Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 36 - If You..

Chapter 36 - If You..

Samuel wasn't sure what it was that Lena wanted to talk with him about, but when he realized that it was going to involve them talking in her room again, he became a little hesitant about following after her. The princess didn't miss and turned to look at him with her arms crossed.

"I told that I want to talk to you about something, nothing else." She told him again. She was fairly certain that tonight her father was still around and if he saw what was going on and asked about it, he would probably tell her to leave Samuel alone for the night if he didn't want to go and talk with her. That wasn't something that she wanted to do however. She wanted to talk with him in her room because it was more private if she closed the door behind her.


"You know though if you keep hesitating like that and not taking me at my word, I might actually change my mind and chose to do something." He couldn't tell by her tone if she was just saying that as a tease or if she seriously meant it.

"Can't we just talk about it here instead?" He asked trying to negotiate as he really didn't feel like entering her room so soon again. She gave him a very flat look when he asked this.

"Sammy-boy, if this was something that I wanted to talk about around other people, I would've chosen to do so. I want to talk just between us about something seeing as the week is almost and I don't want anyone else influencing your decision." There was a hint of impatience in her voice as she spoke.josei

"Would you prefer instead that we talked in your room since it's your space?" She offered after a short pause in which he continued to look at her uncertainly.

"I guess that could be better, though I'm not sure that you would leave there either if I asked you to do because I was uncomfortable." He replied as he moved towards his door. The little queen watched him without moving from her position.

"Is this one of those situations where I try to make a compromise in your favor and you're going to end up slamming the door in my face because you don't trust me?" She asked as she grabbed the door handle to his room and had begun to twist it open.

"I can't say that he idea didn't cross my mind, but if you're serious about just wanting to talk, I'll listen to what you're going to say if you agree there can be some distance between us." He replied as he glanced back her, opening his door and stepping inside. Because his back was to her, he didn't see that she rolled her eyes at him.

She followed after him though and closed the door behind herself. She chose to stat leaning against the wall right inside the door while he sat down on the bed. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Lena chose to break the silence.

"Trust is something that we still need to work on between us, but that isn't what I wanted to talk about with you. Tomorrow is Friday and that means there's only three days left before you're leaving again, right?"

"Yeah, at least until my birthday from what I understand, if you agree to the arrangement for us to get officially engaged." Samuel replied. She could tell that this conversation was making him become a little stiff, most likely because he wasn't sure still what her answer was going to be.

"I'll make you a compromise about that. I won't object to the arrangement. I wouldn't really have a viable excuse that I could use with my father even if I wanted to seeing as he can tell we're not working out badly, so I might as well say yes and wait for the six months to by." She told him with a shrug, he got ready to open his mouth to speak, but she held up her hand to stop him.

"Let me finish. This week hasn't given you a weak insight into what it's like being a part of the Red Scorpions. There's a lot of things that my father didn't want to expose you to because he wasn't sure how this was all going to work out and the more involved you were if it didn't, the more at risk you and your family would be if we didn't work out." She explained.

"Becoming a part of this family, there's going to be a lot of things you might not like that you're going to be exposed to and have to deal with. We grew up in different worlds so the things I'm used to, you may not understand right away and might even disagree with, but compared to other groups, we're not as cruel or unreasonable." Samuel was quiet as he listened to Lena's explanation, he could see why she would want to talk about something like this in private. Her father might not have approved of her telling him so much since there was still three days to go before the week was over.

"I've already made up my mind to agree to this, so it isn't like you could easily say no and reject your position to become my fiancé. What I will offer though is if you agree to come with me to the gun range tomorrow and see what it's like to be around real guns and handle them, I'll agree to let you go home over the weekend, if you also agree to allow me to come over when it's your eighteenth birthday." Samuel wasn't sure to say at fist when she offered him this chance, it wasn't what he had been expecting her to say.

"Why would you let me go home early?" He finally asked after a short silence. Her body language didn't give away any uncertainty or worry she about how he would react to that information.

"I have already made my mind up about the decision. The point in you coming here was to see how it would end up working out between us. If I tell my father that I agree to the arrangement, then there's no reason for you to stay here the other two days when you could be with your family with the short time you have left before your birthday." She replied.

"Do you agree with what I am asking though?" She questioned as she folder her arms over her chest while waiting for a reply.

"I don't mind, but I wouldn't to check with my parents first to make sure they're okay with it and let them know what you told me." He replied. She could tell that what she had told him had caused him to relax considerably. There was even a noticeable amount of excite me in his body language.

"So next time I tell you that I want to go somewhere to just talk with you, are you going to believe me?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him. He offered him an uncomfortable smile when asked that.

"I think I will base that off of your mood." was the response he gave. It wasn't what she was hoping for, but she would have to deal with it for now. They could work something out about that later.

"Fine, I'm leaving for the night then, but if your parents agree to it. We'll have to head there by ten in the morning so that we will be there on time." Lena told him as she stepped away from the wall and headed towards the door to leave. She didn't have anything left to say to him so she knew it was time to retire for the night since she still had other things to do.

"Thank you." Samuel told her before she had a chance to leave, stopping, she turned to look at him over her shoulder with a small smirk.

"Don't thank me just yet. This is only the first week. We still have six months ahead of us after this before the wedding would take place to work everything out." She replied before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

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