Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 372 Shared Cigars And An Unexpected Response

Chapter 372 Shared Cigars And An Unexpected Response

Richard didn't' think that mention the princess would lead to Samuel suddenly winding down and becoming compliant. It didn't' take much to lead him to somewhere further away where they could chat in peace. No wonder the princess kept him by her side. Reliable yet fairly easy to handle.

"I don't think that there is anyone around currently. We might have to deal with going about having this conversation without anything to eat. Unless you would like to go out and talk about this over a late lunch?" Richard could always go for food. Especially when a seemingly heavily conversation loomed over the horizon.

"I ate earlier and I don't' think that this is the kind of conversation to be having outside." Outside? The kid didn't want other people to hear? Interesting… Richard only shrugged his shoulders as he crossed his legs and leaned back further in the chair.

"I'm always in favor of fresh air but the choice is ultimately yours. As long as you agree to talk about whatever is going on." Samuel refused to take a seat even as the mafioso inclined his head in the direction of empty armchair across from him. Samuel instead chose to stuff his hands in his pockets.

"The princess is currently avoiding me so depending on what you want to know, I don't think that there will be much for us to talk about." The clack of a cigar case being shut broke the heavy silence that followed these words.

"Kid, I'm interested in finding out exactly why she's avoiding you. That is something that I'm sure you can provide the answer for. Have you ever smoked before?" Richard carefully light the cigar in his mouth before tossing the lighter onto the table. The mafioso inhaled deeply before releasing a large ring of smoke.josei

"I don't have interest in such things." Still, Samuel watched the other intently from where he stood between the two seats.

"You might not have an interest in it but I think that you would find it could be a good aid to help with whatever is going with your nerves. Nicotine and the likes are always great for helping to calm fried nerves." Richard held out the cigar in the other's direction after taking another puff from it. Richard rarely shared his pricy, expensive treasures with anyone who he didn't deem worthy of being in his circle. They were one of his few indulgences outside of food and were far too good for anyone else that fell outside of that category.

He watched as Samuel seemed to have a hard internal debate with himself over whether or not he should take the object. Such an innocent kid. Exactly the kind that didn't belong in their world. Yet, here they were. Were they to ever play 'never have I ever' the kid would put even the tamest of mafioso among any of the other families to shame with how few risky or indecent things he'd ever done.

"Just take it already. A few puffs aren't going to hurt you. If you don't like it, you can just hand it back over without any harm being done." Richard leaned over further in his chair to hand the object off to the other. Samuel almost dropped as long fingers fumbled with figuring out exactly how to grab the elongated object. Richard did his best not to smirk too noticeably while observing the other.

"Just take it slow and don't inhale too deeply at first. Take your time getting used to it." Richard coached as Samuel put the cigar to his lips, pushing it past them despite the way his lips as though attempting to form a sour expression around the taste of the unfamiliar object. The mafioso nodded his head in approval as the kid took the first puff. Maybe a little too deep and hard based on the way his stomach and chest moved as he inhaled.

"There ya go. Now maybe you can think about taking a seat so we can really get into discussing what is going on." Richard held out his hand to take the cigar back after Samuel had a few puffs. His nonverbal expression made it clear what he thought of the cigar as he handed it back but the lack of words neither confirmed or denied what the expression on his face made clear.

"Wouldn't it be better by now to go and see what is going on with Jovani?" Samuel's eyes shifted towards the room's closed door. Richard could say what he wanted but younger cousin knew something bigger than the mafioso indicated was going on with Jovani.

"Now. It would be far better if you would sit your ass down already and stop avoiding having this conversation with me." Richard snapped his fingers in the direction of the chair and fixed Samuel with a look that said the matter was no longer up for debate. Sitting was expected no longer optional.

"Lena hasn't told me anything about what is going on. I would guess however based upon the expression on your face and the fact that you're here it must be something big." Richard once more put the cigar in his mouth as he waited to see what the other would have to add. Surely after a few puffs of the cigar getting the other to speak wouldn't be that hard. There was a reason why they were one of Richard's favorite and it had nothing to do with the amazing hickory smell and taste that lingered for hours after he'd finished smoking.

"Because this is something going on between Lena and myself, I don't know if it would be right for me to talk about it with a third party. I've hardly had the time to figure out exactly what is going on myself." Samuel sunk into the other leather armchair but hardly seemed to relax as he remained perched near the edge rather than fully seated.

"The fact that you haven't had the chance to process what is going on is exactly why you need to speak with someone else about it.  I'm sure you've said something to Jovani. Anyone would speak with family about such things first, it only makes sense. I hardly doubt thought that he is the right person to give you advice on how to deal with Lena and whatever is going on. Why don't you start by telling me the issue is first." Richard held out the cigar to Samuel once more. All it should take was just a little bit more before the other would fully relax.

Samuel didn't refuse this time, putting to his mouth without missing a beat. The slightly glazed look in his eyes told Richard what he needed was already starting to happen.

"I don't think that there is much tell. Lena pulled a gun on me after which she decided to send me away." The mafioso almost dropped the cigarette as it was handed back up him barely avoiding burning himself as the words sunk in. 

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