowded around a table playing a harmless game with their kids such as 'hungry, hungry hippo' or 'candy land'. Something like 'operation' however might've been used, a seemingly harmless way to teach children where some of the vital points are located in the human body with scarring them.

"You're thinking of something completely absurd again, aren't you Sammy-boy?" Lena asked, feeling slightly amused as she watched the expressions that passed over his face while he seemed to be deeply in thought about something.

"I don't know. I just realized maybe board games weren't something your family enjoyed or so." Samuel replied, not wanting to say what he was thinking in such a way that she would feel offended if he was far off.

"Hmm. We have board games somewhere, but we would have to ask Clive or someone else where they were put. They got put away years ago and even back when we were younger, they were kept hidden from my brother and I as board games were only for special family occasions." Lena mused. Looking at Samuel from across the table, she tilted her head slightly, "Is that really what you want to spend this time off doing?" Feeling slightly self-conscious about being asked that question, he shrugged his shoulders while averting his gaze slightly.

"I just thought it might be fun. It's something my family and I do often when we're all together and have the time. Mostly though, I suggested it because I don't really know what else there is to do around here."

"I see, so basically nothing around here to do that you find to be particularly entertaining." Lena commented. "I forget that there are what are considered 'normal' people in this world who appreciate fun and games and don't always have to be focused on much more serious things in life."

"The way you say makes it sound like it's bad thing to be like that." Samuel commented with a frown.

"I'm just stating a fact. It's neither good or bad." She replied. "But fine, if you want me to endure such torture, I can ask Clive where the board games are kept later." The way Lena sighed made it seem like she was preparing to subject herself to some form of torture. "Before that though, we're going to do something I want to do and then dance practice before we get to board games."

"Something you want to do?" Samuel repeated, feeling somewhat surprised that the little queen had wanted to do something together that he hadn't suggested.

"Yes, but we have to change clothes and met outside. You'll want to wear something lose and more comfortable." Lena commented. "Don't take too long changing or I'll end up getting impatient." She told him as she stood up from the table and picked up the dishes. Samuel followed closely behind her, he was curious what this thing she wanted to do was.

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