Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 363 Everyone Said I Was Bad

Chapter 363 Everyone Said I Was Bad

Cain didn't have to be told how urgent the situation was. Yet, he didn't take action right away. Who in their right mind would without observing the situation first? Not that Cain had much of a right mind left in the first place. He'd lost that long ago when he signed up to be a mercenary. 

"Whatever your name is, you'd be better off going back to where I came from and keeping an eye on the baby cousin. I told my men to keep an eye on him, but it wouldn't be great for him to see this situation." Cain rolled his sleeves up. Dealing with crazy people was one of his specialties. More than one person involved would only complicate the whole situation more than necessary.

Jovani didn't seem to care about anything else going on around him, the drug enhanced raged made him focus only on the target in front of him. To his credit, Alonso did a decent job of pushing back against the unrelenting force. 

"You sure? You don't know what he's capable of the same way that I do. If he ends up coming after you, no one will be here to back you up." The mercenary licked his lips as a low chuckle escaped. Cain could feel the excitement build at the sight of blood and the scent that followed an intense fight began to fill the air. Oho what an unexpected fun treat his stay had begun to turn into. 

"How cute of you to be considerate of me. It's necessary, however. You, likewise, don't know what I am capable of. Now go. Five minutes and if this isn't done, tell the two in the back to come and fetch me." Cain knew he wouldn't need anything such thing to happen but at it seemed good enough to get the woman to leave. AFter all, he couldn't afford for her to end up getting hurt before their fight would take place.

What fun would there be in taking on a wounded opponent? Absolutely none was the correct answer. The mercenary cracked his knuckles before he came over to approach the other two men. He didn't get very far before noting how Jovani's attention shifted to him out of the corner of the other man's eyes. 

"Jovani while we both seem to have our issues with Alonso, I can't have you having all the fun on your own. Not to mention, I'm staunchly against raising a fist against one's own. How about we talk a pause to talk this out." Jovani didn't give the other even a smidgen of an indication that he would stop. The idea of being able to bash Alonso's head in against the floor far too tempting to stop before the goal was reached. The thud of bone against tile made even the violent hungry mercenary wince. He'd wanted his shot at the mafioso but only to get even. This went beyond that. 

"Jovani-" Cain attempted to put a hand on the other's shoulder to get his attention. It never made contact as the Vedova Nera boss lashed out at the mercenary when the appendage invaded his personal space. Jovani didn't have to get off from the top of the other man to do any damage to the mercenary. He somehow managed to maintain a good strike distance around himself despite the awkward position. 

"Chiki, you're much more violent than I had imagined you would be. Come now, surely you wouldn't want to have me have to end up getting too rough. Would you?"  Jovani hadn't pulled his punch. Cain's forearm took the burnt of the hit, one hard enough that the muscle in his forearm twinged from the strength behind the hit. 

"Cain, didn't I already tell you once before that you weren't supposed to come back out until later? Don't try and involve yourself in matters that aren't any of your concern." It seemed that Jovani didn't even care about how badly he'd managed to scrap up his knuckles or the blood building up the more he moved. Tch. It seemed that it was time to take things to a more serious note. Being gentle wasn't going to get Cain anywhere. 

"Don't blame for what happens next. You're the one who brought this on yourself. I tried to do it the nice way first." Pity Jovani couldn't see exactly how this matter concerned him. Alonso happened to be his target as well. The mercenary made a second attempt at grabbing the Vedova Nera boss, except this time, he was prepared. 

Cain managed to grab the other's arm before it could even get close to making contact. The mercenary didn't pay much heed to the injury as the arm was giving a rough jerk and twist to the side. Not quite enough to dislocate it but instead to force it's owner up and out of the way. Jovani didn't appreciate this treatment one bit and fought back by forcefully elbowing Cain in the face. A low hiss escaped the mercenary's mouth. The force made the already damage cartilage throb in protest. The worst pain felt it had been broken. 

"Let me the fuck go. You don't have any right to touch me with you being part of the problem. Cain managed to block the second elbow aimed at hitting his stomach with his own arm. 

"Now, now. I'm not trying to be part of the problem. I'm here to make you realize that you're the one that is causing so much more trouble than necessary. Why don't the two of us take a few deep breaths, get our heads back about ourselves, and realize what we are doing, hmm?" Cain struggled but somehow managed to pull Jovani tightly against his own body in a semi-headlock. Sharp, ready to tear teeth made it hard for the full maneuver to accomplish. Jovani didn't care what he used to get the other to let go, he'd tossed out anything at Cain he could.

"You need to get off him." She approached with the intent of grabbing hold of the Vedova Nera boss, only to be shoved away roughly by the other man.

"Emma, this isn't something for you to get involved with unless you want to side with him." The hollow, frosty edge to the voice made Emma freeze. It had been a long time since Jovani had taken such a tone with anyone. What had Alonso done to set him off in such a manner?

"I'm not siding with anyone here. I think you might care to stop what you're doing before you kill the only reliable man you have with." She did her best not to be dissuaded by the other's tone as she tried once more to get the Vedova Nera boss off the top of Alonso.

Jovani, once again, shoved her away. He used even more force than the first time. Emma winced as she hit a somewhat rough surface. The pain only lasted a second, replaced by surprise when a pair of hands wrapped around her.

"My. It seems that someone has decided to beat me to the one thing I have wanted to do since coming here. Do you mind telling me what occurred here that would've resulted in this mess?" Emma didn't expect to meet an amused, somewhat bitter pair of haze orbs when she looked up that belonged to no other than the mercenary she had wanted to pick a fight with.

"Are you going to keep looking at me like that, or will you explain the situation? I don't want to get involved in something that won't do me well." Emma's expression turned to annoyance, her face falling; she shoved away from the other, who let her go quickly.

"What makes you think that I know? I'm only here because I heard the crash. I don't care what your usual policy is; I suggest you help if you don't want your man taken out by his boss before you can patch things up." Cain grumbled as he looked at the sight in front of him. It didn't look like it would be an easy task to get Jovani off of Alonso. Did the right-hand man need their help? Cain couldn't quite tell from their positions.josei

Alonso had almost given up on trying to protect his face as he moved to keep the hands off him. It hurt too much to try and speak, let alone breathe. What a great day this had somehow turned out to be. The exact kind that the right-hand man had wanted to try and avoid all along. Never again would he be allowing Jovani near any drugs.

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