Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 321 Limited Liquor

Chapter 321 Limited Liquor

Jovani would be happier to have Samuel there with him. Not exactly how he had planned for things to go, but he would make it work.

If Lena needed the space away from him, Jovani would just use it as a chance to go back and talk with her later. What kind of issue though could have set her off bad enough to send even Samuel away though? Surely it wasn't the spat between the two of them.

"How long do you think it will be before you get here?" Jovani focused more on what was going on in the phone call than on changing his bandage. His little fiancé was still upset about things based on the way she rewrapped him. Limited care was given to the fact that she could've been hurting him with the alcohol swap.

"Why are you having them come here now?" Evalyn asked but Jovani only motioned for her to be quiet. She could listen but he didn't want her to be heard on the other end.

"Probably another hour or two according to Alonso. He's not taken the route he normally does to come back here." A wise move on the part of his right-hand man.

"Very well then. I am certain by then that we should be able to have something put together for an unexpected lunch. Then we can talk about other things over that point in time." Jovani pressed the phone closer to his ear upon hearing Alonso saying something that he couldn't quite understand.

"Sammy, you're going to have to tell him that he needs to speak up if he expects me to hear what he's trying to say." Jovani tilted his head slightly so that Evalyn could finish wrapping his shoulder.

No doctor is necessary with someone so proficient with first aid around. One of the best choices he could have made was to have a fiancé.

"Who exactly are you thinking about getting the food ready on such short notice?" She reminded him as she put the bandage over the gauze. It would hold for the time being though she'd need to change in again in a few hours.

"I can worry about taking care of that even without the staff here. It isn't like putting something together takes that much trouble." Jovani wanted to offer her a kiss but she pulled away before he got the chance. Closing the first aid box with purpose she turned away from the other.

"I don't think that you're making the best choice by doing this. You should be going about having someone else care for all this." Jovani only waved her off, focusing more on what Alonso was trying to tell him that Evalyn.josei

"You go back to work. I can make sure that everything else is taken care of." He told her once he'd heard what Laonso had been trying to say. It wasn't like he was incapable of putting together a little bit of food despite his injury.

Perhaps Samuel could even help if everything wasn't fully together by the time the two arrived.

"No. I am still here. I Was just taking a moment to speak with my fiancé about this. She's getting ready to leave right now so she won't be joining us. We can talk about other things once you get here." Samuel seemed to like that idea based on the tone of his voice.

Some of the things that he listed to talk about though were of the variety that Jovani would've preferred to put off for the time being. Alas though, if his younger cousin wanted to know about it, who was he to say no? They'd be getting to them eventually anyways.

"I am getting ready to leave but know that I put a lock on the alcohol. I don't want you to be drinking any more as long as you take so many painkillers." Evalyn didn't do much to change her outfit beyond putting a blazer over the shirt she'd already been wearing and pulling back her hair.

"What is wrong with a little bit of drinking now and again? I am almost certain that it helps to make those painkillers more effective." Jovani slipped his shirt over his head, smirking as the other rolled her eyes at him.

"If you want something that will help while not killing you, go for coffee, or next time I'm not going to be the one who will be changing your bandages." Jovani made a mock sound of dismay at this threat. He knew well enough though that she would follow through on that.

Her not wrapping his bandages, though, meant he would have to find someone as efficient. Though good at his job, his on-hand doctor was someone that Jovani would prefer to avoid as much as possible.

"You know that if you don't do it, I am not going to be letting anyone else near take care of this. He would probably kill me if he found out that I once again managed to hurt myself so quickly." Jovani pulled her in for a hug and managed to plant a gentle kiss on her lips despite Evalyn trying to pull away. The second time, she placed her fingers over his mouth.

"I suggest then that you avoid the liquor cabinet then and just have coffee or nothing at all until you're doing better." Jovani huffed at her threat but begrudgingly agreed nonetheless.

Not touching the liquor cabinet after all didn't mean that he couldn't go about finding his source of alcohol. Something a little bit stronger that would meet his needs.

Alonso would be coming back soon enough. The other would surely not mind going back out on such an errand. If not, the Vedova Nera boss would find someone else.

"Make sure then that you at least come back at a somewhat reasonable time." Jovani managed to sneak a quick kiss on her cheek the moment her fingers left his lips.

It would be enough for now.

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