Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 369 That's Not Even Remotely Close

Chapter 369 That's Not Even Remotely Close

As Lena stepped through the door, Hester could only feel relief. Thank goodness he'd not chosen to pull his gun yet. No way would that situation have worked out in his favor. A gun in the Princess's face would only end badly. Accident or not, her current mood would leave no space for forgiveness or second chances. 

"Hester. There isn't anything to worry about anymore. Our chat can wait until a later point." The tech didn't have to inquire as to why when he saw Gabrielle. The Italian woman looked precisely the same as he remembered from their last meeting. 

"Hesterious. Nice to see you again, as always. Next time, you might want to work on a different method for reaching out." The Italian woman patted him roughly on the shoulder as she stepped around him and Lena to enter the room.

"Surely you didn't have all of this setup in hopes of getting in touch with me? I'm quite flattered you went to all this trouble." She cooed quietly as she took in all the unfamiliar faces. No one looked strong enough to be able to handle her. Good. She hadn't come there looking for a fight. At least not get it. 

"Gabri, if you want to get what I have for you, don't go about antagonizing my men." Lena didn't need one more child to watch out for. As a reminder, she waggled the pez dispenser in front of the other before pocketing it once. The Italian could growl and cuss in her language as much as she wanted. She would never leave before getting her hands on the object of her desire.

"Everything here isn't only to get in touch with you. It's part of the reason you've brought it here. Something you need to go about helping us with." Hester elaborated, stepping past the other as he pointed to a vacant seat. 

"There are much bigger matters we are attempting to handle than just you." The tech did his best to motion for his men their manners.  josei

Gabrielle was obnoxious without question. She'd likely end up murdering someone. Currently, though, they couldn't afford for any fights to break out. At least not with the mood that Lena was presently in.

"What kind of big thing? Best be something interesting if you want me to help." She faced towards the back of the chair as she sat down, legs spread on either side of the chair.

The mission better be worth the trouble of what she wanted to get ahold of. If not, stealing would be the better option.

"If you'd sit down and shut up for a few minutes, you'd know already." The Princess sniped at the other woman, tossing her jacket on the back of her chair.

God. Did no one know how to be quiet just for a few moments? Was it too much to ask for with everything else that had been going on? Lena indeed hoped not. Wet clothes plus annoyance had made her trigger finger start to itch again.

Gabrielle listened for once as she made a motion to indicate her, zipping her lips shut and throwing the key away. Technically there shouldn't have been any key, but now wasn't the time.

"We're on all of this because someone has been causing trouble for the family. We didn't invite you here to a hospital for the fun of it." Hester began to explain after a motion from the Princess.

"We brought you in to help with the who and why. You have enough skills to figure that out without needing much time. Your connections are endless, and you'll be well compensated for them." The tech didn't pause even when it appeared Gabrielle lost interest. 

"It might not be the kind of job you're used to, but it's what you'll take on." Lena kicked the Italian woman's chair to remind her of whose presence she was.

  "I have done plenty of jobs like this. If you have something for me to work off of, I can finish it in a few minutes." Gabrielle rocked the chair, waiting for a response, until she realized everyone had fallen silent. Did she say something terrible? 

The Italian's eyes turned to the Princess, whose attention was focused on the screen before her instead of the other woman.

"Hester." Hester cleared his throat, grabbing his tablet to show the other woman what they were dealing with. The only word that slipped out of Lena's mouth was before she continued what she did as she engaged the person sitting next to her.

"You're here precisely because we don't know what we are dealing with. Please find out for us. We can provide you with everything we know, but we don't know the who or why. Just a few guesses." Did they bring her here expecting that she would be able to work some magic for them? That didn't sound promising in the slightest…

"Y'all do realize that I am a normal person just like the rest of you? I need more than a few whiffs of something if you expect me to help. Certainly, you have gotten my attention, but if you want instant, you must do better than this." Grabelle snatched the tablet out of the other's hand before he even had a chance to lower it for her to take it properly.

Tch, this wouldn't do in the slightest. Since when did the Princess get so desperate that she would request such a thing happen?

"If you don't think you can do something immediately about this, maybe you need to think and consider it. I am sure I can do a far better job than you." The tension had barely disappeared in the room once the Italian woman returned full force with the newcomer who invited themselves in without asking.

"Last time I checked, I was the one who was more qualified to take on this type of case between the two of us." All eyes turned to the newcomer who dared to speak in such an arrogant manner. 

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